Source code for SimulationBaseClass

# ISC License
# Copyright (c) 2023, Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab, University of Colorado at Boulder
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

import array
import inspect

# Import some architectural stuff that we will probably always use
import os
import sys
import warnings
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import OrderedDict

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from Basilisk.architecture import alg_contain, bskLogging, sim_model
from Basilisk.utilities import deprecated, simulationArchTypes
from Basilisk.utilities.pythonVariableLogger import PythonVariableLogger
from Basilisk.utilities.simulationProgessBar import SimulationProgressBar

# Point the path to the module storage area

# define ASCI color codes
processColor = '\u001b[32m'
taskColor = '\u001b[33m'
moduleColor = '\u001b[36m'
endColor = '\u001b[0m'

[docs]class EventHandlerClass: """Event Handler Class""" def __init__(self, eventName, eventRate=int(1E9), eventActive=False, conditionList=[], actionList=[], terminal=False): self.eventName = eventName self.eventActive = eventActive self.eventRate = eventRate self.conditionList = conditionList self.actionList = actionList self.occurCounter = 0 self.prevTime = -1 self.checkCall = None self.operateCall = None self.terminal = terminal def methodizeEvent(self): if self.checkCall != None: return funcString = 'def EVENT_check_' + self.eventName + '(self):\n' funcString += ' if(' for condValue in self.conditionList: funcString += ' ' + condValue + ' and' funcString = funcString[:-3] + '):\n' funcString += ' return 1\n' funcString += ' return 0' exec (funcString) self.checkCall = eval('EVENT_check_' + self.eventName) funcString = 'def EVENT_operate_' + self.eventName + '(self):\n' for actionValue in self.actionList: funcString += ' ' funcString += actionValue + '\n' funcString += ' return 0' exec (funcString) self.operateCall = eval('EVENT_operate_' + self.eventName) def checkEvent(self, parentSim): nextTime = int(-1) if self.eventActive == False: return(nextTime) nextTime = self.prevTime + self.eventRate - (self.prevTime%self.eventRate) if self.prevTime < 0 or (parentSim.TotalSim.CurrentNanos%self.eventRate == 0): nextTime = parentSim.TotalSim.CurrentNanos + self.eventRate eventCount = self.checkCall(parentSim) self.prevTime = parentSim.TotalSim.CurrentNanos if eventCount > 0: self.eventActive = False self.operateCall(parentSim) self.occurCounter += 1 if self.terminal: parentSim.terminate = True return(nextTime)
[docs]class StructDocData: """Structure data documentation class""" class StructElementDef: def __init__(self, type, name, argstring, desc=''): self.type = type = name self.argstring = argstring self.desc = desc def __init__(self, strName): self.strName = strName self.structPopulated = False self.structElements = {} def clearItem(self): self.structPopulated = False self.structElements = {} def populateElem(self, xmlSearchPath): if self.structPopulated == True: return xmlFileUse = xmlSearchPath + '/' + self.strName + '.xml' try: xmlData = ET.parse(xmlFileUse) except: print("Failed to parse the XML structure for: " + self.strName) print("This file does not exist most likely: " + xmlFileUse) return root = xmlData.getroot() validElement = root.find("./compounddef[@id='" + self.strName + "']") for newVariable in validElement.findall(".//memberdef[@kind='variable']"): typeUse = newVariable.find('type').text if newVariable.find('type') is not None else \ None nameUse = newVariable.find('name').text if newVariable.find('type') is not None else \ None argstringUse = newVariable.find('argsstring').text if newVariable.find('argsstring') is not None else \ None descUse = newVariable.find('./detaileddescription/para').text if newVariable.find( './detaileddescription/para') is not None else \ None if descUse == None: descUse = newVariable.find('./briefdescription/para').text if newVariable.find( './briefdescription/para') is not None else \ None newElement = StructDocData.StructElementDef(typeUse, nameUse, argstringUse, descUse) self.structElements.update({nameUse: newElement}) self.structPopulated = True def printElem(self): print(" " + self.strName + " Structure Elements:") for key, value in self.structElements.items(): outputString = '' outputString += value.type + " " + outputString += value.argstring if value.argstring is not None else '' outputString += ': ' + value.desc if value.desc is not None else '' print(" " + outputString)
