Module: dualHingedRigidBodyStateEffector

Class to represent a solar array of two panels. The first panel is hinged on a single axis to the spacecraft body. The second panel is hinged to the first panel by a parallel axis on the opposite end of the first panel from the spacecraft body.) The module PDF Module Description contains further information on this module’s function, how to run it, as well as testing.

class DualHingedRigidBodyStateEffector : public StateEffector, public SysModel

Public Functions

void registerStates(DynParamManager &statesIn)
void linkInStates(DynParamManager &states)
void updateEffectorMassProps(double integTime)
void updateContributions(double integTime, BackSubMatrices &backSubContr, Eigen::Vector3d sigma_BN, Eigen::Vector3d omega_BN_B, Eigen::Vector3d g_N)

Back-sub contributions

void updateEnergyMomContributions(double integTime, Eigen::Vector3d &rotAngMomPntCContr_B, double &rotEnergyContr, Eigen::Vector3d omega_BN_B)

Energy and momentum calculations

This method is for calculating the contributions of the DHRB state effector to the energy and momentum of the s/c

void computeDerivatives(double integTime, Eigen::Vector3d rDDot_BN_N, Eigen::Vector3d omegaDot_BN_B, Eigen::Vector3d sigma_BN)

Method for each stateEffector to calculate derivatives

Public Members

double mass1

[kg] mass of 1st hinged rigid body

double mass2

[kg] mass of 2nd hinged rigid body

double d1

[m] distance from hinge point to hinged rigid body center of mass

double d2

[m] distance from hinge point to hinged rigid body center of mass

double l1

[m] distance from hinge point to hinged rigid body center of mass

double l2

[m] distance from hinge point to hinged rigid body center of mass

double k1

[N-m/rad] torsional spring constant of hinge

double k2

[N-m/rad] torsional spring constant of hinge

double c1

[N-m-s/rad] rotational damping coefficient of hinge

double c2

[N-m-s/rad] rotational damping coefficient of hinge

double theta1Init

[rad] Initial hinged rigid body angle for first panel

double theta1DotInit

[rad/s] Initial hinged rigid body angle rate for first panel

double theta2Init

[rad] Initial hinged rigid body angle for second panel

double theta2DotInit

[rad/s] Initial hinged rigid body angle rate for second panel

Eigen::Matrix3d IPntS1_S1

[kg-m^2] Inertia of hinged rigid body about point S in S frame components

Eigen::Matrix3d IPntS2_S2

[kg-m^2] Inertia of hinged rigid body about point S in S frame components

Eigen::Vector3d rH1B_B

[m] vector pointing from body frame origin to Hinge location

Eigen::Matrix3d dcmH1B

[-] DCM from body frame to hinge frame

double thetaH2S1

[-] theta offset of H2 frame with respect to S1 frame

std::string nameOfTheta1State

[-] Identifier for the theta state data container

std::string nameOfTheta1DotState

[-] Identifier for the thetaDot state data container

std::string nameOfTheta2State

[-] Identifier for the theta state data container

std::string nameOfTheta2DotState

[-] Identifier for the thetaDot state data container

Eigen::MatrixXd *g_N

[m/s^2] Gravitational acceleration in N frame components

BSKLogger bskLogger

BSK Logging

Private Members

Eigen::Matrix3d rTildeH1B_B

[-] Tilde matrix of rHB_B

Eigen::Matrix3d dcmS1B

[-] DCM from body to S1 frame

Eigen::Matrix3d dcmS2B

[-] DCM from body to S2 frame

Eigen::Vector3d omegaBN_S1

[rad/s] omega_BN in S frame components

Eigen::Vector3d omegaBN_S2

[rad/s] omega_BN in S frame components

Eigen::Vector3d sHat11_B

[-] unit direction vector for the first axis of the S frame

Eigen::Vector3d sHat12_B

[-] unit direction vector for the second axis of the S frame

Eigen::Vector3d sHat13_B

[-] unit direction vector for the third axis of the S frame

Eigen::Vector3d sHat21_B

[-] unit direction vector for the first axis of the S frame

Eigen::Vector3d sHat22_B

[-] unit direction vector for the second axis of the S frame

Eigen::Vector3d sHat23_B

[-] unit direction vector for the third axis of the S frame

Eigen::Vector3d rS1B_B

[-] Vector pointing from body origin to CoM of hinged rigid body in B frame comp

Eigen::Vector3d rS2B_B

[-] Vector pointing from body origin to CoM of hinged rigid body in B frame comp

Eigen::Matrix3d rTildeS1B_B

[-] Tilde matrix of rSB_B

Eigen::Matrix3d rTildeS2B_B

[-] Tilde matrix of rSB_B

Eigen::Vector3d rPrimeS1B_B

[m/s] Body time derivative of rSB_B

Eigen::Vector3d rPrimeS2B_B

[m/s] Body time derivative of rSB_B

Eigen::Matrix3d rPrimeTildeS1B_B

[-] Tilde matrix of rPrime_SB_B

Eigen::Matrix3d rPrimeTildeS2B_B

[-] Tilde matrix of rPrime_SB_B

Eigen::Matrix3d IS1PrimePntS1_B

[kg-m^2/s] time body derivative IPntS in body frame components

Eigen::Matrix3d IS2PrimePntS2_B

[kg-m^2/s] time body derivative IPntS in body frame components

Eigen::Vector3d omegaBNLoc_B

[rad/s] local copy of omegaBN

Eigen::Matrix3d omegaTildeBNLoc_B

[-] tilde matrix of omegaBN

double theta1

[rad] hinged rigid body angle

double theta1Dot

[rad/s] hinged rigid body angle rate

double theta2

[rad] hinged rigid body angle

double theta2Dot

[rad/s] hinged rigid body angle rate

Eigen::Matrix2d matrixADHRB

[-] term needed for back substitution

Eigen::Matrix2d matrixEDHRB

[-] term needed for back substitution

Eigen::MatrixXd matrixFDHRB
Eigen::MatrixXd matrixGDHRB
Eigen::Vector2d vectorVDHRB
StateData *hubSigma

[-] state manager access to the hubs MRP state

StateData *hubOmega

[-] state manager access to the hubs omegaBN_B state

StateData *hubVelocity

[-] state manager access to the hubs rDotBN_N state

StateData *theta1State

[-] state manager of theta for hinged rigid body

StateData *theta1DotState

[-] state manager of thetaDot for hinged rigid body

StateData *theta2State

[-] state manager of theta for hinged rigid body

StateData *theta2DotState

[-] state manager of thetaDot for hinged rigid body