Source code for test_dvAccumulation

#   Unit Test Script
#   Module Name:        dvAccumulation
#   Creation Date:      October 5, 2018

from Basilisk.utilities import SimulationBaseClass, unitTestSupport, macros
from Basilisk.fswAlgorithms.dvAccumulation import dvAccumulation
from Basilisk.fswAlgorithms.fswMessages import fswMessages
from numpy import random
import os, inspect
filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))

[docs]def generateAccData(): """ Returns a list of random AccPktDataFswMsg.""" accPktList = list() for _ in range(120): accPacketData = fswMessages.AccPktDataFswMsg() accPacketData.measTime = abs(int(random.normal(5e7, 1e7))) accPacketData.accel_B = random.normal(0.1, 0.2, 3) # Acceleration in platform frame [m/s2] accPktList.append(accPacketData) return accPktList
[docs]def test_dv_accumulation(): """ Test dvAccumulation. """ [testResults, testMessage] = dvAccumulationTestFunction() assert testResults < 1, testMessage
[docs]def dvAccumulationTestFunction(): """ Test the dvAccumulation module. Setup a simulation, """ testFailCount = 0 # zero unit test result counter testMessages = [] # create empty array to store test log messages unitTaskName = "unitTask" # arbitrary name (don't change) unitProcessName = "TestProcess" # arbitrary name (don't change) # Test quicksort routine # Generate (1) random packet measurement times and (2) completely inverted measurement times randMeasTimes = [] invMeasTimes = [] randData = fswMessages.AccDataFswMsg() invData = fswMessages.AccDataFswMsg() for i in range(0, fswMessages.MAX_ACC_BUF_PKT): randMeasTimes.append(random.randint(0, 1000000)) randData.accPkts[i].measTime = randMeasTimes[i] invMeasTimes.append(fswMessages.MAX_ACC_BUF_PKT - i) invData.accPkts[i].measTime = invMeasTimes[i] # Run module quicksort function dvAccumulation.dvAccumulation_QuickSort(randData.accPkts[0], 0, fswMessages.MAX_ACC_BUF_PKT - 1) dvAccumulation.dvAccumulation_QuickSort(invData.accPkts[0], 0, fswMessages.MAX_ACC_BUF_PKT - 1) # Check that sorted packets properly randMeasTimes.sort() invMeasTimes.sort() for i in range(0, fswMessages.MAX_ACC_BUF_PKT): if randData.accPkts[i].measTime != randMeasTimes[i]: testFailCount += 1 if invData.accPkts[i].measTime != invMeasTimes[i]: testFailCount += 1 # Test Module # Create a sim module as an empty container unitTestSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass() # This is needed if multiple unit test scripts are run # This create a fresh and consistent simulation environment for each test run # Create test thread testProcessRate = macros.sec2nano(0.5) # update process rate update time testProc = unitTestSim.CreateNewProcess(unitProcessName) testProc.addTask(unitTestSim.CreateNewTask(unitTaskName, testProcessRate)) # Add a new task to the process # Construct the dvAccumulation module # Set the names for the input messages moduleConfig = dvAccumulation.DVAccumulationData() # Create a config struct moduleConfig.accPktInMsgName = "inputs_acceleration_packets" moduleConfig.outputNavName = "output_navigation_name" unitTestSim.TotalSim.logThisMessage(moduleConfig.outputNavName, testProcessRate) # This calls the algContain to setup the selfInit, crossInit, update, and reset moduleWrap = unitTestSim.setModelDataWrap(moduleConfig) moduleWrap.ModelTag = "dvAccumulation" # Add the module to the task unitTestSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, moduleWrap, moduleConfig) # Create the input message. inputAccData = fswMessages.AccDataFswMsg() # Set this as the packet data in the acceleration data random.seed(12345) inputAccData.accPkts = generateAccData() # Initialize the simulation unitTestSim.InitializeSimulation() unitTestSupport.setMessage(unitTestSim.TotalSim, unitProcessName, moduleConfig.accPktInMsgName, inputAccData) # Step the simulation to 3*process rate so 4 total steps including zero unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(macros.sec2nano(1.0)) # seconds to stop simulation unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation() # Create the input message again to simulate multiple acceleration inputs. inputAccData = fswMessages.AccDataFswMsg() # Set this as the packet data in the acceleration data. Test the module with different inputs. inputAccData.accPkts = generateAccData() # Write this message msgSize = inputAccData.getStructSize() unitTestSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData(moduleConfig.accPktInMsgName, msgSize, 0, inputAccData) # Step the simulation to 3*process rate so 4 total steps including zero unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(macros.sec2nano(2.0)) # seconds to stop simulation unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation() # This doesn't work if only 1 number is passed in as the second argument, but we don't need the second outputNavMsgData = unitTestSim.pullMessageLogData(moduleConfig.outputNavName + '.' + 'vehAccumDV', list(range(3))) timeMsgData = unitTestSim.pullMessageLogData(moduleConfig.outputNavName + '.' + 'timeTag') # print(outputNavMsgData) # print timeMsgData trueDVVector = [[4.82820079e-03, 7.81971465e-03, 2.29605663e-03], [ 4.82820079e-03, 7.81971465e-03, 2.29605663e-03], [ 4.82820079e-03, 7.81971465e-03, 2.29605663e-03], [ 6.44596343e-03, 9.00203561e-03, 2.60580728e-03], [ 6.44596343e-03, 9.00203561e-03, 2.60580728e-03]] trueTime = [ [7.2123026e+07], [7.2123026e+07], [7.2123026e+07], [7.6667436e+07], [7.6667436e+07]] accuracy = 1e-6 unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet("toleranceValue", str(accuracy), path) # At each timestep, make sure the vehicleConfig values haven't changed from the initial values testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArrayND(trueDVVector, outputNavMsgData, accuracy, "dvAccumulation output", 2, testFailCount, testMessages) testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArrayND(trueTime, timeMsgData, accuracy, "timeTag", 1, testFailCount, testMessages) snippentName = "passFail" if testFailCount == 0: colorText = 'ForestGreen' print("PASSED: " + moduleWrap.ModelTag) passedText = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + "PASSED" + '}' else: colorText = 'Red' print("Failed: " + moduleWrap.ModelTag) passedText = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + "Failed" + '}' unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippentName, passedText, path) return [testFailCount, ''.join(testMessages)]
if __name__ == '__main__': test_dv_accumulation()