

enum RWModels

enumeration definiting the types of RW modes


enumerator BalancedWheels
enumerator JitterSimple
enumerator JitterFullyCoupled
struct RWConfigSimMsg
#include <rwConfigSimMsg.h>

Structure used to define the individual RW configuration data message.

Public Members

Eigen::Vector3d rWB_B

[m], position vector of the RW relative to the spacecraft body frame

Eigen::Vector3d gsHat_B

[-] spin axis unit vector in body frame

Eigen::Vector3d w2Hat0_B

[-] initial torque axis unit vector in body frame

Eigen::Vector3d w3Hat0_B

[-] initial gimbal axis unit vector in body frame

double mass = 1.0

[kg], reaction wheel rotor mass

double theta = 0.0

[rad], wheel angle

double Omega = 0.0

[rad/s], wheel speed

double Js = 1.0

[kg-m^2], spin axis gsHat rotor moment of inertia

double Jt = 1.0

[kg-m^2], gtHat axis rotor moment of inertia

double Jg = 1.0

[kg-m^2], ggHat axis rotor moment of inertia

double U_s = 0.0

[kg-m], static imbalance

double U_d = 0.0

[kg-m^2], dynamic imbalance

double d = 0.0

[m], wheel center of mass offset from wheel frame origin

double J13 = 0.0

[kg-m^2], x-z inertia of wheel about wheel center in wheel frame (imbalance)

double u_current = 0.0

[N-m], current motor torque

double u_max = -1

[N-m], Max torque, negative value turns off saturating the wheel

double u_min = 0.0

[N-m], Min torque

double fCoulomb = 0.0

[N-m], Coulomb friction torque magnitude

double fStatic = 0.0

[N-m], Static friction torque magnitude

double betaStatic = -1.0

Stribeck friction coefficient; For stribeck friction to be activiated, user must change this variable to a positive non-zero number.

double cViscous = 0.0

[N-m-s/rad] Viscous fricion coefficient

double omegaLimitCycle = 0.0001

[rad/s], wheel speed that avoids limit cycle with friction

double frictionTorque = 0.0

[N-m] friction torque, this is a computed value, don’t set it directly

double omegaBefore = 0.0

[rad/s], wheel speed one time step before

bool frictionStribeck = 0

[-] Boolenian to determine if stribeck friction model is used or not, 0 is non-stribeck, 1 is stribeck; Parameter is set internally.

double Omega_max = -1.0

[rad/s], max wheel speed, negative values turn off wheel saturation

RWModels RWModel = BalancedWheels

[-], Type of imbalance model to use

Eigen::Vector3d aOmega

[-], parameter used in coupled jitter back substitution

Eigen::Vector3d bOmega

[-], parameter used in coupled jitter back substitution

double cOmega = 0.0

[-], parameter used in coupled jitter back substitution

Eigen::Matrix3d IRWPntWc_B
Eigen::Matrix3d IPrimeRWPntWc_B
Eigen::Vector3d rWcB_B
Eigen::Matrix3d rTildeWcB_B
Eigen::Vector3d rPrimeWcB_B
Eigen::Vector3d w2Hat_B
Eigen::Vector3d w3Hat_B
char label[10]

[-], label name of the RW device being simulated