class DataPairClass: def __init__(self): self.outputMessages = set([]) self.inputMessages = set([]) = "" self.outputDict = {}
[docs]class SimBaseClass: """Simulation Base Class""" def __init__(self): self.TotalSim = sim_model.SimModel() self.TaskList = [] self.procList = [] self.pyProcList = [] self.StopTime = 0 self.nextEventTime = 0 self.terminate = False self.oldSyntaxVariableLog = {} self.allModels = [] self.eventMap = {} self.simBasePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../' self.dataStructIndex = self.simBasePath + '/xml/index.xml' self.indexParsed = False self.simulationInitialized = False self.simulationFinished = False self.bskLogger = bskLogging.BSKLogger() self.showProgressBar = False self.allModules = set()
[docs] def SetProgressBar(self, value): """ Shows a dynamic progress in the terminal while the simulation is executing. """ self.showProgressBar = value
[docs] def ShowExecutionOrder(self): """ Shows in what order the Basilisk processes, task lists and modules are executed """ for processData in self. TotalSim.processList: print(f"{processColor}Process Name: {endColor}" + processData.processName + " , " + processColor + "priority: " + endColor + str(processData.processPriority)) for task in processData.processTasks: print(f"{taskColor}Task Name: {endColor}" + task.TaskPtr.TaskName + ", " + taskColor + "priority: " + endColor + str(task.taskPriority) + ", " + taskColor + "TaskPeriod: " + endColor + str(task.TaskPtr.TaskPeriod/1.0e9) + "s") for module in task.TaskPtr.TaskModels: print(moduleColor + "ModuleTag: " + endColor + module.ModelPtr.ModelTag + ", " + moduleColor + "priority: " + endColor + str(module.CurrentModelPriority)) print("") for pyProc in self.pyProcList: print(f"{processColor}PyProcess Name: {endColor}" + pyProc.Name + " , " + processColor + "priority: " + endColor + str(pyProc.pyProcPriority)) for task in pyProc.taskList: print(f"{taskColor}PyTask Name: {endColor}" + + ", " + taskColor + "priority: " + endColor + str(task.priority) + ", " + taskColor + "TaskPeriod: " + endColor + str(task.rate / 1.0e9) + "s") for module in task.modelList: print(moduleColor + "PyModuleTag: " + endColor + module.modelName + ", " + moduleColor + "priority: " + endColor + str(module.modelPriority)) print("")
[docs] def ShowExecutionFigure(self, show_plots=False): """ Shows in what order the Basilisk processes, task lists and modules are executed """ processList = OrderedDict() for processData in self. TotalSim.processList: taskList = OrderedDict() for task in processData.processTasks: moduleList = [] for module in task.TaskPtr.TaskModels: moduleList.append(module.ModelPtr.ModelTag + " (" + str(module.CurrentModelPriority) + ")") taskList[task.TaskPtr.TaskName + " (" + str(task.taskPriority) + ", " + str(task.TaskPtr.TaskPeriod/1.0e9) + "s)"] = moduleList processList[processData.processName + " (" + str(processData.processPriority) + ")"] = taskList for pyProc in self.pyProcList: taskList = OrderedDict() for task in pyProc.taskList: moduleList = [] for module in task.modelList: moduleList.append(module.modelName + " (" + str(module.modelPriority) + ")") taskList[ + " (" + str(task.priority) + ", " + str( task.rate / 1.0e9) + "s)"] = moduleList processList[pyProc.Name + " (" + str(pyProc.pyProcPriority) + ")"] = taskList fig = plt.figure() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8}) plt.axis('off') processNo = 0 processWidth = 6 lineHeight = 0.5 textBuffer = lineHeight*0.75 textIndent = lineHeight*0.25 processGap = 0.5 for process in processList: # Draw process box + priority rectangle = plt.Rectangle(((processWidth+processGap)*processNo, 0), processWidth, -lineHeight, ec='g', fc='g') plt.gca().add_patch(rectangle) plt.text((processWidth+processGap)*processNo + textIndent, -textBuffer, process, color='w') taskNo = 0 currentLine = -lineHeight - textIndent for task in processList[process]: # Draw task box + priority + task rate rectangle = plt.Rectangle(((processWidth + processGap) * processNo + textIndent, currentLine) , processWidth - 2 * textIndent , - (1+len(processList[process][task])) * (lineHeight + textIndent), ec='y', fc=(1,1,1,0)) plt.gca().add_patch(rectangle) rectangle = plt.Rectangle(((processWidth + processGap) * processNo + textIndent, currentLine) , processWidth - 2 * textIndent, -lineHeight, ec='y', fc='y') plt.gca().add_patch(rectangle) plt.text((processWidth + processGap) * processNo + 2*textIndent, currentLine-textBuffer, task, color='black') for module in processList[process][task]: # Draw modules + priority currentLine -= lineHeight + textIndent rectangle = plt.Rectangle(((processWidth + processGap) * processNo + 2*textIndent, currentLine) , processWidth - 4 * textIndent, -lineHeight, ec='c', fc=(1,1,1,0)) plt.gca().add_patch(rectangle) plt.text((processWidth + processGap) * processNo + 3*textIndent, currentLine-textBuffer, module, color='black') taskNo += 1 currentLine -= lineHeight + 2 * textIndent rectangle = plt.Rectangle(((processWidth+processGap)*processNo, 0), processWidth, currentLine, ec='g', fc=(1,1,1,0)) plt.gca().add_patch(rectangle) processNo += 1 plt.axis('scaled') if show_plots: return fig
[docs] def AddModelToTask(self, TaskName, NewModel, ModelData=None, ModelPriority=-1): """ This function is responsible for passing on the logger to a module instance (model), adding the model to a particular task, and defining the order/priority that the model gets updated within the task. :param TaskName (str): Name of the task :param NewModel (obj): Model to add to the task :param ModelData: None or struct containing, only used for C BSK modules :param ModelPriority (int): Priority that determines when the model gets updated. (Higher number = Higher priority) :return: """ # Supports calling AddModelToTask(TaskName, NewModel, ModelPriority) if isinstance(ModelData, int): ModelPriority = ModelData ModelData = None for Task in self.TaskList: if Task.Name == TaskName: Task.TaskData.AddNewObject(NewModel, ModelPriority) self.allModels.append((NewModel, ModelData, Task) ) if ModelData is not None: try: ModelData.bskLogger = self.bskLogger except: pass Task.TaskModels.append(ModelData) else: try: NewModel.bskLogger = self.bskLogger except: pass Task.TaskModels.append(NewModel) return raise ValueError(f"Could not find a Task with name: {TaskName}")
[docs] def CreateNewProcess(self, procName, priority = -1): """ Creates a process and adds it to the sim :param procName (str): Name of process :param priority (int): Priority that determines when the model gets updated. (Higher number = Higher priority) :return: simulationArchTypes.ProcessBaseClass object """ proc = simulationArchTypes.ProcessBaseClass(procName, priority) self.procList.append(proc) self.TotalSim.addNewProcess(proc.processData) return proc
@deprecated.deprecated( "2024/04/01", "PythonProcess and Python modules that inherit from " "'simulationArchTypes.PythonModelClass' are deprecated. " "See 'examples/scenarioAttitudePointingPy' for details.", ) def CreateNewPythonProcess(self, procName, priority = -1): """ Creates the python analog of a sim-level process, that exists only on the python level in self.pyProcList :param procName (str): Name of process :param priority (int): Priority that determines when the model gets updated. (Higher number = Higher priority) :return: simulationArchTypes.PythonProcessClass object """ proc = simulationArchTypes.PythonProcessClass(procName, priority) i=0; for procLoc in self.pyProcList: if priority > procLoc.pyProcPriority: self.pyProcList.insert(i, proc) return proc i+=1 self.pyProcList.append(proc) return proc
[docs] def CreateNewTask(self, TaskName, TaskRate, InputDelay=None, FirstStart=0): """ Creates a simulation task on the C-level with a specific update-frequency (TaskRate), an optional delay, and an optional start time. Args: TaskName (str): Name of Task TaskRate (int): Number of nanoseconds to elapse before update() is called InputDelay (int): (depreciated, unimplemented) Number of nanoseconds simulating a lag of the particular task FirstStart (int): Number of nanoseconds to elapse before task is officially enabled Returns: simulationArchTypes.TaskBaseClass object """ if InputDelay is not self.CreateNewTask.__defaults__[0]: deprecated.deprecationWarn("InputDelay", "2024/12/13", "This input variable is non-functional and now depreciated.") Task = simulationArchTypes.TaskBaseClass(TaskName, TaskRate, FirstStart) self.TaskList.append(Task) return Task
