FAQ - Frequency Asked Questions¶
The following Frequency Answer Questions are general and not operating system specific.
How do I run
to ensure all unit and integrated tests still passThe following response assumes you have the Basilisk soure code. You need to install the python utility
if this is not available on your system. Instructions are found at Installing Optional Packages. Next, navigate to the folderBasilisk\src
and runpytest
from there.How can I run
faster?Glad you asked. While Basilisk is a single threaded simulation, it is possible to run
in a multi-threaded manner:pip install --user pytest-xdist
After installing this utility you now run the multi-threaded version of
for 8 threads using:python3 -m pytest -n 8
How can I used
to generate a Basilisk validation HTML report?You will need to install
package, see Installing Optional Packages. Then you can do this with:python3 -m pytest --report
This generates an HTML report in a local
folder.How do I perform a clean build of Basilisk?
IDE’s like X-Code provide a “clean” function. This will remove some compiled code, but in Basilisk it does not get rid of all the SWIG’d code, and there can be compiler warnings related to the last CMAKE settings used. To really have a clean clean build, you can
delete the folder of
and create a new folder with that namedelete any CMake cache
delete the
directory in your home folder. Now when you run CMAke it will pull a fresh copy of any required libraries and proceed to build freshly minted version of Basilisk.