Source code for test_ThrusterDynamicsUnit

''' '''
 ISC License

 Copyright (c) 2016, Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab, University of Colorado at Boulder

 Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
 purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
 copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.



# Thurster Unit Test
# Purpose:  Test the proper function of the Thruster Dynamics module.
#           This is done by comparing expected torques and forces to
#           what is sumulated
# Author:   Thibaud Teil
# Creation Date:  Dec. 20, 2016

import os
import numpy as np
import math
import pytest
import inspect
filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))
splitPath = path.split('simulation')

# @endcond

#Import all of the modules that we are going to call in this simulation
from Basilisk.utilities import unitTestSupport
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Basilisk.utilities import MessagingAccess
from Basilisk.utilities import SimulationBaseClass
from Basilisk.simulation import sim_model
from Basilisk.simulation import thrusterDynamicEffector
from Basilisk.simulation import stateArchitecture
from Basilisk.simulation import spacecraftPlus
from Basilisk.utilities import macros

class ResultsStore:
    def __init__(self):
        self.PassFail = []
    def texSnippet(self):
        for i in range(len(self.PassFail)):
            snippetName = 'Result' + str(i)
            if self.PassFail[i] == 'PASSED':
                textColor = 'ForestGreen'
            elif self.PassFail[i] == 'FAILED':
                textColor = 'Red'
            texSnippet =  r'\textcolor{' + textColor + '}{'+ self.PassFail[i] + '}'
            unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, texSnippet, path)

def testFixture():
    listRes = ResultsStore()
    yield listRes

def thrusterEffectorAllTests(show_plots):
   [testResults, testMessage] = test_unitThrusters(show_plots)

# Create function to run the simulation who's results will be compared to expected values
def executeSimRun(simContainer, thrusterSet, simRate, totalTime):
    newStopTime = simContainer.TotalSim.CurrentNanos + totalTime
    while(simContainer.TotalSim.CurrentNanos < newStopTime):
        simContainer.ConfigureStopTime(simContainer.TotalSim.CurrentNanos + simRate)

        thrusterSet.computeForceTorque(simContainer.TotalSim.CurrentNanos*macros.NANO2SEC + simRate*macros.NANO2SEC/2.0)
        thrusterSet.computeForceTorque(simContainer.TotalSim.CurrentNanos * macros.NANO2SEC + simRate * macros.NANO2SEC / 2.0)
        thrusterSet.computeForceTorque(simContainer.TotalSim.CurrentNanos*macros.NANO2SEC + simRate*macros.NANO2SEC)

        thrusterSet.computeStateContribution(simContainer.TotalSim.CurrentNanos * macros.NANO2SEC)
            simContainer.TotalSim.CurrentNanos * macros.NANO2SEC + simRate * macros.NANO2SEC / 2.0)
            simContainer.TotalSim.CurrentNanos * macros.NANO2SEC + simRate * macros.NANO2SEC / 2.0)
            simContainer.TotalSim.CurrentNanos * macros.NANO2SEC + simRate * macros.NANO2SEC)

