Source code for test_cssWlsEstUnitTest

''' '''
 ISC License

 Copyright (c) 2016, Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab, University of Colorado at Boulder

 Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
 purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
 copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.


#   Unit Test Script
#   Module Name:        cssWlsEst()
#   Author:             Hanspeter Schaub
#   Creation Date:      April 29, 2018

import pytest
import sys, os, inspect
# import packages as needed e.g. 'numpy', 'ctypes, 'math' etc.
import numpy
import math
import logging

# Import all of the modules that we are going to be called in this simulation
from Basilisk.utilities import SimulationBaseClass
from Basilisk.utilities import unitTestSupport                  # general support file with common unit test functions
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Basilisk.utilities import macros
from Basilisk.fswAlgorithms.cssWlsEst import cssWlsEst
from Basilisk.fswAlgorithms.fswMessages import fswMessages
from Basilisk.simulation.simFswInterfaceMessages import simFswInterfaceMessages

filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))

# Function that takes a sun pointing vector and array of CSS normal vectors and
# returns the measurements associated with those normal vectors.
def createCosList(sunPointVec, sensorPointList):
    outList = []
    for sensorPoint in sensorPointList:
        outList.append(, sensorPoint))
        if(outList[-1] < 0.0):
            outList[-1] = 0.0
    return outList

# Method that checks that all of the numActive outputs from the data array
# that are greater than threshold thresh are consistent with the values in
# measVec
def checkNumActiveAccuracy(measVec, numActiveUse, numActiveFailCriteria, thresh):
    numActivePred = 0
    testFailCount = 0
    # Iterate through measVec and find all valid signals
    for i in range(0, 32):
        obsVal = measVec.CosValue[i]
        if (obsVal > thresh):
            numActivePred += 1

    # Iterate through the numActive array and sum up all numActive estimates
    numActiveTotal = numpy.array([0.])
    j = 0
    while j < numActiveUse.shape[0]:
        numActiveTotal += numActiveUse[j, 1:]
        j += 1
    numActiveTotal /= j  # Mean number of numActive
    # If we violate the test criteria, increment the failure count and alert user
    if (abs(numActiveTotal[0] - numActivePred) > numActiveFailCriteria):
        testFailCount += 1
        errorString = "Active number failure for count of: "
        errorString += str(numActivePred)
    return testFailCount

# This method takes the sHat estimate output by the estimator and compares that
# against the actual sun vector passed in as an argument.  If it doesn't match
# to the specified tolerance, increment failure counter and alert the user
def checksHatAccuracy(testVec, sHatEstUse, angleFailCriteria, TotalSim):
    j = 0
    testFailCount = 0
    sHatTotal = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    # Sum up all of the sHat estimates from the execution
    while j < sHatEstUse.shape[0]:
        sHatTotal += sHatEstUse[j, 1:]
        j += 1
    sHatTotal /= j  # mean sHat estimate
    # This logic is to protect cases where the dot product numerically breaks acos
    dot_value =, testVec)
    if (abs(dot_value > 1.0)):
        dot_value -= 2.0 * (dot_value - math.copysign(1.0, dot_value))

    # If we violate the failure criteria, increment failure count and alert user
    if (abs(math.acos(dot_value)) > angleFailCriteria):
        testFailCount += 1
        errorString = "Angle fail criteria violated for test vector:"
        errorString += str(testVec).strip('[]') + "\n"
        errorString += "Criteria violation of: "
        errorString += str(abs(math.acos(, testVec))))
    return testFailCount

# This method takes the sHat estimate output by the estimator and compares that
# against the actual sun vector passed in as an argument.  If it doesn't match
# to the specified tolerance, increment failure counter and alert the user
def checkResidAccuracy(testVec, sResids, sThresh, TotalSim):
    j = 0
    testFailCount = 0
    # Sum up all of the sHat estimates from the execution
    while j < sResids.shape[0]:
        sNormObs = numpy.linalg.norm(sResids[j,1:])
        if(sNormObs > sThresh):
            testFailCount += 1
            errorString = "Residual error computation failure:"
            errorString += str(testVec).strip('[]') + "\n"
            errorString += "Criteria violation of: "
            errorString += str(sNormObs)
        j += 1
    return testFailCount