# When this method is removed, remember to delete the 'oldSyntaxVariableLog' and # 'allModels' attributes (as well as any mention of them) as they are no longer needed @deprecated.deprecated("2024/09/06", "Use the 'logger' function or 'PythonVariableLogger' instead of 'AddVariableForLogging'." " See ''" ) def AddVariableForLogging(self, VarName: str, LogPeriod: int = 0, *_, **__): """Generates a logger and adds it to the same task as the module in `VarName`. Args: VarName (str): The variable to log in the format "<ModelTag>.<variable_name>" LogPeriod (int, optional): The minimum time between logs. Defaults to 0. """ if "." not in VarName: raise ValueError('The variable to log must be given in the format ' '"<ModelTag>.<variable_name>"') modelTag = VarName.split('.')[0] # Calling eval on a pre-compiled string is faster than # eval-ing the string (by a large factor) compiledExpr = compile(VarName, "<logged-variable>", "eval") # Find the model object that corresponds to the given tag, as well as the # task where this model was added modelOrConfig = task = None for model, modelData, task in self.allModels: if model.ModelTag == modelTag: modelOrConfig = modelData or model break if task is None or modelOrConfig is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not find model with tag {modelTag}") # The callback logging function 'fun' simply evaluates the given # expression. We pass a dictionary '{modelTag: modelOrConfig}' # that allows the expression to substitute the modelTag by the # actual model object def fun(_): val = eval(compiledExpr, globals(), {modelTag: modelOrConfig}) val = np.array(val).squeeze() return val logger = PythonVariableLogger({"variable": fun}, LogPeriod) logger.ModelTag = f"Logger:{VarName}" self.AddModelToTask(task.Name, logger) self.oldSyntaxVariableLog[VarName] = logger def ResetTask(self, taskName): for Task in self.TaskList: if Task.Name == taskName: Task.resetTask(self.TotalSim.CurrentNanos)
[docs] def InitializeSimulation(self): """ Initialize the BSK simulation. This runs the SelfInit() and Reset() methods on each module. """ if(self.simulationInitialized): self.TotalSim.resetThreads(self.TotalSim.getThreadCount()) self.TotalSim.assignRemainingProcs() self.TotalSim.ResetSimulation() self.TotalSim.selfInitSimulation() for proc in self.pyProcList: proc.selfInitProcess() self.TotalSim.resetInitSimulation() for proc in self.pyProcList: proc.resetProcess(0) self.simulationInitialized = True
[docs] def ConfigureStopTime(self, TimeStop): """ Set the simulation stop time in nano-seconds. """ self.StopTime = TimeStop
@deprecated.deprecated("2024/09/06", "Calling 'RecordLogVars' is deprecated and unnecessary." ) def RecordLogVars(self): pass
[docs] def ExecuteSimulation(self): """ run the simulation until the prescribed stop time or termination. """ self.initializeEventChecks() nextStopTime = self.TotalSim.NextTaskTime nextPriority = -1 pyProcPresent = False if len(self.pyProcList) > 0: nextPriority = self.pyProcList[0].pyProcPriority pyProcPresent = True nextStopTime = self.pyProcList[0].nextCallTime() progressBar = SimulationProgressBar(self.StopTime, self.showProgressBar) while self.TotalSim.NextTaskTime <= self.StopTime and not self.terminate: if self.TotalSim.CurrentNanos >= self.nextEventTime >= 0: self.nextEventTime = self.checkEvents() self.nextEventTime = self.nextEventTime if self.nextEventTime >= self.TotalSim.NextTaskTime else self.TotalSim.NextTaskTime if 0 <= self.nextEventTime < nextStopTime: nextStopTime = self.nextEventTime nextPriority = -1 if self.terminate: break self.TotalSim.StepUntilStop(nextStopTime, nextPriority) progressBar.update(self.TotalSim.NextTaskTime) nextPriority = -1 nextStopTime = self.StopTime procStopTimes = [] for pyProc in self.pyProcList: nextCallTime = pyProc.nextCallTime() if nextCallTime <= self.TotalSim.CurrentNanos: pyProc.executeTaskList(self.TotalSim.CurrentNanos) nextCallTime = pyProc.nextCallTime() procStopTimes.append(nextCallTime) if pyProcPresent and nextStopTime >= min(procStopTimes): nextStopTime = min(procStopTimes) nextPriority = self.pyProcList[procStopTimes.index(nextStopTime)].pyProcPriority nextStopTime = nextStopTime if nextStopTime >= self.TotalSim.NextTaskTime else self.TotalSim.NextTaskTime self.terminate = False progressBar.markComplete() progressBar.close()
