Module: vizStructures

struct MsgCurrStatus
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure to store that status of a Basilisk message being read in by vizInterface.

Public Members

uint64_t lastTimeTag = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

[ns] The previous read time-tag for msg

bool dataFresh = false

Flag indicating that new data has been read.

struct ThrClusterMap
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure to store a thruster group information.

Public Members

std::string thrTag

ModelTag associated with the thruster grouping.

int color[4] = {-1}

RGBA thruster plume color for all thrusters in this group.

struct PointLine
#include <vizStructures.h>

Vizard setting structure to define a pointing line feature. This is used to draw a colored line from one space object to another space object.

Public Members

std::string fromBodyName

name of the body to start the line

std::string toBodyName

name of the body to point the line towards

int lineColor[4]

desired RGBA as values between 0 and 255

struct KeepOutInCone
#include <vizStructures.h>

Vizard setting structure to define a keep out/in cone visual feature. Here cone is drawn attached to one body with a body-fixed position and heading. If a second celestial object is within or outside this code, then the opacity of the cone changes.

Public Members

bool isKeepIn

True -> keep in cone created, False -> keep out cone created.

double position_B[3]

[m] cone start relative to from body coordinate frame

double normalVector_B[3]

cone normal direction vector

double incidenceAngle

[rad] cone incidence angle

double coneHeight

[m] sets height of visible cone (asthetic only, does not impact function)

std::string fromBodyName

name of body to attach cone onto

std::string toBodyName

detect changes if this body has impingement on cone

int coneColor[4]

desired RGBA as values between 0 and 255

std::string coneName

cone name, if unspecified, viz will autogenerate name

struct StdCameraSettings
#include <vizStructures.h>

Vizard setting structure to define a standard Vizard camera. These can be assigned to any spacecraft and set to point at either another object, or to point in a body-fixed direction.

Public Members

std::string spacecraftName

name of spacecraft onto which to place a camera

int setMode = 1

0 -> body targeting, 1 -> pointing vector (default)

double fieldOfView = -1

[rad], edge-to-edge field of view setting, -1 -> use default, values between 0.0001 and 179.9999 deg valid

std::string bodyTarget

Name of body camera should point to (default to first celestial body in messages). This is a setting for body targeting mode.

int setView = 0

0 -> Nadir, 1 -> Orbit Normal, 2 -> Along Track (default to nadir). This is a setting for body targeting mode.

double pointingVector_B[3]

(default to 1, 0, 0). This is a setting for pointing vector mode.

double position_B[3]

(default to 0, 0, 0). If a non-zero vector, this determines the location of the camera. If a zero vector, then the camera is placed outside of the spacecraft along the pointing vector direction.

std::string displayName = ""

(optional) name of the standard camera panel

struct ActuatorGuiSettings
#include <vizStructures.h>

Vizard User Interface structure specifying what actuator visualizations to show.

Public Members

std::string spacecraftName

Specify which spacecraft should show actuator information. If not provided then the viz.spacecraftName is used.

int viewThrusterPanel = 0

[bool] should thruster panel illustration be shown, -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

int viewThrusterHUD = 0

[bool] should thruster Heads-Up-Display be shown, -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

int viewRWPanel = 0

[bool] should reaction wheel panel illustration be shown, -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

int viewRWHUD = 0

[bool] should reaction wheel Heads-Up-Display be shown, -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

int showThrusterLabels = 0

[bool] should the thruster labels be shown, -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

int showRWLabels = 0

[bool] should the reaction wheel labels be shown, -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

struct InstrumentGuiSettings
#include <vizStructures.h>

Vizard User Interface structure InstrumentGuiSettings InstrumentGuiSettings specify what instrument visualizations to show

Public Members

std::string spacecraftName

Specify which spacecraft should show actuator information. If not provided then the viz.spacecraftName is used.

