
class datashader_utilities.DS_Plot(data, title='', yAxisLabel='', xAxisLabel='time [ns]', macro_y=1.0, macro_x=1e-09, cmap=['#e41a1c', '#377eb8', '#4daf4a', '#984ea3', '#ff7f00', '#ffff33', '#a65628', '#f781bf', '#999999', '#66c2a5', '#fc8d62', '#8da0cb', '#a6d854', '#ffd92f', '#e5c494', '#ffffb3', '#fb8072', '#fdb462', '#fccde5', '#d9d9d9', '#ccebc5', '#ffed6f'], plotObjType=<class 'holoviews.element.chart.Curve'>, labels=[], plotFcn=<function curve_per_df_component>)[source]

Bases: object

Object which stores data necessary to generate a bokeh image.


Generate hv.Curve or hv.Points from the provided dataframe(s) Scales the index and values using macro_x and macro_y Populates a dictionary with a unique identifier for each curve for curve coloring purposes :return: dict of hv.Curve or hv.Point objects


Generate the image to be sent to the bokeh server. This includes 1) generating curves from the dataframe or list of dataframes, 2) overlaying those curves onto a single image, and 3) populating various annotations and asethetic configurations :return: hv.DynImage()


Divides the dataframe by column into format friendly for datashaders :return: List of single column dataframes


Make a curve per component in the message dataframe (i.e. omega_BR_B[2] across all runs as a single curve) :param df: :return: