Module: sys_model

Basilisk base system model class.

class SysModel

Subclassed by InterfaceDataExchange

Public Functions

SysModel(const SysModel &obj)
void SelfInit()

initialize the module, create messages

void CrossInit()

link to other modules’ messages and any necessary init based on them

void IntegratedInit()


void UpdateState(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)

What the module does each time step

void Reset(uint64_t CurrentSimNanos)

Reset module to specified time

Public Members

std::string ModelTag

name for the algorithm to base off of

uint64_t CallCounts = 0

Counts on the model being called

uint32_t RNGSeed

Giving everyone a random seed for ease of MC

int64_t moduleID

Module ID for this module (handed out by messaging system)