int viewCSSPanel = 0

[int] should CSS panel illustration be shown, -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

int viewCSSBoresight = 0

[int] should CSS boresight axes be shown, -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

int viewCSSCoverage = 0

[int] should CSS coverage spheres be shown, -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

int showCSSLabels = 0

[int] should CSS panel labels be shown, -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

int showGenericSensorLabels = 0

[int] Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true

int showTransceiverLabels = 0

[int] Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true

int showTransceiverFrustrum = 0

[int] Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true

int showGenericStoragePanel = 0

[int] Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true

int showMultiSphereLabels = 0

[int] Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true

struct CustomModel
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining a custom CAD model to load to represent a simulation object.

Public Members

std::string modelPath

Path to model obj -OR- CUBE, CYLINDER, or SPHERE to use a primitive shape.

std::vector<std::string> simBodiesToModify

Which bodies in scene to replace with this model, use ALL_SPACECRAFT to apply custom model to all spacecraft in simulation.

double offset[3]

[m] offset to use to draw the model

double rotation[3]

[rad] 3-2-1 Euler angles to rotate CAD about z, y, x axes

double scale[3]

desired model scaling factor along the body x, y, z axes in spacecraft CS

std::string customTexturePath

(Optional) Path to texture to apply to model (note that a custom model’s .mtl will be automatically imported with its textures during custom model import)

std::string normalMapPath

(Optional) Path to the normal map for the customTexture

int shader = -1

(Optional) Value of -1 to use viz default, 0 for Unity Specular Standard Shader, 1 for Unity Standard Shader

std::vector<int> color

Send desired RGBA as values between 0 and 255, default is gray, and will be applied to the albedo color setting.

struct LocationPbMsg
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining ground location information

Public Members

std::string stationName

ground location text label

std::string parentBodyName

name of the parent planet body P on which the ground location G is positioned

double r_GP_P[3]

[m] Position of location G relative to planet frame P

double gHat_P[3]

ground location Normal relative to parent body frame.

double fieldOfView = -1

[rad] Edge-to-Edge, -1 -> use default, values between 0.0001deg and 179.9999deg valid

int color[4] = {-1}

Send desired RGBA as values between 0 and 255, -1 -> use default.

double range = 0

[m] range of the ground location, use 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default

struct GenericSensor
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining generic sensor information

Public Members

double r_SB_B[3]

[m] Position of sensor relative to body frame, in body frame components

std::vector<double> fieldOfView

[rad] edgle-to-edge field of view, single positive value means a conical sensor, 2 positive values are for a rectangular sensor

double normalVector[3]

normal vector of the sensor bore sight axis

int isHidden = 0

(optional) true to hide sensor HUD, false to show sensor HUD (default)

double size = 0

[m] (optional) size of the sensor visualization, use 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default size

std::vector<int> color

(optional) RGBA as values between 0 and 255, multiple colors can be populated in this field and will be assigned to the additional mode (Modes 0 and 1 will use the 0th color, Mode 2 will use the color indexed to 1, etc. If 2 colors are provided, then the vector should have size 8 (2x4 color channels)

std::string label = ""

(optional) string to display on sensor label

ReadFunctor<DeviceCmdMsgPayload> genericSensorCmdInMsg

[-] (Optional) incoming sensor cmd state msg

uint64_t genericSensorCmd = 0

[int] (optional) sensor cmd value, if cmd input msg is connected, then this is set from the message

struct Ellipsoid
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining spcecraft Ellipsoid information

Public Members

int isOn

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int useBodyFrame

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true, default is to use the Hill frame.

double position[3]

[m] Position of ellipsoid center in xyz (if using body frame) or radial-along track-orbit normal (if Hill frame)

double semiMajorAxes[3]

[m] Semi-major axes in xyz (if using body frame) or radial-along track-orbit normal (if Hill frame)

std::vector<int> color

(optional) RGBA as values between 0 and 255, default is translucent gold

int showGridLines

Show Gridlines on ellipsoid, Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

struct Light
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining spacecraft light information