# uncomment this line is this test is to be skipped in the global unit test run, adjust message as needed
# @pytest.mark.skipif(conditionstring)
# uncomment this line if this test has an expected failure, adjust message as needed
# @pytest.mark.xfail(conditionstring)

[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("testSunHeading, testRate", [ ("True", "False") ,("False", "True") ]) # provide a unique test method name, starting with test_ def test_module(show_plots, testSunHeading, testRate): # update "module" in this function name to reflect the module name """Module Unit Test""" # each test method requires a single assert method to be called # pass on the testPlotFixture so that the main test function may set the DataStore attributes if testSunHeading: [testResults, testMessage] = cssWlsEstTestFunction(show_plots) assert testResults < 1, testMessage if testRate: [testResults, testMessage] = cssRateTestFunction(show_plots) assert testResults < 1, testMessage
def cssWlsEstTestFunction(show_plots): testFailCount = 0 # zero unit test result counter testMessages = [] # create empty array to store test log messages unitTaskName = "unitTask" # arbitrary name (don't change) unitProcessName = "TestProcess" # arbitrary name (don't change) # Create a sim module as an empty container unitTestSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass() # Create test thread testProc = unitTestSim.CreateNewProcess(unitProcessName) testProc.addTask(unitTestSim.CreateNewTask(unitTaskName, int(1E8))) # Construct algorithm and associated C++ container CSSWlsEstFSWConfig = cssWlsEst.CSSWLSConfig() CSSWlsWrap = unitTestSim.setModelDataWrap(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig) CSSWlsWrap.ModelTag = "CSSWlsEst" # Add module to runtime call list unitTestSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, CSSWlsWrap, CSSWlsEstFSWConfig) # Initialize the WLS estimator configuration data CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssDataInMsgName = "css_data_aggregate" CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssConfigInMsgName = "css_config_data" CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.navStateOutMsgName = "css_nav_sunHeading" CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssWLSFiltResOutMsgName = "css_est_pfr" CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.useWeights = False CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.sensorUseThresh = 0.15 CSSOrientationList = [ [0.70710678118654746, -0.5, 0.5], [0.70710678118654746, -0.5, -0.5], [0.70710678118654746, 0.5, -0.5], [0.70710678118654746, 0.5, 0.5], [-0.70710678118654746, 0, 0.70710678118654757], [-0.70710678118654746, 0.70710678118654757, 0.0], [-0.70710678118654746, 0, -0.70710678118654757], [-0.70710678118654746, -0.70710678118654757, 0.0], ] numCSS = len(CSSOrientationList) # set the CSS unit vectors cssConfigData = fswMessages.CSSConfigFswMsg() totalCSSList = [] for CSSHat in CSSOrientationList: CSSConfigElement = fswMessages.CSSUnitConfigFswMsg() CSSConfigElement.CBias = 1.0 CSSConfigElement.nHat_B = CSSHat totalCSSList.append(CSSConfigElement) cssConfigData.nCSS = numCSS cssConfigData.cssVals = totalCSSList unitTestSupport.setMessage(unitTestSim.TotalSim, unitProcessName, CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssConfigInMsgName, cssConfigData) # Initialize input message cssDataMsg = simFswInterfaceMessages.CSSArraySensorIntMsg() unitTestSupport.setMessage(unitTestSim.TotalSim, unitProcessName, CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssDataInMsgName, cssDataMsg) angleFailCriteria = 17.5 * math.pi / 180.0 # Get 95% effective charging in this case numActiveFailCriteria = 0.000001 # basically zero residFailCriteria = 1.0E-12 #Essentially numerically "small" # Log the output message as well as the internal numACtiveCss variables unitTestSim.TotalSim.logThisMessage(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.navStateOutMsgName, int(1E8)) unitTestSim.TotalSim.logThisMessage(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssWLSFiltResOutMsgName, int(1E8)) unitTestSim.AddVariableForLogging("CSSWlsEst.numActiveCss", int(1E8)) # Initial test is all of the principal body axes TestVectors = [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] # Initialize test and then step through all of the test vectors in a loop unitTestSim.InitializeSimulation() CSSWlsWrap.Reset(0) # this module reset function needs a time input (in NanoSeconds) stepCount = 0 logLengthPrev = 0 truthData = [] for testVec in TestVectors: if (stepCount > 1): # Doing this to test permutations and get