
struct RWConfigLogSimMsg
#include <rwConfigLogSimMsg.h>

Structure used to define the individual RW configuration data message.

Public Members

double rWB_B[3]

[m], position vector of the RW relative to the spacecraft body frame

double gsHat_B[3]

[-] spin axis unit vector in body frame

double w2Hat0_B[3]

[-] initial torque axis unit vector in body frame

double w3Hat0_B[3]

[-] initial gimbal axis unit vector in body frame

double mass

[kg], reaction wheel rotor mass

double theta

[rad], wheel angle

double Omega

[rad/s], wheel speed

double Js

[kg-m^2], spin axis gsHat rotor moment of inertia

double Jt

[kg-m^2], gtHat axis rotor moment of inertia

double Jg

[kg-m^2], ggHat axis rotor moment of inertia

double U_s

[kg-m], static imbalance

double U_d

[kg-m^2], dynamic imbalance

double d

[m], wheel center of mass offset from wheel frame origin

double J13

[kg-m^2], x-z inertia of wheel about wheel center in wheel frame (imbalance)

double u_current

[N-m], current motor torque

double frictionTorque

[N-m], friction Torque

double u_max

[N-m], Max torque

double u_min

[N-m], Min torque

double u_f

[N-m], Coulomb friction torque magnitude

double Omega_max

[rad/s], max wheel speed

double linearFrictionRatio

[%] ratio relative to max speed value up to which the friction behaves linearly

RWModels RWModel

[-], Type of imbalance model to use