Public Members

std::string label

[Optional] Name to use to identify light

double position[3]

[m] position of the light in body frame

double fieldOfView

[rad] angle is measured edge-to-edge

double normalVector[3]

normal vector of the light in the body frame

int lightOn

(Optional) Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true

double range

[m] Distance light will act over

double intensity = -1

(Optional) Intensity of light at light origin, default is 1.0

int showLightMarker

(Optional) Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true

double markerDiameter = -1

[m] (Optional) Size to draw the visible lens of the light, default is 0.01 m

std::vector<int> color

(Optional) Send desired RGBA as values between 0 and 255, default is pure white

double gammaSaturation = -1

(Optional) Desired gamma saturation of the light lens, 0 to match light color, 1.0 for pure white, default is 0.8

int showLensFlare

(Optional) Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true

double lensFlareBrightness = -1

(Optional) Simulates refraction of light in camera lens, this value controls the size and brightness of the lens flare, default is 0.3

double lensFlareFadeSpeed = -1

(Optional) Speed with which the lens flare fades, default is 4.0

ReadFunctor<DeviceCmdMsgPayload> onOffCmdInMsg

(Optional) incoming light on/off cmd state msg

struct MultiSphere
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining Multi-Sphere-Method (MSM) sphere configurations

Public Members

int isOn = 0

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

double position[3]

[m] MSM sphere position in the body frame

double radius

[m] radius of the sphere

double currentValue

[Coulomb] current sphere charge value

double maxValue

[Coulomb] maximum sphere charge value

std::vector<int> positiveColor

(optional) Send desired RGBA as values between 0 and 255, default is green

std::vector<int> negativeColor

(optional) Send desired RGBA as values between 0 and 255, default is red

int neutralOpacity = -1

(optional) Send desired opacity value between 0 and 255 for when charge is neutral

struct MultiSphereInfo
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining Multi-Sphere-Method (MSM) information

Public Members

std::vector<MultiSphere*> msmList

list of MSM configuration information

ReadFunctor<ChargeMsmMsgPayload> msmChargeInMsg

input message to read current MSM charges. If not connected, currentValue can be set directly from python

struct GenericStorage
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining generic storage information

Public Members

std::string label = ""

Name of storage device.

std::string type = ""

Type of storage device, i.e. “Battery”, ‘Hard Drive”, “Propellant Tank”, etc.

double currentValue = 0

current absolute value of the storage device, set from the input message if connected

double maxValue = 0

maximum absolute value of the storage device, set from the input message if connected

std::string units = ""

(Optional) Units of stored quantity, i.e. “bytes”, “TB”, “kg”, etc.

std::vector<int> color

(Optional) Send desired RGBA as values between 0 and 255, multiple colors can be populated in this field and will be used to color the bar graph between thresholds (i.e. the first color will be used between values of 0 and threshold 1, the second color will be used between threshold 1 and 2,…, the last color will be used between threshold n and the maxValue

std::vector<int> thresholds

(Optional) Percentages of maxValue at which to change color, note that there should be one fewer threshold values than colors

ReadFunctor<PowerStorageStatusMsgPayload> batteryStateInMsg

(Optional) incoming battery state msg, only connect one input message

ReadFunctor<DataStorageStatusMsgPayload> dataStorageStateInMsg

(Optional) incoming data storage state msg, only connect one input message

ReadFunctor<FuelTankMsgPayload> fuelTankStateInMsg

(Optional) incoming fuel tank state msg, only connect one input message

struct Transceiver
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining antenna transceiver information

Public Members

double r_SB_B[3]

[m] Position of sensor relative to body frame, in body frame components

double fieldOfView

[rad] edgle-to-edge transceiver access cone

double normalVector[3]

normal vector of the transceiver bore sight axis

int isHidden = 0

(optional) true to hide sensor HUD, false to show transceiver HUD (default)

std::vector<int> color

(optional) RGBA as values between 0 and 255

std::string label = ""

