

This scenario demonstrates how to use the smallBodyWaypointFeedback() module for waypoint to waypoint motion about a small body. In this scenario, the spacecraft holds an inertial pointing attitude while it moves to a waypoint defined in the small body’s Hill frame. The Module: simpleNav and Module: planetNav moduels provide measurements to the control law in the form of NavTransMsgPayload, NavAttMsgPayload, and EphemerisMsgPayload input messages. The control law outputs a CmdForceBodyMsgPayload, which is read in by Module: extForceTorque.

The control output in the spacecraft body frame can be found in the following plot:


The difference between the spacecraft position and velocity and associated references may be found in the figures below:

../_images/scenarioSmallBodyFeedbackControl1.svg ../_images/scenarioSmallBodyFeedbackControl2.svg

Finally, the attitude and attitude rate is given in the plots below.

../_images/scenarioSmallBodyFeedbackControl4.svg ../_images/scenarioSmallBodyFeedbackControl5.svg

The script is found in the folder basilisk/examples and executed by using:

scenarioSmallBodyFeedbackControl.plot_position(time, r_BO_O_truth, r_BO_O_meas)[source]

Plot the relative position result.

scenarioSmallBodyFeedbackControl.plot_velocity(time, v_BO_O_truth, v_BO_O_meas)[source]

Plot the relative velocity result.[source]

The scenarios can be run with the followings setups parameters:


show_plots (bool) – Determines if the script should display plots