# Unit Test Script
# Module Name: rwNullSpace
# Creation Date: October 5, 2018
from Basilisk.utilities import SimulationBaseClass, unitTestSupport, macros
from Basilisk.fswAlgorithms.rwNullSpace import rwNullSpace
from Basilisk.fswAlgorithms.fswMessages import fswMessages
from Basilisk.simulation.simFswInterfaceMessages import simFswInterfaceMessages
import pytest
import numpy as np
import os, inspect
from numpy.linalg import inv
filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))
# Uncomment this line is this test is to be skipped in the global unit test run, adjust message as needed.
# @pytest.mark.skipif(conditionstring)
# Uncomment this line if this test has an expected failure, adjust message as needed.
# @pytest.mark.xfail(conditionstring)
# Provide a unique test method name, starting with 'test_'.
# The following 'parametrize' function decorator provides the parameters and expected results for each
# of the multiple test runs for this test.
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("numWheels", [
def test_rwNullSpace(numWheels):
""" Test rwNullSpace. """
[testResults, testMessage] = rwNullSpaceTestFunction(numWheels)
assert testResults < 1, testMessage
[docs]def rwNullSpaceTestFunction(numWheels):
""" Test the rwNullSpace module. Setup a simulation, """
testFailCount = 0 # zero unit test result counter
testMessages = [] # create empty array to store test log messages
unitTaskName = "unitTask" # arbitrary name (don't change)
unitProcessName = "TestProcess" # arbitrary name (don't change)
# Create a sim module as an empty container
unitTestSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass()
# This is needed if multiple unit test scripts are run
# This create a fresh and consistent simulation environment for each test run
# Create test thread
testProcessRate = macros.sec2nano(0.5) # update process rate update time
testProc = unitTestSim.CreateNewProcess(unitProcessName)
testProc.addTask(unitTestSim.CreateNewTask(unitTaskName, testProcessRate)) # Add a new task to the process
# Construct the rwNullSpace module
# Set the names for the input messages
moduleConfig = rwNullSpace.rwNullSpaceConfig() # Create a config struct
moduleConfig.inputRWSpeeds = "input_rw_speeds"
moduleConfig.inputRWConfigData = "input_rw_constellation"
moduleConfig.inputRWCommands = "input_rw_commands"
moduleConfig.outputControlName = "output_rw_cmd"
# Set the necessary data in the module. NOTE: This information is more or less random
moduleConfig.OmegaGain = .5 # The feedback gain value applied for the RW despin control law
# This calls the algContain to setup the selfInit, crossInit, update, and reset
moduleWrap = unitTestSim.setModelDataWrap(moduleConfig)
moduleWrap.ModelTag = "rwNullSpace"
# Add the module to the task
unitTestSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, moduleWrap, moduleConfig)
numRW = numWheels
inputRWConstellationMsg = fswMessages.RWConstellationFswMsg()
inputRWConstellationMsg.numRW = numRW
# Initialize the msg that gives the speed of the reaction wheels
inputSpeedMsg = rwNullSpace.RWSpeedIntMsg()
gsHat = [[1, 0, 0], [0,1,0], [0, 0, 1]]
if numWheels is 4:
gs4Hat = np.array([1,1,1])
gs4Hat = gs4Hat/np.sqrt(gs4Hat.dot(gs4Hat))
# Iterate over all of the reaction wheels, create a rwConfigElementFswMsg, and add them to the rwConstellationFswMsg
rwConfigElementList = list()
for rw in range(numRW):
rwConfigElementMsg = fswMessages.RWConfigElementFswMsg()
rwConfigElementMsg.gsHat_B = gsHat[rw] # Spin axis unit vector of the wheel in structure
rwConfigElementMsg.Js = 0.08 # Spin axis inertia of wheel [kgm2]
rwConfigElementMsg.uMax = 0.2 # maximum RW motor torque [Nm]
# Add this to the list
rwSpeeds = [10, 20, 30] # [rad/sec] The current angular velocities of the RW wheel
if numWheels is 4:
rwSpeeds.append(40) # [rad/sec]
inputSpeedMsg.wheelSpeeds = rwSpeeds
# Set the array of the reaction wheels in RWConstellationFswMsg to the list created above
inputRWConstellationMsg.reactionWheels = rwConfigElementList
inputRWCmdMsg = simFswInterfaceMessages.RWArrayTorqueIntMsg()
usControl = [0.1, 0.2, 0.15] # [Nm] RW motor torque array
if numWheels is 4:
usControl.append(-0.2) # [Nm]
inputRWCmdMsg.motorTorque = usControl
# Set these messages
unitTestSupport.setMessage(unitTestSim.TotalSim, unitProcessName, moduleConfig.inputRWSpeeds, inputSpeedMsg)
unitTestSupport.setMessage(unitTestSim.TotalSim, unitProcessName, moduleConfig.inputRWConfigData, inputRWConstellationMsg)
unitTestSupport.setMessage(unitTestSim.TotalSim, unitProcessName, moduleConfig.inputRWCommands, inputRWCmdMsg)
unitTestSim.TotalSim.logThisMessage(moduleConfig.outputControlName, testProcessRate)
# Initialize the simulation
# Step the simulation to 3*process rate so 4 total steps including zero
unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(macros.sec2nano(2.0)) # seconds to stop simulation
outputCrtlData = unitTestSim.pullMessageLogData(moduleConfig.outputControlName+'.motorTorque', list(range(3)))
if numWheels is 3:
# in this case there is no nullspace of the RW configuration. The output torque should be the input torque
trueVector = [inputRWCmdMsg.motorTorque,
elif numWheels is 4:
# in this case there is a 1D nullspace of [Gs]
GsT = np.array(gsHat)
Gs = GsT.transpose()
tmp = Gs.dot(GsT)
tmp = GsT.dot(inv(tmp))
tmp = tmp.dot(Gs)
tau = np.identity(numWheels) - tmp
d = - moduleConfig.OmegaGain * np.array(rwSpeeds)
uNull = tau.dot(d)
trueTorque = np.array(usControl) + uNull
trueVector = [
accuracy = 1e-6
unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet("toleranceValue", str(accuracy), path)
# At each timestep, make sure the vehicleConfig values haven't changed from the initial values
testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArrayND(trueVector, outputCrtlData,
"numWheels = " + str(numWheels),
2, testFailCount, testMessages)
snippentName = "passFail" + str(numWheels)
if testFailCount == 0:
colorText = 'ForestGreen'
print("PASSED: " + moduleWrap.ModelTag)
passedText = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + "PASSED" + '}'
colorText = 'Red'
print("Failed: " + moduleWrap.ModelTag)
passedText = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + "Failed" + '}'
unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippentName, passedText, path)
return [testFailCount, ''.join(testMessages)]
if __name__ == '__main__':