(optional) string to display on sensor label

int animationSpeed = 0

(optional) Set transmission animation speed to a value between 1(slowest) to 10 (fastest), or 0 to use viz default

std::vector<ReadFunctor<DataNodeUsageMsgPayload>> transceiverStateInMsgs

(Optional) vector of incoming transceiver state msgs

int transceiverState = 0

[int] (optional) transceiver state value, if communication input msg is connected, then this is set from the message

struct VizSpacecraftData
#include <vizStructures.h>

Defines a data structure for the spacecraft state messages and ID’s.

Public Members

std::string spacecraftName = "bsk-Sat"

Name of the spacecraft.

std::string parentSpacecraftName = ""

Name of parent spacecraft object for multi-body spacecraft.

ReadFunctor<SCStatesMsgPayload> scStateInMsg

msg of incoming spacecraft data

MsgCurrStatus scStateInMsgStatus

(Private) status of the incoming spacecraft data message

SCStatesMsgPayload scStateMsgBuffer

(Private) s/c state message data

std::vector<ReadFunctor<RWConfigLogMsgPayload>> rwInMsgs

(Optional) Vector of incoming RW state messages.

std::vector<MsgCurrStatus> rwInMsgStatus

(Private) RW msg status vector

std::vector<RWConfigLogMsgPayload> rwInMessage

(Private) RW message data vector

std::vector<ReadFunctor<CSSConfigLogMsgPayload>> cssInMsgs

(Optional) Vector of CSS config log messages

std::vector<MsgCurrStatus> cssConfLogInMsgStatus

(Private) status of the incoming array of css configuration log messages

std::vector<CSSConfigLogMsgPayload> cssInMessage

(Private) CSS message data vector

std::vector<ReadFunctor<THROutputMsgPayload>> thrInMsgs

(Optional) vector of thruster input messages

std::vector<MsgCurrStatus> thrMsgStatus

(Private) THR msg status vector

std::vector<THROutputMsgPayload> thrOutputMessage

(Private) Thr message data vector

std::vector<ThrClusterMap> thrInfo

thruster tagging info

std::vector<GenericSensor*> genericSensorList

(Optional) Vector of generic sensor configuration info

std::vector<Transceiver*> transceiverList

(Optional) Vector of transceiver configuration info

std::vector<GenericStorage*> genericStorageList

(Optional) Vector of generic storage configuration info

std::vector<Light*> lightList

(Optional) Vector of spacecraft light devices

std::string spacecraftSprite = ""

Set sprite for this spacecraft only through shape name and optional int RGB color values [0,255] Possible settings: “CIRCLE”,”SQUARE”, “STAR”, “TRIANGLE” or “bskSat” for a 2D spacecraft sprite of the bskSat shape.

std::string modelDictionaryKey = ""

(Optional) string specifiying which Vizard cad model to use. If set, it over-rides the model selected by spacecraftName

std::string logoTexture = ""

(Optional) Path to image texture to be used to customize built-in spacecraft models

std::vector<int> oscOrbitLineColor

(Optional) Send desired RGBA as values between 0 and 255, color can be changed at any time step

std::vector<int> trueTrajectoryLineColor

(Optional) Send desired RGBA as values between 0 and 255, color can be changed at any time step

ReadFunctor<ColorMsgPayload> trueTrajectoryLineColorInMsg

(Optional) Messages specifying true trajectory orbit line RGBA colors. If connected, this replaces the values set in trueTrajectoryLineColor

MultiSphereInfo msmInfo

(Optional) MSM configuration information

std::vector<Ellipsoid*> ellipsoidList

(Optional) ellipsoid about the spacecraft location

struct VizSettings
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining various Vizard options

