

This script is a basic demonstration of a script that can be used to plot Monte Carlo data with bokeh and datashaders.


  1. The name guard at the end of the file must be removed before this script can run. It is provided here to ensure that the sphinx documentation generation process does not run this script automatically.

  2. This script must be called from command line using /usr/local/bin/bokeh serve --show /$path2script/


This is the function to populate with all of the plots to be generated using datashaders and bokeh. Each variable requires a call to pull_and_format_df() to ensure the dataframe will be compatible with the developed datashader utilities.


dataDir – (str) directory containing all of the dataframes created from the Monte Carlo run

Returns: List of DS_Plots[source]

This script is meant to be configured based on the user’s needs. It can be configured using the following three booleans:

First, set show_all_data = True to get a broad view of the data and find a time window to investigate closer.

Once the data is characterized, the user can set show_extreme_data = True to look at specific run cases within the window.

Finally, the user can set show_optional_data = True to look at any extra data to determine why the extrema cases exist.

  • show_all_data – plot all MC runs for the plots specified in the plotSuite method

  • show_extreme_data – call plotSuite method for user-defined number of extrema MC runs

  • optional_plots – plots additional user-defined plots