# uncomment this line if this test has an expected failure, adjust message as needed
# @pytest.mark.xfail(True)

[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("ramp, thrustNumber , duration , long_angle, lat_angle, location, rate, cutoff, rampDown", [ ("OFF", 1 , 5.0 , 30. , 15., [[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E8, "OFF", "OFF"), #Test random thrust config ("OFF", 1 , 0.1, 30., 15.,[[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E8, "OFF", "OFF"), # Short fire test ("OFF", 1, 0.1, 30., 15.,[[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E6, "OFF", "OFF"), # Short fire test with higher test rate ("OFF", 1, 5.0, 30., 15.,[[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E7, "OFF", "OFF"),# rate test ("OFF", 1 , 5.0 , 10. , 35.,[[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E8, "OFF", "OFF"), # angle test ("OFF", 1 , 5.0 , 30. , 15.,[[1.], [1.5], [0.0]], 1E8, "OFF", "OFF"),# Position test ("OFF", 2 , 5.0 , 30. , 15.,[[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E8, "OFF", "OFF"), # Number of thrusters test ("ON", 1 , 5.0 , 30. , 15.,[[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E8, "OFF", "OFF") , # Basic ramp test ("ON", 1 , 0.5 , 30. , 15.,[[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E8, "OFF", "OFF") , # Short ramp test ("ON", 1 , 5.0 , 30. , 15.,[[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E7, "OFF", "OFF"), # rate ramp test ("ON", 1 , 5.0 , 30. , 15.,[[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E8, "ON", "OFF"), # Cuttoff test ("ON", 1, 5.0, 30., 15.,[[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E8, "ON", "ON") # Rampdown test ]) # provide a unique test method name, starting with test_ def test_unitThrusters(testFixture, show_plots, ramp, thrustNumber , duration , long_angle, lat_angle, location, rate, cutoff, rampDown): """Module Unit Test""" # each test method requires a single assert method to be called [testResults, testMessage] = unitThrusters(testFixture, show_plots, ramp, thrustNumber , duration , long_angle, lat_angle , location, rate, cutoff, rampDown) assert testResults < 1, testMessage
# Run the test def unitThrusters(testFixture, show_plots, ramp, thrustNumber , duration , long_angle, lat_angle, location, rate, cutoff, rampDown): # The __tracebackhide__ setting influences pytest showing of tracebacks: # the mrp_steering_tracking() function will not be shown unless the # --fulltrace command line option is specified. __tracebackhide__ = True testFailCount = 0 # zero unit test result counter testMessages = [] # create empty list to store test log messages unitTaskName = "unitTask" # arbitrary name (don't change) unitProcessName = "TestProcess" # arbitrary name (don't change) # Constants g = 9.80665 Isp = 226.7 # Create a sim module as an empty container unitTestSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass() # terminateSimulation() is needed if multiple unit test scripts are run # that run a simulation for the test. This creates a fresh and # consistent simulation environment for each test run. # Create thrusters thrusterSet = thrusterDynamicEffector.ThrusterDynamicEffector() thrusterSet.ModelTag = "ACSThrusterDynamics" # Create thruster characteristic parameters (position, angle thrust, ISP, time of thrust) angledeg_long = long_angle # Parametrized angle of thrust angledeg_lat = lat_angle anglerad_long = angledeg_long * math.pi/180.0 anglerad_lat = angledeg_lat * math.pi / 180.0 thruster1 = thrusterDynamicEffector.THRConfigSimMsg() thruster1.thrLoc_B =location # Parametrized location for thruster thruster1.thrDir_B = [[math.cos(anglerad_long)*math.cos(anglerad_lat)], [math.sin(anglerad_long)*math.cos(anglerad_lat)], [math.sin(anglerad_lat)]] thruster1.MaxThrust = 1.0 thruster1.steadyIsp = 226.7 thruster1.MinOnTime = 0.006 thrusterSet.addThruster(thruster1) loc1 = np.array([thruster1.thrLoc_B[0][0],thruster1.thrLoc_B[1][0],thruster1.thrLoc_B[2][0]]) dir1 = np.array([thruster1.thrDir_B[0][0], thruster1.thrDir_B[1][0], thruster1.thrDir_B[2][0]]) if thrustNumber==2: thruster2 = thrusterDynamicEffector.THRConfigSimMsg() thruster2.thrLoc_B =np.array([[1.], [0.0], [0.0]]).reshape([3,1]) thruster2.thrDir_B = np.array([[math.cos(anglerad_long+math.pi/4.)*math.cos(anglerad_lat-math.pi/4.)], [math.sin(anglerad_long+math.pi/4.)*math.cos(anglerad_lat-math.pi/4.)], [math.sin(anglerad_lat-math.pi/4.)]]).reshape([3,1]) thruster2.MaxThrust = 1.0 thruster2.steadyIsp = 226.7 thruster2.MinOnTime = 0.006 thrusterSet.addThruster(thruster2) loc2 = np.array([thruster2.thrLoc_B[0][0],thruster2.thrLoc_B[1][0],thruster2.thrLoc_B[2][0]]) dir2 = np.array([thruster2.thrDir_B[0][0], thruster2.thrDir_B[1][0], thruster2.thrDir_B[2][0]]) # Create a Simulation testRate = int(rate) # Parametrized rate of test TotalSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass() #Create a new process for the unit test task and add the module to tasking testProc = TotalSim.CreateNewProcess(unitProcessName) testProc.addTask(TotalSim.CreateNewTask(unitTaskName, testRate)) TotalSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, thrusterSet) TotalSim.scObject = spacecraftPlus.SpacecraftPlus() TotalSim.scObject.ModelTag = "spacecraftBody" # Create a task manager TotalSim.newManager = stateArchitecture.DynParamManager() # TotalSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, TotalSim.scObject) # Define the start of the thrust and it's duration sparetime = 3.