Public Members

double ambient = -1.0

Ambient background lighting. Should be a value between 0 and 8. A value of -1 means it is not set.

int32_t orbitLinesOn = 0

Toggle to show osculating orbit lines, Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for relative to parent body, 2 for relative to chief spacecraft body.

int32_t trueTrajectoryLinesOn = 0

Toggle to show true orbit lines, Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 to use inertial positions, 2 for relative to chief spacecraft body.

int32_t spacecraftCSon = 0

Toggle for showing spacecraft CS with values -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

int32_t planetCSon = 0

Toggle for showing planet CS with values -1 (off), 0 (default), 1 (on)

std::vector<PointLine> pointLineList

vector of lines pointing from the spacecraft towards another scene object

std::vector<KeepOutInCone> coneList

vector of keep in/out cones

std::vector<StdCameraSettings> stdCameraList

vector of spacecraft cameras

std::vector<CustomModel> customModelList

vector of custom object models

std::vector<ActuatorGuiSettings> actuatorGuiSettingsList

msg containing the flags on displaying the actuator GUI elements

std::vector<InstrumentGuiSettings> instrumentGuiSettingsList

msg containing the flags on displaying instruments

std::string skyBox = ""

string containing the star field options, an empty string’’ provides default NASA SVS Starmap, ESO use ESO Milky Way skybox, black provides a black background, or provide a filepath to custom background

bool dataFresh

flag indicating if the settings have been transmitted,

int32_t viewCameraBoresightHUD = 0

Value of 0 to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t viewCameraConeHUD = 0

Value of 0 to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t showCSLabels = 0

Value of 0 to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t showCelestialBodyLabels = 0

Value of 0 to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t showSpacecraftLabels = 0

Value of 0 to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t showCameraLabels = 0

Value of 0 to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

double customGUIScale = -1.0

GUI scaling parameter, Value of -1 to use viz default, values in [0.5, 3].

std::string defaultSpacecraftSprite = ""

Set sprite for ALL spacecraft through shape name and optional int RGB color values [0,255] Possible settings: “CIRCLE”,”SQUARE”, “STAR”, “TRIANGLE” or “bskSat” for a 2D spacecraft sprite of the bskSat shape.

int32_t showSpacecraftAsSprites = 0

Value of 0 to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t showCelestialBodiesAsSprites = 0

Value of 0 to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t show24hrClock = 0

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t showDataRateDisplay = 0

flag to show data frame rate, 0 (protobuffer default), -1 for false, 1 for true

double keyboardAngularRate = -1.0

[rad/sec] Rotation rate of camera keyboard rates per click. Value of less than/equal to zero to use viz default

double keyboardZoomRate = -1.0

Value for speed at which the camera zooms in or out. Value of less than/equal to zero to use viz default.

int defaultThrusterColor[4] = {-1}

Default thruster plume color RGBA values.

double defaultThrusterPlumeLifeScalar = 1.0

Value of 1.0 or 0.0 to use viz default, values between 0 and 1 will decrease the length of all plumes, >1 will increase lengths of all plumes.

int orbitLineSegments = 0

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default or any value greater than or equal to 4.

int relativeOrbitRange = 0

[deg] Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default or any value greater than or equal to 1

std::string mainCameraTarget = ""

If valid spacecraft or celestial body name is provided, the main camera will be targeted at that body at start.

int showHillFrame = 0

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int showVelocityFrame = 0

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int relativeOrbitFrame = 0

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) or 1 to use Hill Frame, 2 to use Velocity Frame.

double spacecraftShadowBrightness = -1.0

Control the ambient light specific to spacecraft objects, value between 0 and 1, use negative value to use viz default.

double spacecraftSizeMultiplier = -1

Control the display size of spacecraft in the Planet and Solar System Views, values greater than 0, use negative value to use viz default.

double spacecraftHelioViewSizeMultiplier = -1

Control the display size of spacecraft in the Solar System View, values greater than 0, use negative value to use viz default.

