
test_hingedBodyLinearProfiler.hingedBodyLinearProfilerTestFunction(show_plots, startTime, endTime, startTheta, endTheta)[source]

Test method

test_hingedBodyLinearProfiler.test_hingedBodyLinearProfiler(show_plots, startTime, endTime, startTheta, endTheta)[source]

Validation Test Description

For a given deployment, checks that the theta before, during, and after deployment are correct.

Test Parameters

Discuss the test parameters used.

  • startTime (uint64_t) – starting time in nanoseconds

  • endTime (uint64_t) – ending time in nanoseconds

  • startTheta (double) – starting angle of deployment in radians

  • endTheta (double) – ending angle of deployment in radians

Description of Variables Being Tested

For a deployment from 0 to 1 degree, starting at 1 second and ending at 2 seconds into the simulation, checks that the angle and angle rates are as expected before, during, and after deployment.

Before deployment, theta should be 0 and thetaDot 0. During deployment, thetaDot should be 1 degree per second, with theta varying linearly. After deployment, theta should be 1 degree and thetaDot 0.