*1./macros.NANO2SEC thrStartTime=sparetime thrDurationTime=duration*1./macros.NANO2SEC # Parametrized thrust duration #Configure a single thruster firing, create a message for it TotalSim.AddVariableForLogging('ACSThrusterDynamics.forceExternal_B', testRate, 0, 2) TotalSim.AddVariableForLogging('ACSThrusterDynamics.torqueExternalPntB_B', testRate, 0, 2) TotalSim.AddVariableForLogging('ACSThrusterDynamics.mDotTotal', testRate, 0, 0) ThrustMessage = thrusterDynamicEffector.THRArrayOnTimeCmdIntMsg() thrMessageSize = ThrustMessage.getStructSize() if thrustNumber==1: ThrustMessage.OnTimeRequest = [0.] if thrustNumber==2: ThrustMessage.OnTimeRequest = [0., 0.] TotalSim.TotalSim.CreateNewMessage(unitProcessName,"acs_thruster_cmds", thrMessageSize, 2) TotalSim.InitializeSimulation() #Configure the hub and link states TotalSim.scObject.hub.registerStates(TotalSim.newManager) thrusterSet.linkInStates(TotalSim.newManager) plt.close("all") if ramp == "OFF": # Run the simulation executeSimRun(TotalSim, thrusterSet, testRate, int(thrStartTime)) if thrustNumber==1: ThrustMessage.OnTimeRequest = [thrDurationTime*macros.NANO2SEC] if thrustNumber==2: ThrustMessage.OnTimeRequest = [thrDurationTime * macros.NANO2SEC, thrDurationTime * macros.NANO2SEC] TotalSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData("acs_thruster_cmds", thrMessageSize, TotalSim.TotalSim.CurrentNanos+testRate, ThrustMessage) executeSimRun(TotalSim, thrusterSet, testRate, int(thrDurationTime+sparetime)) # Gather the Force and Torque results thrForce = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.forceExternal_B') thrTorque = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.torqueExternalPntB_B') mDotData = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.mDotTotal') # Auto Generate LaTex Figures format = r"width=0.8\textwidth" snippetName = "Snippet" + str(thrustNumber) + "Thrusters_" + str(int(duration))+ "s_" +\ str(int(long_angle))+"deg_"+ "Loc"+ str(int(loc1[2])) + "_Rate"+str(int(1./(testRate*macros.NANO2SEC))) if thrustNumber==1: texSnippet = "The thruster is set at " +str(int(long_angle))+r"$^\circ$ off the x-axis " +str(int(lat_angle))+r"$^\circ$ off the z-axis, in the position $\bm r = \left("+\ str(loc1[0])+","+str(loc1[1])+"," +str(loc1[2])+ \ r"\right)$. The test is launched using " + str(thrustNumber) + " thruster, for " + \ str(duration)+ " seconds. The test rate is " + str(int(1./(testRate*macros.NANO2SEC))) + " steps per second" if thrustNumber==2: texSnippet = "The first thruster is set at " + str(int(long_angle)) + r"$^\circ$ off the x-axis " + str( int(lat_angle)) + r"$^\circ$ off the z-axis, in the position $\bm r = \left(" + \ str(loc1[0]) + "," + str(loc1[1]) + "," + str(loc1[2]) + \ r"\right)$. The second thruster is set at " + str(int(long_angle+45)) + r"$^\circ$ off the x-axis " + str( int(lat_angle+45)) + r"$^\circ$ off the z-axis, in the position $\bm r = \left(" + \ str(loc2[0]) + "," + str(loc2[1]) + "," + str(loc2[2]) + \ r"\right)$. The test uses these " + str(thrustNumber) + " thrusters for " + \ str(duration) + " seconds. The test rate is " + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) + " steps per second" unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, texSnippet, path) PlotName = "Force_" + str(thrustNumber) + "Thrusters_" + str(int(duration))+ "s_" +str(int(long_angle))+"deg_"+ "Loc"+str(int(location[2][0]))+ "_Rate"+str(int(1./(testRate*macros.NANO2SEC))) PlotTitle = "Force on Y with " + str(thrustNumber) + " thrusters, for " + str(int(duration))+ " sec at " +str(int(long_angle))+" deg "+ "Rate"+str(int(1./(testRate*macros.NANO2SEC))) plt.close("all") plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.plot(thrForce[:,0]*macros.NANO2SEC, thrForce[:,2]) plt.xlabel('Time(s)') plt.ylabel('Thrust Factor (N)') plt.ylim(-0.2,1) unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX(PlotName, PlotTitle, plt, format, path) if show_plots==True: plt.close('all') PlotName = "Torque_" + str(thrustNumber) + "Thrusters_" + str(int(duration))+ "s_" + str(int(long_angle))+"deg_"+ "Loc"+str(int(location[2][0]))+ "_Rate"+str(int(1./(testRate*macros.NANO2SEC))) PlotTitle = "Torque on X with " + str(thrustNumber) + " thrusters, for " + str(int(duration))+ " sec at " + str(int(long_angle))+" deg " + "Rate"+str(int(1./(testRate*macros.NANO2SEC))) plt.figure(11) plt.clf() plt.plot(thrForce[:,0]*macros.NANO2SEC, thrTorque[:,1]) plt.xlabel('Time(s)') plt.ylabel('Thrust Torque (Nm)') plt.ylim(-1.5, 2) unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX(PlotName, PlotTitle, plt, format, path) if show_plots==True: plt.close('all') PlotName = str(thrustNumber) + "Thrusters_" + str(int(duration))+ "s_" + str(int(long_angle))+"deg_"+ "Loc"+str(int(location[2][0]))+ "_Rate"+str(int(1./(testRate*macros.NANO2SEC))) PlotTitle = "All Forces and Torques " + str(thrustNumber) + " thrusters, for " + str(int(duration))+ " sec at " + str(int(long_angle))+" deg "+ "Rate"+str(int(1./(testRate*macros.NANO2SEC))) plt.figure(22) plt.clf() plt.plot(thrForce[:,0]*1.0E-9, thrForce[:,1], 'b', label='x Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:,0]*1.0E-9, thrTorque[:,1], 'b--', label='x Torque') plt.plot(thrForce[:,0]*1.0E-9, thrForce[:,2], 'g', label='y Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:,0]*1.0E-9, thrTorque[:,2], 'g--', label='y Torque') plt.plot(thrForce[:,0]*1.0E-9, thrForce[:,3], 'r', label = 'z Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:,0]*1.0E-9, thrTorque[:,3], 'r--', label='z Torque') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('Time(s)') plt.ylim(-1.5, 2) plt.legend(loc='upper right') unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX(PlotName, PlotTitle, plt, format, path) if show_plots==True: plt.close('all') #Create expected Force to test against thrForce expMDot = np.zeros([np.shape(np.array(mDotData))[0],1]) for i in range(np.shape(np.array(mDotData))[0]): if (i > 0 and i < int(round((thrDurationTime) / testRate)) + 1): expMDot[i, 0] = thrustNumber / (g * Isp) expectedpoints=np.zeros([3,np.shape(thrForce)[0]]) for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]):# Thrust fires 2 times steps after the pause of sim and restart if (i>int(round(thrStartTime/ testRate)) + 1 and i<int(round((thrStartTime+thrDurationTime)/ testRate)) + 2): if thrustNumber == 1: expectedpoints[0:3,i] = dir1 else: expectedpoints[0:3, i] = dir1 + dir2 # Modify expected values for comparison and define errorTolerance TruthForce = np.transpose(expectedpoints) ErrTolerance = 10E-9 # Compare Force values testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArray(TruthForce, thrForce, ErrTolerance, "Force", testFailCount, testMessages) for i in range(0, len(np.array(mDotData))): if not unitTestSupport.isArrayEqual(np.array(mDotData)[i,:], expMDot[i,:], 1, ErrTolerance): testFailCount+=1 testMessages.append('M dot failure') #Create expected Torque to test against thrTorque expectedpointstor = np.zeros([3, np.shape(thrTorque)[0]]) for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]): # Thrust fires 2 times steps after the pause of sim and restart if (i>int(round(thrStartTime/ testRate)) + 1 and i<int(round((thrStartTime+thrDurationTime)/ testRate)) + 2): if thrustNumber == 1: expectedpointstor[0:3, i] = np.cross(loc1, dir1) else: expectedpointstor[0:3, i] = np.cross(loc1, dir1) + np.cross(loc2, dir2) # Define errorTolerance TruthTorque = np.transpose(expectedpointstor) ErrTolerance = 10E-9 # Compare Torque values # Compare Force values testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArray(TruthTorque, thrTorque, ErrTolerance, "Torque", testFailCount, testMessages) if ramp == "ON": format = r"width=0.8\textwidth" rampsteps = 10 sparetime = 3.*1/macros.NANO2SEC thrStartTime = sparetime - 1.*1/macros.NANO2SEC # Setup thruster ramp on and ramp off configuration rampOnList = [] rampOffList = [] # Note that this ramp is totally linear and ramps up 30 ms using 30 steps for i in range(rampsteps): newElement = thrusterDynamicEffector.THRTimePairSimMsg() newElement.TimeDelta = (i + 1.) * 0.1 newElement.ThrustFactor = (i + 1.0) / 10.0 newElement.IspFactor = (i + 1.0) / 10.0 rampOnList.append(newElement) newElement = thrusterDynamicEffector.THRTimePairSimMsg() newElement.TimeDelta = (i + 1) * 0.1 newElement.ThrustFactor = 1.0 - (i + 1.0) / 10.0 newElement.IspFactor = newElement.ThrustFactor rampOffList.append(newElement) # Set up the ramps thrusterSet.thrusterData[0].ThrusterOnRamp = \ thrusterDynamicEffector.ThrusterTimeVector(rampOnList) thrusterSet.thrusterData[0].ThrusterOffRamp = \ thrusterDynamicEffector.ThrusterTimeVector(rampOffList) if rampDown == "OFF": if cutoff == "OFF": ##Execute a new firing that will use the thruster ramps executeSimRun(TotalSim, thrusterSet, testRate, int(thrStartTime)) ThrustMessage.OnTimeRequest = [thrDurationTime*macros.NANO2SEC] TotalSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData("acs_thruster_cmds", thrMessageSize, TotalSim.TotalSim.CurrentNanos+testRate, ThrustMessage) executeSimRun(TotalSim, thrusterSet, testRate, int(thrDurationTime+sparetime)) #Extract log variables and plot the results thrForce = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.forceExternal_B') thrTorque = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.torqueExternalPntB_B') mDotData = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.mDotTotal') snippetName = "Snippet" + "Ramp_" + str(rampsteps) +"steps_" + str(int(duration)) + "s"+ "_Cutoff" + cutoff + "_Rate" + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) + "_Cutoff" + cutoff texSnippet = "We test the ramped thrust with " + str(rampsteps) + " incremental steps. The single thruster is set at the default " +str(int(long_angle))+r"$^\circ$ off the x-axis " +str(int(lat_angle))+r"$^\circ$ off the z-axis, at $\bm r = \left(" + \ str(loc1[0]) + "," + str(loc1[1]) + "," + str(loc1[2]) + \ r"\right)$. The thrust is set for " + \ str(duration) + " seconds with a test rate of " + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) + " steps per second. The Cutoff test is " + cutoff unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, texSnippet, path) PlotName = "Ramp_" + str(rampsteps) + "steps_Cutoff" + cutoff +"_" + str(int(duration)) + "s"+"_testRate" + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) PlotTitle = "All Forces and Torques with " + str(rampsteps) + " step Ramp, thrust for " + str(int(duration)) + "s. Cutoff " + cutoff+", testRate" + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) plt.figure(22) plt.clf() plt.plot(thrForce[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrForce[:, 1], 'b', label='x Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrTorque[:, 1], 'b--', label='x Torque') plt.plot(thrForce[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrForce[:, 2], 'g', label='y Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrTorque[:, 2], 'g--', label='y Torque') plt.plot(thrForce[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrForce[:, 3], 'r', label='z Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrTorque[:, 3], 'r--', label='z Torque') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('Time(s)') plt.ylim(-1.5, 2) plt.legend(loc='upper left') unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX(PlotName, PlotTitle, plt, format, path) if show_plots == True: plt.close('all') # Create expected Force to test against thrForce expectedpoints = np.zeros([3, np.shape(thrForce)[0]]) RampFunction= np.zeros([np.shape(thrForce)[0]]) ramplength = 1. if ramplength < thrDurationTime*macros.NANO2SEC: for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]): if i<int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 2: RampFunction[i] = 0.0 if (i > int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC)/ testRate)) + 2) : #ramp up RampFunction[i] = (i-int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) - 2 + 1.0) * (macros.NANO2SEC*testRate) if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC)/ testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime) / testRate)) + 2): RampFunction[i]=1.0 if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime) / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime+ ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): RampFunction[i] = 1.0 - (i - int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime) / testRate))-2 + 1.0) *(macros.NANO2SEC*testRate) if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime+ ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1): RampFunction[i] = 0. else: for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]): if i<int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 2: RampFunction[i] = 0.0 if (i > int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime)/ testRate)) + 2) : #ramp up RampFunction[i] = (i-int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) - 2 + 1.0) * (macros.NANO2SEC*testRate) if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime) / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + 2*thrDurationTime) / testRate)) + 2): RampFunction[i] = RampFunction[int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime) / testRate)) + 1] - (i - int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime) / testRate))-2 + 1.0) *(macros.NANO2SEC*testRate) if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime+ ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1): RampFunction[i] = 0. # Create expected Force to test against thrForce expMDot = np.zeros([np.shape(np.array(mDotData))[0], 1]) for i in range(np.shape(RampFunction)[0]- (int(round(thrStartTime/testRate))+1)): if (i>0 and RampFunction[i + int(round(thrStartTime/testRate))+1]!