code coverage CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.useWeights = True # Get observation data based on sun pointing and CSS orientation data cssDataMsg.CosValue = createCosList(testVec, CSSOrientationList) # Write in the observation data to the input message unitTestSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssDataInMsgName, cssDataMsg.getStructSize(), 0, cssDataMsg) # Increment the stop time to new termination value unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(int((stepCount + 1) * 1E9)) # Execute simulation to current stop time unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation() stepCount += 1 # Pull logged data out into workspace for analysis sHatEst = unitTestSim.pullMessageLogData(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.navStateOutMsgName + '.vehSunPntBdy', list(range(3))) numActive = unitTestSim.GetLogVariableData("CSSWlsEst.numActiveCss") sHatEstUse = sHatEst[logLengthPrev:, :] # Only data for this subtest numActiveUse = numActive[logLengthPrev + 1:, :] # Only data for this subtest # Check failure criteria and add test failures testFailCount += checksHatAccuracy(testVec, sHatEstUse, angleFailCriteria, unitTestSim) testFailCount += checkNumActiveAccuracy(cssDataMsg, numActiveUse, numActiveFailCriteria, CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.sensorUseThresh) filtRes = unitTestSim.pullMessageLogData(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssWLSFiltResOutMsgName + '.postFitRes', list(range(8))) testFailCount += checkResidAccuracy(testVec, filtRes, residFailCriteria, unitTestSim) # Pop truth state onto end of array for plotting purposes currentRow = [sHatEstUse[0, 0]] currentRow.extend(testVec) truthData.append(currentRow) currentRow = [sHatEstUse[-1, 0]] currentRow.extend(testVec) truthData.append(currentRow) logLengthPrev = sHatEst.shape[0] # Hand construct case where we get low coverage (2 valid sensors) LonVal = 0.0 LatVal = 40.68 * math.pi / 180.0 doubleTestVec = [math.sin(LatVal), math.cos(LatVal) * math.sin(LonVal), math.cos(LatVal) * math.cos(LonVal)] cssDataMsg.CosValue = createCosList(doubleTestVec, CSSOrientationList) # Write in double coverage conditions and ensure that we get correct outputs unitTestSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssDataInMsgName, cssDataMsg.getStructSize(), 0, cssDataMsg) unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(int((stepCount + 1) * 1E9)) unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation() stepCount += 1 sHatEst = unitTestSim.pullMessageLogData(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.navStateOutMsgName + '.vehSunPntBdy', list(range(3))) numActive = unitTestSim.GetLogVariableData("CSSWlsEst.numActiveCss") sHatEstUse = sHatEst[logLengthPrev:, :] numActiveUse = numActive[logLengthPrev + 1:, :] logLengthPrev = sHatEst.shape[0] currentRow = [sHatEstUse[0, 0]] currentRow.extend(doubleTestVec) truthData.append(currentRow) currentRow = [sHatEstUse[-1, 0]] currentRow.extend(doubleTestVec) truthData.append(currentRow) # Check test criteria again testFailCount += checksHatAccuracy(doubleTestVec, sHatEstUse, angleFailCriteria, unitTestSim) testFailCount += checkNumActiveAccuracy(cssDataMsg, numActiveUse, numActiveFailCriteria, CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.sensorUseThresh) # Same test as above, but zero first element to get to a single coverage case cssDataMsg.CosValue[0] = 0.0 unitTestSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssDataInMsgName, cssDataMsg.getStructSize(), 0, cssDataMsg) unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(int((stepCount + 1) * 1E9)) unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation() stepCount += 1 numActive = unitTestSim.GetLogVariableData("CSSWlsEst.numActiveCss") numActiveUse = numActive[logLengthPrev + 1:, :] sHatEst = unitTestSim.pullMessageLogData(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.navStateOutMsgName + '.vehSunPntBdy', list(range(3))) sHatEstUse = sHatEst[logLengthPrev + 1:, :] logLengthPrev = sHatEst.shape[0] testFailCount += checkNumActiveAccuracy(cssDataMsg, numActiveUse, numActiveFailCriteria, CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.sensorUseThresh) currentRow = [sHatEstUse[0, 0]] currentRow.extend(doubleTestVec) truthData.append(currentRow) currentRow = [sHatEstUse[-1, 0]] currentRow.extend(doubleTestVec) truthData.append(currentRow) # Same test as above, but zero first and fourth elements to get to zero coverage cssDataMsg.CosValue[0] = 0.0 cssDataMsg.CosValue[3] = 0.0 unitTestSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssDataInMsgName, cssDataMsg.getStructSize(), 