Module: simpleInstrument

Executive Summary

This module provides first-order modeling of data generation from a simple instrument at a fixed baud rate. Specifically, it writes out a DataNodeUsageMsgPayload describing its data name and baud rate at each time step.

For more information on how to set up and use this module, see the simple data system example: scenarioDataDemo

Module Assumptions and Limitations

This module only uses the input and output messages of the DataNodeBase base class.

Message Connection Descriptions

There are no additional module input messages beyond those specified in Module: dataNodeBase.

User Guide

To set up this module users must create a SimpleInstrument instance:

simpleInstrument = simpleInstrument.SimpleInstrument()
simpleInstrument.ModelTag = "instrument1"

Set the nodeBaudRate and nodeDataName variables:

instrument.nodeBaudRate = 1200. # baud
instrument.nodeDataName = "Instrument 1" # baud

The final step is to add the model to task:

scenarioSim.AddModelToTask(taskName, instrument)

Follow the Module: partitionedStorageUnit or Module: simpleStorageUnit instructions to add the instrument to a storage unit.

For more information on how to set up and use this module, see the simple data system example: scenarioDataDemo

class SimpleInstrument : public DataNodeBase
#include <simpleInstrument.h>

simple instrument data handling class

Public Functions


Constructor, which sets the default nodeDataOut to zero.







Private Functions

void evaluateDataModel(DataNodeUsageMsgPayload *dataUsageMsg, double currentTime)

Sets the name and baud rate for the data in the output message.

Sets the name and baud rate for the data in the output message.

