Module: dynamicObject

Object that is to be used by an integrator. This holds the equations of motion, integrate state, energy and momentum calculations. Module: dynamicObject is what puts all of the pieces together for your system

class DynamicObject : public SysModel

Public Functions



This is the constructor, just setting the variables to zero



This is the destructor, nothing to report here

void initializeDynamics()

Initializes the dynamics and variables

This method initializes the stateEffectors and dynamicEffectors and links the necessarry components together

void computeEnergyMomentum(double t)

Method to compute energy and momentum of the system

This method allows a dynamicObject to compute energy and momentum. Great for sim validation purposes

void UpdateState(uint64_t callTime) = 0

This hooks the dyn-object into Basilisk architecture

void equationsOfMotion(double t) = 0

This is computing F = Xdot(X,t)

void integrateState(double t) = 0

This method steps the state forward in time

void setIntegrator(StateVecIntegrator *newIntegrator)

Sets a new integrator

This method changes the integrator in use (Default integrator: RK4)

Public Members

DynParamManager dynManager

Dynamics parameter manager for all effectors

StateVecIntegrator *integrator

Integrator used to propagate state forward

BSKLogger bskLogger

BSK Logging