
orbitalMotion.D2R = 0.017453292519943295

Gravitational Constants mu = G*m, where m is the planet of the attracting planet. All units are km^3/s^2. Values are obtained from SPICE kernels in http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/

orbitalMotion.E2M(Ecc, e)[source]

Function: E2M Purpose: Maps the eccentric anomaly angle into the corresponding

mean elliptic anomaly angle. Both 2D and 1D elliptic orbit are allowed.


Ecc = eccentric anomaly (rad) e = eccentricity (0 <= e < 1)


M = mean elliptic anomaly (rad)

orbitalMotion.E2f(Ecc, e)[source]

Function: E2f Purpose: Maps eccentric anomaly angles into true anomaly angles

This function requires the orbit to be either circular or non-rectilinar elliptic orbit


Ecc = eccentric anomaly (rad) e = eccentric (0 <= e < 1)


f = true anomaly (rad)

orbitalMotion.H2N(H, e)[source]

Function: H2N Purpose: Maps the hyperbolic anomaly angle H into the corresponding

mean hyperbolic anomaly angle N.


H = hyperbolic anomaly (rad) e = eccentricity (e > 1)


N = mean hyperbolic anomaly (rad)

orbitalMotion.H2f(H, e)[source]

Function: H2f Purpose: Maps hyperbolic anomaly angles into true anomaly angles.

This function requires the orbit to be hyperbolic


H = hyperbolic anomaly (rad) e = eccentricity (e > 1)


f = true anomaly angle (rad)

orbitalMotion.M2E(M, e)[source]
Purpose: Maps the mean elliptic anomaly angle into the corresponding

eccentric anomaly angle. Both 2D and 1D elliptic orbit are allowed.


M = mean elliptic anomaly (rad) e = eccentricity (0 <= e < 1)


Ecc = eccentric anomaly (rad)

orbitalMotion.MU_PLUTO = 983.055

planet information for major solar system bodies. Units are in km. data taken from http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/planets.html

orbitalMotion.N2H(N, e)[source]

Function: N2H Purpose: Maps the mean hyperbolic anomaly angle N into the corresponding

hyperbolic anomaly angle H.


N = mean hyperbolic anomaly (rad) e = eccentricity (e > 1)


H = hyperbolic anomaly (rad)

  • Function: atmosphericDensity

  • Purpose: This program computes the atmospheric density based on altitude

  • supplied by user. This function uses a curve fit based on

  • atmospheric data from the Standard Atmosphere 1976 Data. This

  • function is valid for altitudes ranging from 100km to 1000km.

  • Note: This code can only be applied to spacecraft orbiting the Earth

  • Inputs:

  • alt = altitude in km

  • Outputs:

  • density = density at the given altitude in kg/m^3

orbitalMotion.atmosphericDrag(Cd, A, m, rvec, vvec)[source]
  • Function: atmosphericDrag

  • Purpose: This program computes the atmospheric drag acceleration

  • vector acting on a spacecraft.

  • Note the acceleration vector output is inertial, and is

  • only valid for altitudes up to 1000 km.

  • Afterwards the drag force is zero. Only valid for Earth.

  • Inputs:

  • Cd = drag coefficient of the spacecraft

  • A = cross-sectional area of the spacecraft in m^2

  • m = mass of the spacecraft in kg

  • rvec = Inertial position vector of the spacecraft in km [x;y;z]

  • vvec = Inertial velocity vector of the spacecraft in km/s [vx;vy;vz]

  • Outputs:

  • advec = The inertial acceleration vector due to atmospheric

  • drag in km/sec^2

  • Function: debyeLength

  • Purpose: This program computes the debyeLength length for a given

  • altitude and is valid for altitudes ranging

  • from 200 km to GEO (35000km). However, all values above

  • 1000 km are HIGHLY speculative at this point.

  • Inputs:

  • alt = altitude in km

  • Outputs:

  • debye = debye length given in m

orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, elements)[source]

Function: elem2rv Purpose: Translates the orbit elements

a - semi-major axis (km) e - eccentricity i - inclination (rad) AN - ascending node (rad) AP - argument of periapses (rad) f - true anomaly angle (rad)

to the inertial Cartesian position and velocity vectors. The attracting body is specified through the supplied gravitational constant mu (units of km^3/s^2).


mu = gravitational parameter elements = orbital elements


rVec = position vector vVec = velocity vector

orbitalMotion.elem2rv_parab(mu, elements)[source]

Function: elem2rv Purpose: Translates the orbit elements

a - semi-major axis (km) e - eccentricity i - inclination (rad) AN - ascending node (rad) AP - argument of periapses (rad) f - true anomaly angle (rad)

to the inertial Cartesian position and velocity vectors. The attracting body is specified through the supplied gravitational constant mu (units of km^3/s^2).

