Source code for vizSupport

#  ISC License
#  Copyright (c) 2016, Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab, University of Colorado at Boulder
#  Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
#  purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
#  copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

import numpy as np
import os
from Basilisk import __path__
from Basilisk.architecture import messaging
from Basilisk.simulation import spacecraft
from Basilisk.utilities import unitTestSupport
from Basilisk.utilities import deprecated
from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib.colors import is_color_like

    from Basilisk.simulation import vizInterface
    vizFound = True
except ImportError:
    vizFound = False

bskPath = __path__[0]

firstSpacecraftName = ''

def toRGBA255(color, alpha=None):
    answer = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    if isinstance(color, str):
        # convert color name to 4D array of values with 0-255
        if is_color_like(color):

            answer = np.array(colors.to_rgba(color, alpha=alpha)) * 255
            answer = [round(a) for a in answer]
            print("toRGBA255() was provided unknown color name " + color)
        if not isinstance(color, list):
            print('ERROR: vizSupport: color must be a 4D array of integers')
        if max(color) > 255 or min(color) < 0:
            print('ERROR: vizSupport: color values must be between [0,255]')
        answer = color
    return answer

[docs] def setSprite(shape, **kwargs): """ Helper function to set the sprite shape and optional sprite color. :param shape: Sprite shape, must be either "CIRCLE", "SQUARE", "TRIANGLE", "STAR", or "bskSat" :param kwargs: RGBA color, can be either color name string or a 4D list of [0,255] values :return: string of the protobuffer sprite setting """ unitTestSupport.checkMethodKeyword( ['color'], kwargs) shapeList = ["CIRCLE", "SQUARE", "TRIANGLE", "STAR", "bskSat"] if not isinstance(shape, str): print("In setSprite() the shape argument must be a string using " + str(shapeList)) exit(1) if (shape not in shapeList): print("The setSprite() method was provided this unknown sprite shape primitive: " + shape) exit(1) answer = shape if 'color' in kwargs: colorInfo = kwargs['color'] if shape == "bskSat": print("cannot set a color for the bskSat sprite option") exit(1) colorValues = toRGBA255(colorInfo) answer += " " + " ".join(map(str, colorValues)) return answer
locationList = [] def addLocation(viz, **kwargs): if not vizFound: print('vizFound is false. Skipping this method.') return vizElement = vizInterface.LocationPbMsg() unitTestSupport.checkMethodKeyword( ['stationName', 'parentBodyName', 'r_GP_P', 'gHat_P', 'fieldOfView', 'color', 'range'], kwargs) if 'stationName' in kwargs: stationName = kwargs['stationName'] if not isinstance(stationName, str): print('ERROR: stationName must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.stationName = stationName else: print("ERROR: stationName argument must be provided to addLocation") exit(0) if 'parentBodyName' in kwargs: parentBodyName = kwargs['parentBodyName'] if not isinstance(parentBodyName, str): print('ERROR: parentBodyName must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.parentBodyName = parentBodyName else: print("ERROR: parentBodyName argument must be provided to addLocation") exit(1) r_GP_P = [0, 0, 0] if 'r_GP_P' in kwargs: r_GP_P = kwargs['r_GP_P'] if not isinstance(r_GP_P, list): print('ERROR: r_GP_P must be a list of floats') print(r_GP_P) exit(1) if len(r_GP_P) != 3: print('ERROR: r_GP_P must be list of three floats') exit(1) try: # check if vector is a list vizElement.r_GP_P = r_GP_P except: try: # convert Eigen array to list vizElement.r_GP_P = unitTestSupport.EigenVector3d2np(r_GP_P).tolist() except: pass else: print("ERROR: r_GP_P argument must be provided to addLocation") exit(0) if 'gHat_P' in kwargs: gHat_P = kwargs['gHat_P'] if not isinstance(gHat_P, list): print('ERROR: gHat_P must be a list of three floats') exit(1) if len(gHat_P) != 3: print('ERROR: gHat_P must be list of three floats') exit(1) vizElement.gHat_P = gHat_P else: vizElement.gHat_P = r_GP_P / np.linalg.norm(r_GP_P) if 'fieldOfView' in kwargs: fieldOfView = kwargs['fieldOfView'] if not isinstance(fieldOfView, float): print('ERROR: fieldOfView must be a float value in radians') exit(1) if fieldOfView > np.pi or fieldOfView < 0.0: print('ERROR: fieldOfView must be a value between 0 and Pi') exit(1) vizElement.fieldOfView = fieldOfView if 'color' in kwargs: color = kwargs['color'] vizElement.color = toRGBA255(color) if 'range' in kwargs: range = kwargs['range'] if not isinstance(range, float): print('ERROR: range must be a float') exit(1) vizElement.range = range locationList.append(vizElement) del viz.locations[:] # clear settings list to replace it with updated list viz.locations = vizInterface.LocationConfig(locationList) return pointLineList = [] def createPointLine(viz, **kwargs): if not vizFound: print('vizFound is false. Skipping this method.') return global firstSpacecraftName vizElement = vizInterface.PointLine() unitTestSupport.checkMethodKeyword( ['fromBodyName', 'toBodyName', 'lineColor'], kwargs) if 'fromBodyName' in kwargs: fromName = kwargs['fromBodyName'] if not isinstance(fromName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: fromBodyName must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.fromBodyName = fromName else: vizElement.fromBodyName = firstSpacecraftName if 'toBodyName' in kwargs: toName = kwargs['toBodyName'] if not isinstance(toName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: toBodyName must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.toBodyName = toName else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: toBodyName must be a specified') exit(1) if 'lineColor' in kwargs: vizElement.lineColor = toRGBA255(kwargs['lineColor']) else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: lineColor must be a specified') exit(1) pointLineList.append(vizElement) del viz.settings.pointLineList[:] # clear settings list to replace it with updated list viz.settings.pointLineList = vizInterface.PointLineConfig(pointLineList) return targetLineList = [] def createTargetLine(viz, **kwargs): if not vizFound: print('vizFound is false. Skipping this method.') return global firstSpacecraftName vizElement = vizInterface.PointLine() unitTestSupport.checkMethodKeyword( ['fromBodyName', 'toBodyName', 'lineColor'], kwargs) if 'fromBodyName' in kwargs: fromName = kwargs['fromBodyName'] if not isinstance(fromName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: fromBodyName must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.fromBodyName = fromName else: vizElement.fromBodyName = firstSpacecraftName if 'toBodyName' in kwargs: toName = kwargs['toBodyName'] if not isinstance(toName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: toBodyName must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.toBodyName = toName else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: toBodyName must be a specified') exit(1) if 'lineColor' in kwargs: vizElement.lineColor = toRGBA255(kwargs['lineColor']) else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: lineColor must be a specified') exit(1) targetLineList.append(vizElement) updateTargetLineList(viz) return def updateTargetLineList(viz): del viz.liveSettings.targetLineList[:] # clear settings list to replace it with updated list viz.liveSettings.targetLineList = vizInterface.PointLineConfig(targetLineList) return customModelList = [] def createCustomModel(viz, **kwargs): if not vizFound: print('vizFound is false. Skipping this method.') return global firstSpacecraftName vizElement = vizInterface.CustomModel() unitTestSupport.checkMethodKeyword( ['modelPath', 'simBodiesToModify', 'offset', 'rotation', 'scale', 'customTexturePath', 'normalMapPath', 'shader', 'color'], kwargs) if 'modelPath' in kwargs: modelPathName = kwargs['modelPath'] if not isinstance(modelPathName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: modelPath must be a string') exit(1) if len(modelPathName) == 0: print('ERROR: vizSupport: modelPath is required and must be specified.') exit(1) vizElement.modelPath = modelPathName else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: modelPath is required and must be specified.') exit(1) if 'simBodiesToModify' in kwargs: simBodiesList = kwargs['simBodiesToModify'] if not isinstance(simBodiesList, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: simBodiesToModify must be a list of strings') exit(1) if len(simBodiesList) == 0: print('ERROR: vizSupport: simBodiesToModify must be a non-empty list of strings') exit(1) for item in simBodiesList: if not isinstance(item, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: the simBody name must be a string, not ' + str(item)) exit(1) vizElement.simBodiesToModify = vizInterface.StringVector(simBodiesList) else: vizElement.simBodiesToModify = vizInterface.StringVector([firstSpacecraftName]) if 'offset' in kwargs: offsetVariable = kwargs['offset'] if not isinstance(offsetVariable, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: offset must be a list of three floats') exit(1) if len(offsetVariable) != 3: print('ERROR: vizSupport: offset must be list of three floats') exit(1) vizElement.offset = offsetVariable else: vizElement.offset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if 'rotation' in kwargs: rotationVariable = kwargs['rotation'] if not isinstance(rotationVariable, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: rotation must be a list of three floats') exit(1) if len(rotationVariable) != 3: print('ERROR: vizSupport: rotation must be list of three floats') exit(1) vizElement.rotation = rotationVariable else: