Demonstrates how to stabilize the attitude tumble without translational motion. This script sets up a 6-DOF spacecraft, but without specifying any orbital motion. Thus, this scenario simulates the spacecraft translating in deep space. The scenario is a simplified version of scenarioAttitudeFeedback with the orbital setup removed.
The script is found in the folder basilisk/examples
and executed by using:
As with scenarioAttitudeFeedback, when the simulation completes 3 plots are shown for the MRP attitude history, the rate tracking errors, as well as the control torque vector.
The simulation layout is shown in the following illustration. A single simulation process is created which contains both the spacecraft simulation modules, as well as the Flight Software (FSW) algorithm modules.
Illustration of Simulation Results
show_plots = True, useLargeTumble = False
Here a small initial tumble is simulated. The resulting attitude and control torque histories are shown below. The spacecraft quickly regains a stable orientation without tumbling past 180 degrees.
show_plots = True, useLargeTumble = True
Note that, as expected, the orientation error tumbles past 180 degrees before stabilizing to zero. The control torque effort is also much larger in this case.