Module: svIntegratorRKF45

RKF45 integrator. It implements the method integrate() to advance one simulation time step, but can scale intermediate time steps according to the current relative error and the module’s relative tolerance.

The module PDF Description contains further information on this module’s function, how to run it, as well as testing.

The default absTol value is 1e-8, while the default relTol is 1e-4.

class svIntegratorRKF45 : public svIntegratorAdaptiveRungeKutta<6>
#include <svIntegratorRKF45.h>

4th order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg variable time step integrator

Public Functions

svIntegratorRKF45(DynamicObject *dyn)

class method

Private Static Functions

static RKAdaptiveCoefficients<6> getCoefficients()