vizElement.rotation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if 'scale' in kwargs: scaleVariable = kwargs['scale'] if not isinstance(scaleVariable, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: scale must be a list of three floats') exit(1) if len(scaleVariable) != 3: print('ERROR: vizSupport: scale must be list of three floats') exit(1) vizElement.scale = scaleVariable else: vizElement.scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] if 'customTexturePath' in kwargs: customTexturePathName = kwargs['customTexturePath'] if not isinstance(customTexturePathName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: customTexturePath must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.customTexturePath = customTexturePathName else: vizElement.customTexturePath = "" if 'normalMapPath' in kwargs: normalMapPathName = kwargs['normalMapPath'] if not isinstance(normalMapPathName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: normalMapPath must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.normalMapPath = normalMapPathName else: vizElement.normalMapPath = "" if 'shader' in kwargs: shaderVariable = kwargs['shader'] if not isinstance(shaderVariable, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: shader must be a an integer.') exit(1) if abs(shaderVariable) > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: shader must have a value of -1, 0 or +1.') exit(1) vizElement.shader = shaderVariable if 'color' in kwargs: colorVariable = kwargs['color'] if not isinstance(colorVariable, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: color must be a list of 4 integers') exit(1) if len(colorVariable) != 4: print('ERROR: vizSupport: offset must be list of 4 integers') exit(1) vizElement.color = vizInterface.IntVector(colorVariable) customModelList.append(vizElement) del viz.settings.customModelList[:] # clear settings list to replace it with updated list viz.settings.customModelList = vizInterface.CustomModelConfig(customModelList) return actuatorGuiSettingList = []
[docs] def setActuatorGuiSetting(viz, **kwargs): """ This method sets the actuator GUI properties for a particular spacecraft. If no ``spacecraftName`` is provided, then the name of the first spacecraft in the simulation is assumed. :param viz: copy of the vizInterface module :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments that this method supports :return: void Keyword Args ------------ spacecraftName: str The name of the spacecraft for which the actuator GUI options are set. Default: If not provided, then the name of the first spacecraft in the simulation is used. viewThrusterPanel: bool flag if the GUI panel should be shown illustrating the thruster states Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used viewRWPanel: bool flag if the GUI panel should be shown illustrating the reaction wheel states Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used viewThrusterHUD: bool flag if the HUD visualization of the thruster states should be shown Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used viewRWHUD: bool flag if the HUD visualization of the reaction wheel states should be shown Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used showThrusterLabels: bool flag if the thruster labels should be shown Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used showRWLabels: bool flag if the reaction wheel labels should be shown Default: if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used """ if not vizFound: print('vizFound is false. Skipping this method.') return global firstSpacecraftName vizElement = vizInterface.ActuatorGuiSettings() unitTestSupport.checkMethodKeyword( ['spacecraftName', 'viewThrusterPanel', 'viewThrusterHUD', 'viewRWPanel', 'viewRWHUD', 'showThrusterLabels', 'showRWLabels'], kwargs) if 'spacecraftName' in kwargs: scName = kwargs['spacecraftName'] if not isinstance(scName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: spacecraftName must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.spacecraftName = scName else: vizElement.spacecraftName = firstSpacecraftName if 'viewThrusterPanel' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['viewThrusterPanel'] if not isinstance(setting, bool): print('ERROR: vizSupport: viewThrusterPanel must be True or False') exit(1) vizElement.viewThrusterPanel = setting if 'viewThrusterHUD' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['viewThrusterHUD'] if not isinstance(setting, bool): print('ERROR: vizSupport: viewThrusterHUD must be True or False') exit(1) vizElement.viewThrusterHUD = setting if 'viewRWPanel' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['viewRWPanel'] if not isinstance(setting, bool): print('ERROR: vizSupport: viewRWPanel must be True or False') exit(1) vizElement.viewRWPanel = setting if 'viewRWHUD' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['viewRWHUD'] if not isinstance(setting, bool): print('ERROR: vizSupport: viewRWHUD must be True or False') exit(1) vizElement.viewRWHUD = setting if 'showThrusterLabels' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['showThrusterLabels'] if not isinstance(setting, bool): print('ERROR: vizSupport: showThrusterLabels must be True or False') exit(1) vizElement.showThrusterLabels = setting if 'showRWLabels' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['showRWLabels'] if not isinstance(setting, bool): print('ERROR: vizSupport: showRWLabels must be an True or False') exit(1) vizElement.showRWLabels = setting actuatorGuiSettingList.append(vizElement) del viz.settings.actuatorGuiSettingsList[:] # clear settings list to replace it with updated list viz.settings.actuatorGuiSettingsList = vizInterface.ActuatorGuiSettingsConfig(actuatorGuiSettingList) return
instrumentGuiSettingList = []
[docs] def setInstrumentGuiSetting(viz, **kwargs): """ This method sets the instrument GUI properties for a particular spacecraft. If no ``spacecraftName`` is provided, then the name of the first spacecraft in the simulation is assumed. :param viz: copy of the vizInterface module :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments that this method supports :return: void Keyword Args ------------ spacecraftName: str The name of the spacecraft for which the actuator GUI options are set. Default: 0 - If not provided, then the name of the first spacecraft in the simulation is used. viewCSSPanel: int flag if the GUI panel should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) illustrating the CSS states Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used viewCSSCoverage: int flag if the HUD spherical coverage of the CSS states should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used viewCSSBoresight: int flag if the HUD boresight axes of the CSS states should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used showCSSLabels: int flag if the CSS labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used showGenericSensorLabels: int flag if the generic sensor labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used showTransceiverLabels: int flag if the generic sensor labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used showTransceiverFrustrum: int flag if the generic sensor labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used showGenericStoragePanel: int flag if the generic sensor labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used showMultiSphereLabels: int flag if the generic sensor labels should be shown (1) or hidden (-1) Default: 0 - if not provided, then the Vizard default settings are used """ if not vizFound: print('vizFound is false. Skipping this method.') return global firstSpacecraftName vizElement = vizInterface.InstrumentGuiSettings() unitTestSupport.checkMethodKeyword( ['spacecraftName', 'viewCSSPanel', 'viewCSSCoverage', 'viewCSSBoresight', 'showCSSLabels', 'showGenericSensorLabels', 'showTransceiverLabels', 'showTransceiverFrustrum', 'showGenericStoragePanel', 'showMultiSphereLabels'], kwargs) if 'spacecraftName' in kwargs: scName = kwargs['spacecraftName'] if not isinstance(scName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: spacecraftName must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.spacecraftName = scName else: vizElement.spacecraftName = firstSpacecraftName if 'viewCSSPanel' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['viewCSSPanel'] if not isinstance(setting, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: viewCSSPanel must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) if setting is False: setting = -1 if setting*setting > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: viewCSSPanel must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) vizElement.viewCSSPanel = setting print(vizElement.viewCSSPanel) if 'viewCSSCoverage' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['viewCSSCoverage'] if not isinstance(setting, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: viewCSSCoverage must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) if setting is False: setting = -1 if setting*setting > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: viewCSSPanel must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) vizElement.viewCSSCoverage = setting if 'viewCSSBoresight' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['viewCSSBoresight'] if not isinstance(setting, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: viewCSSBoresight must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) if setting is False: setting = -1 if setting*setting > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: viewCSSPanel must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) vizElement.viewCSSBoresight = setting if 'showCSSLabels' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['showCSSLabels'] if not