@deprecated.deprecated("2024/09/06", "Deprecated way to access logged variables." " See ''" ) def GetLogVariableData(self, LogName): """ Pull the recorded module recorded variable. The first column is the variable recording time in nano-seconds, the additional column(s) are the message data columns. """ if LogName not in self.oldSyntaxVariableLog: raise ValueError(f'"{LogName}" is not being logged. Check the spelling.') logger = self.oldSyntaxVariableLog[LogName] return np.column_stack([logger.times(), logger.variable])
[docs] def disableTask(self, TaskName): """ Disable this particular task from being executed. """ for Task in self.TaskList: if Task.Name == TaskName: Task.disable()
[docs] def enableTask(self, TaskName): """ Enable this particular task to be executed. """ for Task in self.TaskList: if Task.Name == TaskName: Task.enable()
def parseDataIndex(self): self.dataStructureDictionary = {} try: xmlData = ET.parse(self.dataStructIndex) except: print("Failed to parse the XML index. Likely that it isn't present") return root = xmlData.getroot() for child in root: newStruct = StructDocData(child.attrib['refid']) self.dataStructureDictionary.update({child.find('name').text: newStruct}) self.indexParsed = True
[docs] def createNewEvent(self, eventName, eventRate=int(1E9), eventActive=False, conditionList=[], actionList=[], terminal=False): """ Create an event sequence that contains a series of tasks to be executed. """ if (eventName in list(self.eventMap.keys())): return newEvent = EventHandlerClass(eventName, eventRate, eventActive, conditionList, actionList, terminal) self.eventMap.update({eventName: newEvent})
def initializeEventChecks(self): self.eventList = [] for key, value in self.eventMap.items(): value.methodizeEvent() self.eventList.append(value) self.nextEventTime = 0 def checkEvents(self): nextTime = -1 for localEvent in self.eventList: localNextTime = localEvent.checkEvent(self) if(localNextTime >= 0 and (localNextTime < nextTime or nextTime <0)): nextTime = localNextTime return nextTime def setEventActivity(self, eventName, activityCommand): if eventName not in list(self.eventMap.keys()): print("You asked me to set the status of an event that I don't have.") return self.eventMap[eventName].eventActive = activityCommand
[docs] def setAllButCurrentEventActivity(self, currentEventName, activityCommand, useIndex=False): """Set all event activity variables except for the currentEventName event. The ``useIndex`` flag can be used to prevent enabling or disabling every task, and instead only alter the ones that belong to the same group (for example, the same spacecraft). The distinction is made through an index set after the ``_`` symbol in the event name. All events of the same group must have the same index.""" if useIndex: index = currentEventName.partition('_')[2] # save the current event's index for eventName in list(self.eventMap.keys()): if currentEventName != eventName: if useIndex: if eventName.partition('_')[2] == index: self.eventMap[eventName].eventActive = activityCommand else: self.eventMap[eventName].eventActive = activityCommand
[docs] def setModelDataWrap(self, modelData): """ Takes a module and returns an object that provides access to said module's SelfInit, Update, and Reset methods. Takes the module instance, collects all SwigPyObjects generated from the .i file (SelfInit, Update and Reset), and attaches it to a alg_contain model instance so the modules standard functions can be run at the python level. :param modelData: model to gather functions for :return: An alg_contain model that provides access to the original model's core functions """ deprecationId = f"{SimBaseClass.setModelDataWrap.__module__}.{SimBaseClass.setModelDataWrap.__qualname__}" removalDate = "2024/07/30" if hasattr(modelData, "createWrapper"): deprecated.deprecationWarn( deprecationId, removalDate, "C modules no longer require having separate 'Config' and 'Wrap' objects. " "Treat C modules like C++ modules. For example, instead of:\n" "\tinertial3DConfig = inertial3D.inertial3DConfig()\n" "\tinertial3DWrap = scSim.setModelDataWrap(inertial3DConfig)\n" "\tinertial3DWrap.ModelTag = 'inertial3D'\n" "\tscSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, inertial3DWrap, inertial3DConfig, 10)\n" "Do:\n" "\tinertial3D = inertial3D.inertial3D()\n" "\tinertial3D.ModelTag = 'inertial3D'\n" "\tscSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, inertial3D, 10)\n" ) return modelData.createWrapper() deprecated.deprecationWarn( deprecationId, removalDate, "This C module