int forceStartAtSpacecraftLocalView = -1

Require Vizard to start up in spacecraft-view on start up.

int useSimpleLocationMarkers = 0

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use simplified Location markers when number of locations is greater than 100, -1 to force use of full-featured Location, 1 to force use of simplified Location (no cones, range, or communication lines)

int32_t showLocationCommLines = 0

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t showLocationCones = 0

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t showLocationLabels = 0

Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t atmospheresOff = 0

Toggle to disable the atmosphere effect on celestial bodies, Value of 0 (protobuffer default to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int32_t scViewToPlanetViewBoundaryMultiplier = 0

Multiplier x 1000m to set the boundary at which the spacecraft local view transitions to planet view. Valid range from 1 to 10 or 0 to use viz default.

int32_t planetViewToHelioViewBoundaryMultiplier = 0

Multiplier x (10000 * current planet local scale) at which the planet view transitions to the solar system view. Valid range from 1 to 10 or 0 to use viz default.

double sunIntensity = 0

Multiplier for the intensity of the light being used as the main light source or sun, value of 0 to use viz default.

int32_t attenuateSunLightWithDistance = 0

Toggle to reduce brightness of sun lighting with the square of the distance from the sun. Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

int showLightLabels = 0

Toggle to label spacecraft light elements, Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true.

double celestialBodyHelioViewSizeMultiplier = -1

Control the display size of celestial bodies in the Solar System View, values greater than 0, use negative value to use viz default.

int showMissionTime = 0

flag to show the mission time instead of the simulation time. Value of 0 (protobuffer default) to use viz default, -1 for false, 1 for true

std::string keyboardLiveInput = ""

string of alphanumeric key inputs to listen for during 2-way communication

int64_t messageBufferSize = 0

[bytes] Maximum size of vizMessages to be loaded into memory at one time, -1 to force loading of entire file into memory, 0 to use viz default

struct LiveVizSettings
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining various Vizard options

Public Members

std::vector<PointLine> targetLineList

vector of lines between 2 scenario targets. This list is redrawn on each update step, thus the line properties can change with time.

std::string relativeOrbitChief = ""

If valid spacecraft name provided, the relative orbit chief spacecraft will be set to that spacecraft object. Setting the string to “AUTO” or leaving this field empty will select the camera target spacecraft as the chief.

struct VizEventDialog
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining Vizard dialog boxes

Public Members

std::string eventHandlerID = ""

Name of Vizard event handler to be returned with EventReply responses.

std::string displayString = ""

Contains the information or choice that should be posed to the user.

std::vector<std::string> userOptions = {}

Determines how many user choices will be shown and what the displayed string will say. If this is empty, the dialog is assumed to be informational only.

double durationOfDisplay = -1

How long to display the dialog box for, use -1 to leave panel on display until closed by user.

bool useSimElapsedTimeForDuration = false

[seconds] If true and duration of display is set, use the sim elapsed time to calculate when to hide window. If false, use real time (system clock).

int useConfirmationPanel = 0

Should event handler pop up a confirmation window before sending back response, -1 to not show confirmation panel, 0 to use viz default, and 1 to require a user confirmation of their selection.

int hideOnSelection = 0

Should the panel disappear after the user has selected an option?, -1 to continue to show panel, 0 to use viz default, and 1 to hide panel after user makes a selection, 2 to destroy panel after user makes a selection.

std::string dialogFormat = "none"

Select format for dialog box: WARNING, CAUTION, or none to use viz default format.

struct GravBodyInfo
#include <vizStructures.h>

Structure defining vizard gravity body values

Public Members

std::string bodyName

celestial body name

double mu

[m^3/s^2] celestial body gravity constant

double radEquator

[m] celestial body radius at equator

double radiusRatio


std::string modelDictionaryKey

(optional) Vizard model key to use. If set, it over-rides the model selected by the name