isinstance(setting, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: showCSSLabels must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) if setting is False: setting = -1 if setting*setting > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: viewCSSPanel must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) vizElement.showCSSLabels = setting if 'showGenericSensorLabels' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['showGenericSensorLabels'] if not isinstance(setting, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: showGenericSensorLabels must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) if setting is False: setting = -1 if setting*setting > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: showGenericSensorLabels must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) vizElement.showGenericSensorLabels = setting if 'showTransceiverLabels' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['showTransceiverLabels'] if not isinstance(setting, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: showTransceiverLabels must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) if setting is False: setting = -1 if setting*setting > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: showTransceiverLabels must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) vizElement.showTransceiverLabels = setting if 'showTransceiverFrustrum' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['showTransceiverFrustrum'] if not isinstance(setting, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: showTransceiverFrustrum must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) if setting is False: setting = -1 if setting*setting > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: showTransceiverFrustrum must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) vizElement.showTransceiverFrustrum = setting if 'showGenericStoragePanel' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['showGenericStoragePanel'] if not isinstance(setting, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: showGenericStoragePanel must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) if setting is False: setting = -1 if setting*setting > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: showGenericStoragePanel must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) vizElement.showGenericStoragePanel = setting if 'showMultiSphereLabels' in kwargs: setting = kwargs['showMultiSphereLabels'] if not isinstance(setting, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: showMultiSphereLabels must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) if setting is False: setting = -1 if setting*setting > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: showMultiSphereLabels must be -1 (Off), 0 (default) or 1 (On)') exit(1) vizElement.showMultiSphereLabels = setting instrumentGuiSettingList.append(vizElement) del viz.settings.instrumentGuiSettingsList[:] # clear settings list to replace it with updated list viz.settings.instrumentGuiSettingsList = vizInterface.InstrumentGuiSettingsConfig(instrumentGuiSettingList) return
coneInOutList = [] def createConeInOut(viz, **kwargs): if not vizFound: print('vizFound is false. Skipping this method.') return global firstSpacecraftName vizElement = vizInterface.KeepOutInCone() unitTestSupport.checkMethodKeyword( ['fromBodyName', 'toBodyName', 'coneColor', 'isKeepIn', 'position_B', 'normalVector_B', 'incidenceAngle', 'coneHeight', 'coneName'], kwargs) if 'fromBodyName' in kwargs: fromName = kwargs['fromBodyName'] if not isinstance(fromName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: fromBodyName must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.fromBodyName = fromName else: vizElement.fromBodyName = firstSpacecraftName if 'toBodyName' in kwargs: toName = kwargs['toBodyName'] if not isinstance(toName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: toBodyName must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.toBodyName = toName else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: toBodyName must be a specified') exit(1) if 'coneColor' in kwargs: vizElement.coneColor = toRGBA255(kwargs['coneColor']) else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: coneColor must be a specified') exit(1) if 'isKeepIn' in kwargs: keepInFlag = kwargs['isKeepIn'] if not isinstance(keepInFlag, bool): print('ERROR: vizSupport: isKeepIn must be a BOOL') exit(1) vizElement.isKeepIn = keepInFlag else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: isKeepIn must be a specified') exit(1) if 'position_B' in kwargs: pos_B = kwargs['position_B'] if not isinstance(pos_B, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: position_B must be a 3D array of doubles') exit(1) vizElement.position_B = pos_B else: vizElement.position_B = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if 'normalVector_B' in kwargs: n_B = kwargs['normalVector_B'] if not