=0.): expMDot[i, 0] = thrustNumber / (g * Isp) for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]): # Thrust fires 2 times steps after the pause of sim and restart if (i > int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime+ ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): expectedpoints[0:3, i] = dir1*RampFunction[i] # Modify expected values for comparison and define errorTolerance TruthForce = np.transpose(expectedpoints) ErrTolerance = 10E-9 # Compare Force values and M-dot testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArray(TruthForce, thrForce, ErrTolerance, "Force", testFailCount, testMessages) for i in range(0, len(np.array(mDotData))): if not unitTestSupport.isArrayEqual(np.array(mDotData)[i, :], expMDot[i, :], 1, ErrTolerance): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append('M dot failure') # Create expected Torque to test against thrTorque expectedpointstor = np.zeros([3, np.shape(thrTorque)[0]]) for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]): # Thrust fires 2 times steps after the pause of sim and restart if (i > int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime+ ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): expectedpointstor[0:3, i] = np.cross(loc1,dir1)*RampFunction[i] # Define errorTolerance TruthTorque = np.transpose(expectedpointstor) ErrTolerance = 10E-9 # Compare Torque values # Compare Force values testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArray(TruthTorque, thrTorque, ErrTolerance, "Torque", testFailCount, testMessages) if cutoff == "ON": COtime = 0.2 COrestart = 0.3 executeSimRun(TotalSim, thrusterSet, testRate, int(thrStartTime)) ThrustMessage.OnTimeRequest = [COtime * 10.] TotalSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData("acs_thruster_cmds", thrMessageSize, TotalSim.TotalSim.CurrentNanos+testRate, ThrustMessage) executeSimRun(TotalSim, thrusterSet, testRate, int(COtime * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC)) ThrustMessage.OnTimeRequest = [COrestart] TotalSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData("acs_thruster_cmds", thrMessageSize, TotalSim.TotalSim.CurrentNanos+testRate, ThrustMessage) # Need to change 0 to 1 to chain the message executeSimRun(TotalSim, thrusterSet, testRate, int(COrestart * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC + sparetime)) # Extract log variables and plot the results thrForce = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.forceExternal_B') thrTorque = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.torqueExternalPntB_B') mDotData = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.mDotTotal') PlotName = "Ramp_" + str(rampsteps) + "steps_Cutoff" + cutoff +"_" + str(int(duration)) + "s"+"_testRate" + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) PlotTitle = "All Forces and Torques, with a " + str(rampsteps) + " step Ramp, thrust for " + str(int(duration)) + "s. Cutoff " + cutoff+", testRate" + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) snippetName = "Snippet" + "Ramp_" + str(rampsteps) + "steps_Cutoff" + cutoff + "_Rate" + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) + "_Cutoff" + cutoff texSnippet = "We test the ramped thrust with " + str(rampsteps) + " incremental steps. The single thruster is set at the default " +str(int(long_angle))+r"$^\circ$ off the x-axis " +str(int(lat_angle))+r"$^\circ$ off the z-axis, at $\bm r = \left(" + \ str(loc1[0]) + "," + str(loc1[1]) + "," + str(loc1[2]) + \ r"\right)$. The thrust is set for " + \ str(duration) + " seconds with a test rate of " + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) + " steps per second. The Cutoff test is " + cutoff unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, texSnippet, path) plt.figure(55) plt.clf() plt.plot(thrForce[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrForce[:, 1], 'b', label='x Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrTorque[:, 1], 'b--', label='x Torque') plt.plot(thrForce[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrForce[:, 2], 'g', label='y Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrTorque[:, 2], 'g--', label='y Torque') plt.plot(thrForce[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrForce[:, 3], 'r', label='z Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrTorque[:, 3], 'r--', label='z Torque') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('Time(s)') plt.ylim(-1.5, 2) plt.legend(loc='upper left') unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX(PlotName, PlotTitle, plt, format, path) if show_plots == True: plt.close('all') # Create expected Force to test against thrForce expectedpoints = np.zeros([3, np.shape(thrForce)[0]]) RampFunction= np.zeros([np.shape(thrForce)[0]]) ramplength = 0.5 for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]): if i<int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 2: RampFunction[i] = 0.0 if (i > int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC)/ testRate)) + 2) : #ramp up RampFunction[i] = (i-int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) - 2 + 1.0) * (macros.NANO2SEC*testRate) if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + 2*ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): RampFunction[i] = RampFunction[int(round((thrStartTime + ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1] - (i - int(round((thrStartTime + ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate))-2 + 1.0) *(macros.NANO2SEC*testRate) if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + 2*ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1): RampFunction[i] = 0. # Create expected Force to test against thrForce expMDot = np.zeros([np.shape(np.array(mDotData))[0], 1]) for i in range(np.shape(RampFunction)[0]- (int(round(thrStartTime/testRate))+1)): if (i>0 and RampFunction[i + int(round(thrStartTime/testRate))+1]!