Module: sim_model


typedef enum varAccessType VarAccessType


enum varAccessType


enumerator messageBuffer
enumerator logBuffer
class SimModel
#include <sim_model.h>

The top-level container for an entire simulation.

Public Functions


The SimModel constructor.

This Constructor is used to initialize the top-level sim model.


SimModel destructor.

Nothing to destroy really

void selfInitSimulation()

Method to initialize all added Tasks.

This method goes through all of the processes in the simulation, all of the tasks within each process, and all of the models within each task and self-inits them.



void crossInitSimulation()

Method to initialize all added Tasks.

This method goes through all of the processes in the simulation, all of the tasks within each process, and all of the models within each task and cross-inits them.



void resetInitSimulation()

Method to reset all added tasks.

This method goes through all of the processes in the simulation, all of the tasks within each process, and all of the models within each task and resets them.



void StepUntilStop(uint64_t SimStopTime, int64_t stopPri)

Step simulation until stop time uint64_t reached.

This method steps the simulation until the specified stop time and stop priority have been reached.



  • uint64_t: SimStopTime Nanoseconds to step the simulation for

  • int64_t: stopPri The priority level below which the sim won’t go

void SingleStepProcesses(int64_t stopPri = -1)

Step only the next Task in the simulation.

This method steps all of the processes forward to the current time. It also increments the internal simulation time appropriately as the simulation processes are triggered



  • int64_t: stopPri The priority level below which the sim won’t go

void PrintSimulatedMessageData()

Print out all messages that have been created.

This method exists to provide the python layer with a handle to call to print out the internal message stats.



void addNewProcess(SysProcess *newProc)

This method allows the user to attach a process to the simulation for execution. Note that the priority level of the process determines what order it gets called in: higher priorities are called before lower priorities. If priorities are the same, the proc added first goes first.



  • SysProcess: *newProc the new process to be added

uint64_t IsMsgCreated(std::string MessageName)

This method exists to provide a hook into the messaging system for obtaining message data that was written in the simulation.


uint64_t Message Write time that we got

  • MessageName: String name for the message we are querying

  • MaxSize: Maximum size of the message that we can pull

  • MessageData: A shapeshifting buffer that we can chunk data into

  • LatestOffset: An offset from the latest message to pull (default as zero)

uint64_t GetWriteData(std::string MessageName, uint64_t MaxSize, void *MessageData, VarAccessType logType = messageBuffer, uint64_t LatestOffset = 0)

Grab a particular MessageName with MaxSize limited.

This method exists to provide a hook into the messaging system for obtaining message data that was written in the simulation.


uint64_t Message Write time that we got

  • MessageName: String name for the message we are querying

  • MaxSize: Maximum size of the message that we can pull

  • MessageData: A shapeshifting buffer that we can chunk data into

  • LatestOffset: An offset from the latest message to pull (default as zero)

void ResetSimulation()

Reset simulation back to zero.

This method is used to reset a simulation to time 0. It sets all process and tasks back to the initial call times. It clears all message logs. However, it does not clear all message buffers and does not reset individual models.



void WriteMessageData(std::string MessageName, uint64_t MessageSize, uint64_t ClockTime, void *MessageData)

Write in a single message.

This method exists to provide a hook into the messaging system for writing message data into existing messages



  • std::string: MessageName Name for the message we are writing

  • uint64_t: MessageSize Size in bytes of the message we’re trying to write

  • uint64_t: ClockTime The time that we are writing the message in nanoseconds

  • void: *MessageData A shapeshifting buffer that we can chunk data into

void CreateNewMessage(std::string processName, std::string MessageName, uint64_t MessageSize, uint64_t NumBuffers = 2, std::string messageStruct = "")

Create a new message for use.

This method exists to provide a hook into the messaging system for creating messages for use by the simulation.



  • std::string: processName Name of process that we create the message in

  • std::string: MessageName Name for the message we are creating

  • uint64_t: MessageSize Size in bytes of the message we want to make

  • uint64_t: NumBuffers The count of message buffers to create

  • std::string: messageStruct A name for the message struct type

void logThisMessage(std::string messageName, uint64_t messagePeriod = 0)

This method functions as a pass-through to the message logging structure when adding messages to log. The main point is to serve as an API at the main simulation level without having to hook in the message logger somewhere else.



  • std::string: messageName The name of the message that we want to log

  • uint64_t: messagePeriod The minimum time between messages to allow in ns

int64_t getNumMessages()

Get number of messages in simulation.

This method gets the current number of messages that have been created in the simulation.


uint64_t The number of messages that have been created

std::string getMessageName(int64_t messageID)

Get name for specified message ID.

This method finds the name associated with the message ID that is passed in.


std::string messageName The message name for the ID

  • uint64_t: messageID The message id that we wish to find the name for

MessageIdentData getMessageID(std::string messageName)

Get the ID associated with message name.

This method finds the ID associated with the message name and returns it to the caller. Mostly used to make sure a message is valid. If it’s not, you’ll just get -1, not a warning or failure.


int64_t messageID ID of the message associated with messageName

  • std::string: messageName The name of the message that you want the ID for

void populateMessageHeader(std::string messageName, MessageHeaderData *headerOut)

Get header data associated with msg.

This method obtains the header information associated with a given message. Note the copy out to the incoming message. The assumption is that this method is called from the python level where the storage for headerOut is created. This way we don’t connect a pointer to the internal message at the python level



  • std::string: messageName The name of the message we want to pull header information for

  • MessageHeaderData*: headerOut The output header information we extract from the simulation

std::set<std::string> getUniqueMessageNames()

This method gets the list of unique message names present in the simulation so that the user can see what messages have been created with no duplicates


std::set<std::string> set of strings that constitute the unique names

std::set<std::pair<long int, long int>> getMessageExchangeData(std::string messageName, std::set<unsigned long> procList = std::set<unsigned long>())

This method returns all of the read/write pairs for the entire simulation for a given message. That allows us to capture and analyze our data flow in a very clean manner.


std::set<std::pair> returnPairs Write/Read pairs for the entire simulation run

  • std::string: messageName The name of the message to find pairs for

  • std::set<unsigned: long> procList procs to check for read/write pairs

void terminateSimulation()

This method clears all messages. Note that once you do this, the simulation object itself is really dead.



Public Members

BSKLogger bskLogger

BSK Logging

std::vector<SysProcess*> processList

List of processes we’ve created

std::string SimulationName

Identifier for Sim

uint64_t CurrentNanos

[ns] Current sim time

uint64_t NextTaskTime

[ns] time for the next Task

int64_t nextProcPriority

[-] Priority level for the next process

messageLogger messageLogs

Message log data