0, cssDataMsg) unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(int((stepCount + 1) * 1E9)) unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation() numActive = unitTestSim.GetLogVariableData("CSSWlsEst.numActiveCss") numActiveUse = numActive[logLengthPrev:, :] logLengthPrev = numActive.shape[0] testFailCount += checkNumActiveAccuracy(cssDataMsg, numActiveUse, numActiveFailCriteria, CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.sensorUseThresh) # Format data for plotting truthData = numpy.array(truthData) sHatEst = unitTestSim.pullMessageLogData(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.navStateOutMsgName + '.vehSunPntBdy', list(range(3))) numActive = unitTestSim.GetLogVariableData("CSSWlsEst.numActiveCss") # # test the case where all CSS signals are zero # cssDataMsg.CosValue = numpy.zeros(len(CSSOrientationList)) unitTestSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.cssDataInMsgName, cssDataMsg.getStructSize(), 0, cssDataMsg) unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(int((stepCount + 2) * 1E9)) unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation() sHatEstZero = unitTestSim.pullMessageLogData(CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.navStateOutMsgName + '.vehSunPntBdy', list(range(3))) sHatEstZeroUse = sHatEstZero[logLengthPrev + 1:, :] trueVector = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]*len(sHatEstZeroUse) for i in range(0,len(trueVector)): # check a vector values if not unitTestSupport.isArrayEqual(sHatEstZeroUse[i],trueVector[i],3,1e-12): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + CSSWlsWrap.ModelTag + " Module failed " + CSSWlsEstFSWConfig.navStateOutMsgName + " unit test at t=" + str(sHatEstZeroUse[i,0] * macros.NANO2SEC) + "sec\n") if show_plots: plt.figure(1) plt.plot(sHatEst[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, sHatEst[:, 1], label='x-Sun') plt.plot(sHatEst[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, sHatEst[:, 2], label='y-Sun') plt.plot(sHatEst[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, sHatEst[:, 3], label='z-Sun') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Unit Component (--)') plt.figure(2) plt.plot(numActive[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, numActive[:, 1]) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Number Active CSS (--)') plt.figure(3) plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.plot(sHatEst[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, sHatEst[:, 1], label='Est') plt.plot(truthData[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, truthData[:, 1], 'r--', label='Truth') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('X Component (--)') plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(sHatEst[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, sHatEst[:, 2], label='Est') plt.plot(truthData[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, truthData[:, 2], 'r--', label='Truth') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Y Component (--)') plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.plot(sHatEst[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, sHatEst[:, 3], label='Est') plt.plot(truthData[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, truthData[:, 3], 'r--', label='Truth') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Z Component (--)') plt.close('all') # print out success message if no error were found if testFailCount == 0: print("PASSED: " + CSSWlsWrap.ModelTag) # each test method requires a single assert method to be called # this check below just makes sure no sub-test failures were found return [testFailCount, ''.join(testMessages)] def cssRateTestFunction(show_plots): testFailCount = 0 # zero unit test result counter testMessages = [] # create empty array to store test log messages unitTaskName = "unitTask" # arbitrary name (don't change) unitProcessName = "TestProcess" # arbitrary name (don't change) # Create a sim module as an empty container unitTestSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass() # Create test thread testProc = unitTestSim.CreateNewProcess(unitProcessName) testProcessRate = macros.sec2nano(0.5) # update process rate update time testProc.addTask(unitTestSim.CreateNewTask(unitTaskName, testProcessRate)) # Construct algorithm and associated C++ container moduleConfig = cssWlsEst.CSSWLSConfig() moduleWrap = unitTestSim.setModelDataWrap(moduleConfig) moduleWrap.ModelTag = "CSSWlsEst" # Add module to runtime call list unitTestSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, moduleWrap, moduleConfig) # Initialize the WLS estimator configuration data moduleConfig.cssDataInMsgName = "css_data_aggregate" moduleConfig.cssConfigInMsgName = "css_config_data" moduleConfig.navStateOutMsgName = "css_nav_sunHeading" moduleConfig.useWeights = False moduleConfig.sensorUseThresh = 0.15 CSSOrientationList = [ [0.70710678118654746, -0.5, 0.5], [0.70710678118654746, -0.5, -0.5], [0.70710678118654746, 0.5, -0.5], [0.70710678118654746, 0.5, 0.5], [-0.70710678118654746, 0, 0.70710678118654757], [-0.70710678118654746, 0.70710678118654757, 0.0], [-0.70710678118654746, 0, -0.70710678118654757], [-0.70710678118654746, -0.70710678118654757, 0.0], ] numCSS = len(CSSOrientationList) # set the CSS unit vectors cssConfigData = fswMessages.CSSConfigFswMsg() totalCSSList = [] for CSSHat in CSSOrientationList: CSSConfigElement = fswMessages.CSSUnitConfigFswMsg() CSSConfigElement.CBias = 1.0 CSSConfigElement.nHat_B = CSSHat totalCSSList.append(CSSConfigElement) cssConfigData.nCSS = numCSS cssConfigData.cssVals = totalCSSList unitTestSupport.setMessage(unitTestSim.TotalSim, unitProcessName, moduleConfig.cssConfigInMsgName, cssConfigData) # Initialize input message cssDataMsg = simFswInterfaceMessages.CSSArraySensorIntMsg() unitTestSupport.setMessage(unitTestSim.TotalSim, unitProcessName, moduleConfig.cssDataInMsgName, cssDataMsg) # Log the output message as well as the internal numACtiveCss variables unitTestSim.TotalSim.logThisMessage(moduleConfig.navStateOutMsgName, testProcessRate) # Get observation data based on sun pointing and CSS orientation data cssDataMsg.CosValue = createCosList([1.0, 0.0, 0.0], CSSOrientationList) # Write in the observation data to the input message unitTestSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData(moduleConfig.cssDataInMsgName, cssDataMsg.getStructSize(), 0, cssDataMsg) # Initialize test and then step through all of the test vectors in a loop unitTestSim.InitializeSimulation() # Increment the stop time to new termination value unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(macros.sec2nano(1.0)) # Execute simulation to current stop time unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation() # rotate sun heading by 90 degrees cssDataMsg.CosValue = createCosList([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], CSSOrientationList) # Write in the observation data to the input message unitTestSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData(moduleConfig.cssDataInMsgName, cssDataMsg.getStructSize(), 0, cssDataMsg) unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(macros.sec2nano(2.0)) unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation() # test the module reset function moduleWrap.Reset(1) # this module reset function needs a time input (in NanoSeconds) unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(macros.sec2nano(2.5)) unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation() cssDataMsg.CosValue = createCosList([1.0, 0.0, 0.0], CSSOrientationList) unitTestSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData(moduleConfig.cssDataInMsgName, cssDataMsg.getStructSize(), 0, cssDataMsg) unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(macros.sec2nano(3.0)) unitTestSim.ExecuteSimulation() # Pull logged data out into workspace for analysis omegaEst = unitTestSim.pullMessageLogData(moduleConfig.navStateOutMsgName + '.omega_BN_B', list(range(3))) accuracy = 1e-6 trueVector = [ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -3.14159265], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, +3.14159265] ] testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArray(trueVector, omegaEst, accuracy, "CSS Rate Vector", testFailCount, testMessages) # print out success message if no error were found snippentName = "passFailRate" if testFailCount == 0: colorText = 'ForestGreen' print("PASSED: " + moduleWrap.ModelTag) passedText = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + "PASSED" + '}' else: colorText = 'Red' print("Failed: " + moduleWrap.ModelTag) passedText = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + "Failed" + '}' unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippentName, passedText, path) # each test method requires a single assert method to be called # this check below just makes sure no sub-test failures were found return [testFailCount, ''.join(testMessages)] # # This statement below ensures that the unitTestScript can be run as a # stand-along python script # if __name__ == "__main__": test_module( False, # show_plots False, # testSunHeading Flag True # testRate Flag )