isinstance(n_B, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: normalVector_B must be a 3D array of doubles') exit(1) vizElement.normalVector_B = n_B else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: normalVector_B must be a specified') exit(1) if 'incidenceAngle' in kwargs: angle = kwargs['incidenceAngle'] if not isinstance(angle, float): print('ERROR: vizSupport: incidenceAngle must be a float value in radians') exit(1) vizElement.incidenceAngle = angle else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: incidenceAngle must be a specified') exit(1) if 'coneHeight' in kwargs: height = kwargs['coneHeight'] if not isinstance(height, float): print('ERROR: vizSupport: coneHeight must be a float value') exit(1) vizElement.coneHeight = height else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: coneHeight must be a specified') exit(1) if 'coneName' in kwargs: coneName = kwargs['coneName'] if not isinstance(coneName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: coneName must be a string') exit(1) vizElement.coneName = coneName else: vizElement.coneName = "" coneInOutList.append(vizElement) del viz.settings.coneList[:] # clear settings list to replace it with updated list viz.settings.coneList = vizInterface.KeepOutInConeConfig(coneInOutList) return stdCameraList = []
[docs] def createStandardCamera(viz, **kwargs): ''' add a standard camera window ''' if not vizFound: print('vizFound is false. Skipping this method.') return cam = vizInterface.StdCameraSettings() unitTestSupport.checkMethodKeyword( ['spacecraftName', 'setMode', 'setView', 'fieldOfView', 'bodyTarget', 'pointingVector_B', 'position_B', 'displayName'], kwargs) if 'spacecraftName' in kwargs: scName = kwargs['spacecraftName'] if not isinstance(scName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: spacecraftName must be a string, you provided ' + str(scName)) exit(1) cam.spacecraftName = scName else: cam.spacecraftName = firstSpacecraftName if 'setMode' in kwargs: setMode = kwargs['setMode'] if not isinstance(setMode, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: setMode must be an integer') exit(1) if setMode < 0 or setMode > 2: print('ERROR: vizSupport: setMode must be a 0 (body targeting) or 1 (pointing vector)') exit(1) cam.setMode = setMode if 'setView' in kwargs: setView = kwargs['setView'] if cam.setMode == 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: setView does not apply to pointing vector mode.') exit(1) if not isinstance(setView, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: setView must be an integer') exit(1) if setView < 0 or setView > 2: print('ERROR: vizSupport: setView must be a number of [0,2]') print('0 -> Nadir, 1 -> Orbit Normal, 2 -> Along Track (default to nadir). ' 'This is a setting for body targeting mode.') exit(1) cam.setView = setView if 'fieldOfView' in kwargs: fieldOfView = kwargs['fieldOfView'] if not isinstance(fieldOfView, float): print('ERROR: vizSupport: spacecraftVisible must be a float in radians') exit(1) cam.fieldOfView = fieldOfView if 'bodyTarget' in kwargs: if cam.setMode == 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: bodyTarget does not apply in pointing vector mode') exit(1) bodyTargetName = kwargs['bodyTarget'] if not isinstance(bodyTargetName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: targetBodyName must be a string') exit(1) cam.bodyTarget = bodyTargetName else: cam.bodyTarget = "" if 'pointingVector_B' in kwargs: if cam.setMode == 0: print('ERROR: vizSupport: pointingVector_B does not apply in body pointing mode') exit(1) pointingVector_B = kwargs['pointingVector_B'] if not isinstance(pointingVector_B, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: pointingVector_B must be a 3D array of doubles') exit(1) if len(pointingVector_B) != 3: print('ERROR: vizSupport: pointingVector_B must be 3D list') exit(1) cam.pointingVector_B = pointingVector_B else: cam.pointingVector_B = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] if 'position_B' in kwargs: position_B = kwargs['position_B'] if len(position_B) != 3: print('ERROR: vizSupport: position_B must be 3D list of float values') exit(1) cam.position_B = position_B else: cam.position_B = [0, 0, 0] if 'displayName' in kwargs: displayName = kwargs['displayName'] if not isinstance(displayName, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: createStandardCamera: displayName must be a string') exit(1) cam.displayName = displayName stdCameraList.append(cam) del viz.settings.stdCameraList[:] # clear settings list to replace it with updated list viz.settings.stdCameraList = vizInterface.StdCameraConfig(stdCameraList) return