has not been converted yet to the new way of defining C " "modules, which makes using them more intuitive. Take the time to see how " "the new C module '.i' file looks by checking out a default Basilisk module" " and adapt your module to use a similar format." ) algDict = {} STR_SELFINIT = 'SelfInit' STR_UPDATE = 'Update' STR_RESET = 'Reset' # SwigPyObject's Parsing: # Collect all the SwigPyObjects present in the list. Only the methods SelfInit, Update and Restart # are wrapped by Swig in the .i files. Therefore they are the only SwigPyObjects def parseDirList(dirList): algNames = [] for methodName in dirList: methodObject = eval('sys.modules["' + module + '"].' + methodName) if type(methodObject).__name__ == "SwigPyObject": algNames.append(methodName) return algNames # Check the type of the algorithm, i.e. SelfInit, Update or Reset, # and return the key to create a new dictionary D[str_method] = method def checkMethodType(methodName): if methodName[0:len(STR_SELFINIT)] == STR_SELFINIT: return STR_SELFINIT elif methodName[0:len(STR_UPDATE)] == STR_UPDATE: return STR_UPDATE elif methodName[0:len(STR_RESET)] == STR_RESET: return STR_RESET else: raise ValueError('Cannot recognize the method' '(I only assess SelfInit, Update and Reset methods). ' 'Parse better.') module = modelData.__module__ sysMod = sys.modules[module] dirList = dir(sysMod) algList = parseDirList(dirList) # if the package has different levels we need to access the correct level of the package currMod = __import__(module, globals(), locals(), [], 0) moduleString = "currMod." moduleNames = module.split(".") if len(moduleNames) > 1: moduleString += ".".join(moduleNames[1:]) + "." for alg in algList: key = checkMethodType(alg) algDict[key] = alg update = eval(moduleString + algDict[STR_UPDATE]) selfInit = eval(moduleString + algDict[STR_SELFINIT]) try: resetArg = algDict[STR_RESET] reset = eval(moduleString + resetArg) modelWrap = alg_contain.AlgContain(modelData, update, selfInit, reset) except: modelWrap = alg_contain.AlgContain(modelData, update, selfInit) return modelWrap
def SetCArray(InputList, VarType, ArrayPointer): if(isinstance(ArrayPointer, (list, tuple))): raise TypeError('Cannot set a C array if it is actually a python list. Just assign the variable to the list directly.') CmdString = 'sim_model.' + VarType + 'Array_setitem(ArrayPointer, CurrIndex, CurrElem)' CurrIndex = 0 for CurrElem in InputList: exec (CmdString) CurrIndex += 1 def getCArray(varType, arrayPointer, arraySize): CmdString = 'outputList.append(sim_model.' + varType + 'Array_getitem(arrayPointer, currIndex))' outputList = [] currIndex = 0 for currIndex in range(arraySize): exec (CmdString) currIndex += 1 return outputList def synchronizeTimeHistories(arrayList): returnArrayList = arrayList timeCounter = 0 for i in range(len(returnArrayList)): while returnArrayList[i][0,0] > returnArrayList[0][timeCounter,0]: timeCounter += 1 for i in range(len(returnArrayList)): while(returnArrayList[i][1,0] < returnArrayList[0][timeCounter,0]): returnArrayList[i] = np.delete(returnArrayList[i], 0, 0) timeCounter = -1 for i in range(len(returnArrayList)): while returnArrayList[i][-1,0] < returnArrayList[0][timeCounter,0]: timeCounter -= 1 for i in range(len(returnArrayList)): while(returnArrayList[i][-2,0] > returnArrayList[0][timeCounter,0]): returnArrayList[i] = np.delete(returnArrayList[i], -1, 0) timeNow = returnArrayList[0][0,0] #Desirement is to have synched arrays match primary time outputArrayList = [] indexPrev = [0]*len(returnArrayList) outputArrayList = [[]]*len(returnArrayList) timeNow = returnArrayList[0][0,0] outputArrayList[0] = returnArrayList[0][0:-2, :] for i in range(1, returnArrayList[0].shape[0]-1): for j in range(1, len(returnArrayList)): while(returnArrayList[j][indexPrev[j]+1,0] < returnArrayList[0][i,0]): indexPrev[j] += 1 dataProp = returnArrayList[j][indexPrev[j]+1,1:] - returnArrayList[j][indexPrev[j],1:] dataProp *= (timeNow - returnArrayList[j][indexPrev[j],0])/(returnArrayList[j][indexPrev[j]+1,0] - returnArrayList[j][indexPrev[j],0]) dataProp += returnArrayList[j][indexPrev[j],1:] dataRow = [timeNow] dataRow.extend(dataProp.tolist()) outputArrayList[j].append(dataRow) timePrevious = timeNow timeNow = returnArrayList[0][i,0] for j in range(1, len(returnArrayList)): outputArrayList[j] = np.array(outputArrayList[j]) return outputArrayList