=0.): expMDot[i, 0] = thrustNumber / (g * Isp) for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]):# Thrust fires 2 times steps after the pause of sim and restart if (i > int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime+ ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): expectedpoints[0:3, i] = dir1*RampFunction[i] # Modify expected values for comparison and define errorTolerance TruthForce = np.transpose(expectedpoints) ErrTolerance = 10E-9 # Compare Force values testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArray(TruthForce, thrForce, ErrTolerance, "Force", testFailCount, testMessages) for i in range(0, len(np.array(mDotData))): if not unitTestSupport.isArrayEqual(np.array(mDotData)[i, :], expMDot[i, :], 1, ErrTolerance): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append('M dot failure') # Create expected Torque to test against thrTorque expectedpointstor = np.zeros([3, np.shape(thrTorque)[0]]) for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]): # Thrust fires 2 times steps after the pause of sim and restart if (i > int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime+ ramplength*1.0/macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): expectedpointstor[0:3, i] = np.cross(loc1,dir1)*RampFunction[i] # Define errorTolerance TruthTorque = np.transpose(expectedpointstor) ErrTolerance = 10E-9 # Compare Torque values # Compare Force values testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArray(TruthTorque, thrTorque, ErrTolerance, "Torque", testFailCount, testMessages) if rampDown == "ON": RDrestart = 0.2 RDstart = 0.5 RDlength = 1.5 executeSimRun(TotalSim, thrusterSet, testRate, int(thrStartTime)) ThrustMessage.OnTimeRequest = [RDstart] TotalSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData("acs_thruster_cmds", thrMessageSize, TotalSim.TotalSim.CurrentNanos+testRate, ThrustMessage) executeSimRun(TotalSim, thrusterSet, testRate, int((RDstart+ RDrestart) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC)) ThrustMessage.OnTimeRequest = [RDlength] TotalSim.TotalSim.WriteMessageData("acs_thruster_cmds", thrMessageSize, TotalSim.TotalSim.CurrentNanos+testRate, ThrustMessage) # Need to change 0 to 1 to chain the message executeSimRun(TotalSim, thrusterSet, testRate, int(RDlength * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC + sparetime)) # Extract log variables and plot the results thrForce = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.forceExternal_B') thrTorque = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.torqueExternalPntB_B') mDotData = TotalSim.GetLogVariableData('ACSThrusterDynamics.mDotTotal') PlotName = "Ramp_" + str(rampsteps) + "steps_Cutoff" + cutoff + "rampDown" + rampDown+"_testRate" + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) PlotTitle = "All Forces and Torques, with a " + str(rampsteps) + " step Ramp, Cutoff " + cutoff + ", RampDown" + rampDown +" testRate" + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) snippetName = "Snippet" + "Ramp_" + str(rampsteps) + "steps_Cutoff" + cutoff + "_Rate" + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC)))+ "rampDown" + rampDown texSnippet = "We test the ramped thrust with " + str( rampsteps) + " incremental steps. The single thruster is set at the default "+str(int(long_angle))+r"$^\circ$ off the x-axis " +str(int(lat_angle))+r"$^\circ$ off the z-axis, at $\bm r = \left(" + \ str(loc1[0]) + "," + str(loc1[1]) + "," + str(loc1[2]) + \ r"\right)$. The thrust is set for " + \ str(RDstart) + " seconds initially with a test rate of " + str( int(1. / (testRate * macros.NANO2SEC))) + " steps per second. The Cutoff test is " + cutoff + \ " the RampDown test is " + rampDown + "." unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, texSnippet, path) plt.figure(55) plt.clf() plt.plot(thrForce[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrForce[:, 1], 'b', label='x Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrTorque[:, 1], 'b--', label='x Torque') plt.plot(thrForce[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrForce[:, 2], 'g', label='y Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrTorque[:, 2], 'g--', label='y Torque') plt.plot(thrForce[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrForce[:, 3], 'r', label='z Force') plt.plot(thrTorque[:, 0] * 1.0E-9, thrTorque[:, 3], 'r--', label='z Torque') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('Time(s)') plt.ylim(-1.5, 2) plt.legend(loc='upper left') unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX(PlotName, PlotTitle, plt, format, path) if show_plots == True: plt.close('all') # Create expected Force to test against thrForce expectedpoints = np.zeros([3, np.shape(thrForce)[0]]) RampFunction = np.zeros([np.shape(thrForce)[0]]) ramplength = 1. for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]): if i < int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 2: RampFunction[i] = 0.0 if (i > int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + RDstart * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): # ramp up RampFunction[i] = (i - int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) - 2 + 1.0) * (macros.NANO2SEC * testRate) if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + RDstart * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + (RDstart+RDrestart) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): RampFunction[i] = RampFunction[int(round((thrStartTime + RDstart * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1] - (i - int(round((thrStartTime + (RDstart) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) - 2 + 1.0) * (macros.NANO2SEC * testRate) if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + (RDstart+RDrestart) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + (RDstart+RDrestart+(1. -RDstart+RDrestart)) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): # ramp up RampFunction[i] = RampFunction[int(round((thrStartTime + (RDstart+RDrestart) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1]+ (i - int(round((thrStartTime+ (RDstart+RDrestart)* 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) - 2 + 1.0) * (macros.NANO2SEC * testRate) if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + (RDstart+RDrestart+(1. -RDstart+RDrestart)) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + (RDstart+RDrestart + RDlength) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): RampFunction[i] = 1.0 if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + (RDstart+RDrestart + RDlength) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1 and i < int(round((thrStartTime + (RDstart+RDrestart + RDlength+1) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): RampFunction[i] = 1.0 - (i - int(round((thrStartTime + (RDstart+RDrestart + RDlength) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) - 2 + 1.0) * (macros.NANO2SEC * testRate) if (i > int(round((thrStartTime + (RDstart+RDrestart + RDlength+ ramplength) * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 1): RampFunction[i] = 0. # Create expected Force to test against thrForce expMDot = np.zeros([np.shape(np.array(mDotData))[0], 1]) for i in range(1,np.shape(RampFunction)[0] - (int(round(thrStartTime / testRate))+1)): if (RampFunction[i + int(round(thrStartTime / testRate))+1] != 0.): expMDot[i, 0] = thrustNumber / (g * Isp) expMDot[i+1, 0] = thrustNumber / (g * Isp) # The way the last ramp is set up, we need another mdot value PlotName = "Ramp_function" PlotTitle = "Example of ramp function" plt.figure(11) plt.clf() plt.plot(thrForce[:, 0] * macros.NANO2SEC, RampFunction) plt.xlabel('Time(s)') plt.ylabel('Ramp(-)') plt.ylim(-1.5, 2) unitTestSupport.writeFigureLaTeX(PlotName, PlotTitle, plt, format, path) if show_plots == True: plt.close('all') for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]): # Thrust fires 2 times steps after the pause of sim and restart if (i > int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 1 and i < int( round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime + ramplength * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): expectedpoints[0:3, i] = dir1*RampFunction[i] # Modify expected values for comparison and define errorTolerance TruthForce = np.transpose(expectedpoints) ErrTolerance = 10E-9 # Compare Force values testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArray(TruthForce, thrForce, ErrTolerance, "Force", testFailCount, testMessages) for i in range(0, len(np.array(mDotData))): if not unitTestSupport.isArrayEqual(np.array(mDotData)[i, :], expMDot[i, :], 1, ErrTolerance): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append('M dot failure') # Create expected Torque to test against thrTorque expectedpointstor = np.zeros([3, np.shape(thrTorque)[0]]) for i in range(np.shape(thrForce)[0]): # Thrust fires 2 times steps after the pause of sim and restart if (i > int(round(thrStartTime / testRate)) + 1 and i < int( round((thrStartTime + thrDurationTime + ramplength * 1.0 / macros.NANO2SEC) / testRate)) + 2): expectedpointstor[0:3, i] = np.cross(loc1, dir1)*RampFunction[i] # Define errorTolerance TruthTorque = np.transpose(expectedpointstor) ErrTolerance = 10E-9 # Compare Torque values # Compare Force values testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArray(TruthTorque, thrTorque, ErrTolerance, "Torque", testFailCount, testMessages) if testFailCount == 0: print("PASSED") testFixture.PassFail.append("PASSED") else: testFixture.PassFail.append("FAILED") # return fail count and join into a single string all messages in the list # testMessage return [testFailCount, ''.join(testMessages)] if __name__ == "__main__": unitThrusters(ResultsStore(), False, "ON", 1, 5.0, 30., 15.,[[1.125], [0.5], [2.0]], 1E8, "ON", "ON")