The code can handle the following cases:

circular: e = 0 a > 0 elliptical-2D: 0 < e < 1 a > 0 elliptical-1D: e = 1 a > 0 f = Ecc. Anom. here parabolic: e = 1 rp = -a hyperbolic: e > 1 a < 0

Note: to handle the parabolic case and distinguish it form the

rectilinear elliptical case, instead of passing along the semi-major axis a in the “a” input slot, the negative radius at periapses is supplied. Having “a” be negative and e = 1 is a then a unique identified for the code for the parabolic case.


mu = gravitational parameter elements = orbital elements


rVec = position vector vVec = velocity vector

orbitalMotion.f2E(f, e)[source]

Function: f2E Purpose: Maps true anomaly angles into eccentric anomaly angles.

This function requires the orbit to be either circular or non-rectilinar elliptic orbit.


f = true anomaly angle (rad) e = eccentricity (0 <= e < 1)


Ecc = eccentric anomaly (rad)

orbitalMotion.f2H(f, e)[source]

Function: f2H Purpose: Maps true anomaly angles into hyperbolic anomaly angles.

This function requires the orbit to be hyperbolic


f = true anomaly angle (rad) e = eccentricity (e > 1)


H = hyperbolic anomaly (rad)

orbitalMotion.jPerturb(rvec, num, planet)[source]
  • Function: jPerturb

  • Purpose: Computes the J2_EARTH-J6_EARTH zonal graviational perturbation

  • accelerations.

  • Inputs:

  • rvec = Cartesian Position vector in kilometers [x;y;z].

  • num = Corresponds to which J components to use,

  • must be an integer between 2 and 6.

  • (note: Additive- 2 corresponds to J2_EARTH while 3 will

  • correspond to J2_EARTH + J3_EARTH)

  • planet:


  • Outputs:

  • ajtot = The total acceleration vector due to the J

  • perturbations in km/sec^2 [accelx;accely;accelz]

orbitalMotion.rv2elem(mu, rVec, vVec)[source]

Function: rv2elem Purpose: Translates the orbit elements inertial Cartesian position

vector rVec and velocity vector vVec into the corresponding classical orbit elements where

a - semi-major axis (km) e - eccentricity i - inclination (rad) AN - ascending node (rad) AP - argument of periapses (rad) f - true anomaly angle (rad)

if the orbit is rectilinear, then this will be the eccentric or hyperbolic anomaly

The attracting body is specified through the supplied gravitational constant mu (units of km^3/s^2).


mu = gravitational parameter rVec = position vector vVec = velocity vector


elements = orbital elements

orbitalMotion.rv2elem_parab(mu, rVec, vVec)[source]

Function: rv2elem Purpose: Translates the orbit elements inertial Cartesian position

vector rVec and velocity vector vVec into the corresponding classical orbit elements where

a - semi-major axis (km) e - eccentricity i - inclination (rad) AN - ascending node (rad) AP - argument of periapses (rad) f - true anomaly angle (rad)

if the orbit is rectilinear, then this will be the eccentric or hyperbolic anomaly

The attracting body is specified through the supplied gravitational constant mu (units of km^3/s^2).

The code can handle the following cases:

circular: e = 0 a > 0 elliptical-2D: 0 < e < 1 a > 0 elliptical-1D: e = 1 a > 0 parabolic: e = 1 a = -rp hyperbolic: e > 1 a < 0

For the parabolic case the semi-major axis is not defined. In this case -rp (radius at periapses) is returned instead of a. For the circular case, the AN and AP are ill-defined, along with the associated ie and ip unit direction vectors of the perifocal frame. In this circular orbit case, the unit vector ie is set equal to the normalized inertial position vector ir.


mu = gravitational parameter rVec = position vector vVec = velocity vector


elements = orbital elements

TODO: (SAO) Modify this code to return true longitude of periapsis (non-circular, equatorial), argument of latitude (circular, inclined), and true longitude (circular, equatorial) when appropriate instead of simply zeroing out omega and Omega

orbitalMotion.solarRad(A, m, sunvec)[source]
  • Function: solarRad

  • Purpose: Computes the inertial solar radiation force vectors

  • based on cross-sectional Area and mass of the spacecraft

  • and the position vector of the planet to the sun.

  • Note: It is assumed that the solar radiation pressure decreases

  • quadratically with distance from sun (in AU)

  • Solar Radiation Equations obtained from

  • Earth Space and Planets Journal Vol. 51, 1999 pp. 979-986

  • Inputs:

  • A = Cross-sectional area of the spacecraft that is facing

  • the sun in m^2.

  • m = The mass of the spacecraft in kg.

  • sunvec = Position vector to the Sun in units of AU.

  • Earth has a distance of 1 AU.

  • Outputs:

  • arvec = The inertial acceleration vector due to the effects

  • of Solar Radiation pressure in km/sec^2. The vector

  • components of the output are the same as the vector

  • components of the sunvec input vector.