def createCameraConfigMsg(viz, **kwargs): if not vizFound: print('vizFound is false. Skipping this method.') return global firstSpacecraftName unitTestSupport.checkMethodKeyword( ['cameraID', 'parentName', 'fieldOfView', 'resolution', 'renderRate', 'cameraPos_B', 'sigma_CB', 'skyBox', 'postProcessingOn', 'ppFocusDistance', 'ppAperture', 'ppFocalLength', 'ppMaxBlurSize', 'updateCameraParameters', 'renderMode', 'depthMapClippingPlanes'], kwargs) cameraConfigMsgPayload = messaging.CameraConfigMsgPayload() if 'cameraID' in kwargs: val = kwargs['cameraID'] if not isinstance(val, int) or val < 0: print('ERROR: vizSupport: cameraID must be non-negative integer value.') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.cameraID = val else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: cameraID must be defined in createCameraConfigMsg()') exit(1) if 'parentName' in kwargs: val = kwargs['parentName'] if not isinstance(val, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: parentName must be a string') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.parentName = val else: cameraConfigMsgPayload.parentName = firstSpacecraftName if 'fieldOfView' in kwargs: val = kwargs['fieldOfView'] if not isinstance(val, float): print('ERROR: vizSupport: fieldOfView must be a float in radians') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.fieldOfView = val else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: fieldOfView must be defined in createCameraConfigMsg()') exit(1) if 'resolution' in kwargs: val = kwargs['resolution'] if not isinstance(val, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: resolution must be a list') exit(1) if len(val) != 2: print('ERROR: vizSupport: resolution list ' + str(val) + 'must be of length 2') exit(1) if not isinstance(val[0], int) or not isinstance(val[1], int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: resolution list ' + str(val) + ' must contain integers') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.resolution = val else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: resolution must be defined in createCameraConfigMsg()') exit(1) if 'renderRate' in kwargs: val = kwargs['renderRate'] if not isinstance(val, float) or val < 0: print('ERROR: vizSupport: renderRate ' + str(val) + ' must be positive float value in units of seconds.') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.renderRate = int(val * 1e9) # convert to nano-seconds if 'cameraPos_B' in kwargs: val = kwargs['cameraPos_B'] if not isinstance(val, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: cameraPos_B must be a list') exit(1) if len(val) != 3: print('ERROR: vizSupport: cameraPos_B list ' + str(val) + 'must be of length 3') exit(1) if not isinstance(val[0], float) or not isinstance(val[1], float) or not isinstance(val[2], float): print('ERROR: vizSupport: cameraPos_B list ' + str(val) + ' must contain floats') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.cameraPos_B = val else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: cameraPos_B must be defined in createCameraConfigMsg()') exit(1) if 'sigma_CB' in kwargs: val = kwargs['sigma_CB'] if not isinstance(val, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: sigma_CB must be a list') exit(1) if len(val) != 3: print('ERROR: vizSupport: sigma_CB list ' + str(val) + 'must be of length 3') exit(1) if not isinstance(val[0], float) or not isinstance(val[1], float) or not isinstance(val[2], float): print('ERROR: vizSupport: sigma_CB list ' + str(val) + ' must contain floats') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.sigma_CB = val else: print('ERROR: vizSupport: sigma_CB must be defined in createCameraConfigMsg()') exit(1) if 'skyBox' in kwargs: val = kwargs['skyBox'] if not isinstance(val, str): print('ERROR: vizSupport: skyBox must be a string') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.skyBox = val else: cameraConfigMsgPayload.skyBox = "" if 'postProcessingOn' in kwargs: val = kwargs['postProcessingOn'] if not isinstance(val, int) or val < 0: print('ERROR: vizSupport: postProcessingOn must be non-negative integer value.') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.postProcessingOn = val if 'ppFocusDistance' in kwargs: val = kwargs['ppFocusDistance'] if not isinstance(val, float) or val < 0: print('ERROR: vizSupport: ppFocusDistance ' + str(val) + ' must be 0 or greater than 0.1.') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.ppFocusDistance = int(val) if 'ppAperture' in kwargs: val = kwargs['ppAperture'] if not isinstance(val, float) or val < 0 or val > 32: print('ERROR: vizSupport: ppAperture ' + str(val) + ' must be 0 or with [0.05, 32].') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.ppAperture = int(val) if 'ppFocalLength' in kwargs: val = kwargs['ppFocalLength'] if not isinstance(val, float) or val < 0 or val > 0.3: print('ERROR: vizSupport: ppFocalLength ' + str(val) + ' must be 0 or with [0.001, 0.3] meters.') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.ppFocalLength = int(val) if 'ppMaxBlurSize' in kwargs: val = kwargs['ppMaxBlurSize'] if not isinstance(val, int) or val < 0 or val > 4: print('ERROR: vizSupport: ppMaxBlurSize must be non-negative integer value between [0, 4].') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.ppMaxBlurSize = val if 'updateCameraParameters' in kwargs: val = kwargs['updateCameraParameters'] if not isinstance(val, int) or val < 0 or val > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: updateCameraParameters must be 0 or 1.') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.cameraID = val else: cameraConfigMsgPayload.cameraID = 0 if 'renderMode' in kwargs: val = kwargs['renderMode'] if not isinstance(val, int) or val < 0 or val > 1: print('ERROR: vizSupport: renderMode must be 0 or 1.') exit(1) cameraConfigMsgPayload.renderMode = val else: cameraConfigMsgPayload.renderMode = 0 if 'depthMapClippingPlanes' in kwargs: if cameraConfigMsgPayload.renderMode != 1: print('WARNING: vizSupport: depthMapClippingPlanes only works with renderMode set to 1 (depthMap).') exit(1) val = kwargs['depthMapClippingPlanes'] if not isinstance(val, list): print('ERROR: vizSupport: depthMapClippingPlanes must be a list of two doubles.') exit(1) if len(val) != 2: print('ERROR: vizSupport: depthMapClippingPlanes list ' + str(val) + 'must be of length 2') exit(1) if not isinstance(val[0], float) or not isinstance(val[1], float): print('ERROR: vizSupport: depthMapClippingPlanes list ' + str(val) + ' must contain floats') exit(1) print(val) cameraConfigMsgPayload.depthMapClippingPlanes = val else: cameraConfigMsgPayload.depthMapClippingPlanes = [-1.0, -1.0] cameraConfigMsg = messaging.CameraConfigMsg().write(cameraConfigMsgPayload) cameraConfigMsg.this.disown() viz.addCamMsgToModule(cameraConfigMsg) return
[docs] def enableUnityVisualization(scSim, simTaskName, scList, **kwargs): """ This methods creates an instance of the vizInterface() modules and setups up associated Vizard configuration setting messages. Parameters ---------- scSim: variable with the simulationBaseClass copy simTaskName: task to which to add the vizInterface module scList: :ref:`spacecraft` objects. Can be a single object or list of objects Keyword Args ------------ saveFile: str can be a single file name, or a full path + file name. In both cases a local results are stored in a local sub-folder. Default: empty string resulting in the data not being saved to a file rwEffectorList: single or list of ``ReactionWheelStateEffector`` The list must have the same length ``scList``. Each entry is the :ref:`ReactionWheelStateEffector` instance for the spacecraft, or ``None`` if the spacecraft has no RW devices. thrEffectorList: single or double-list of :ref:`ThrusterDynamicEffector` The list must have the same length ``scList``. Each entry is a list of :ref:`ReactionWheelStateEffector` instances for the spacecraft denoting a thruster cluster, or ``None`` if the spacecraft has no thruster devices. thrColors: single or vector of int(4) array of RGBA color values for each thruster set. The list must have the same length as ``scList``. Each list entry is a list of RGBA array values for each cluster set. cssList: list of lists of :ref:`CoarseSunSensor` objects. The outer list length must match ``scList``. genericSensorList: list of lists of ``GenericSensor`` structures. The outer list length must match ``scList``. genericSensorCmdInMsgs: list of lists of :ref:`DeviceCmdMsgPayload` sensor state messages. The outer list length must match ``scList``. If the spacecraft has no sensor command msg, then use ``None``. opNavMode: bool flag if opNavMode should be used [DEPRECATED] liveStream: bool flag if live data streaming to Vizard should be used broadcastStream: bool flag if messages should be broadcast for listener Vizards to pick up. noDisplay: bool flag if Vizard should run performance opNav (no Vizard display) genericStorageList: list of lists of ``GenericStorage`` structures. The outer list length must match ``scList``. lightList: list of lists of ``Light`` structures. The outer list length must match ``scList``. spriteList: list of sprite information for each spacecraft modelDictionaryKeyList: list of the spacecraft model dictionary. Use ``None`` if default values are used oscOrbitColorList: list of spacecraft osculating orbit colors. Can be 4 RGBA integer value (0-255), a color string, or ``None`` if default values should be used. The array must be of the length of the spacecraft list trueOrbitColorList: list of spacecraft true or actual orbit colors. Can be 4 RGBA integer value (0-255), a color string, or ``None`` if default values should be used. The array must be of the length of the spacecraft list trueOrbitColorInMsgList: list of color messages to read and provide the true orbit color at each time step. This overwrites the values set with trueOrbitColorList. msmInfoList: list of MSM configuration messages ellipsoidList: list of lists of ``Ellipsoid`` structures. The outer list length must match ``scList``. Returns ------- :ref:`vizInterface` object copy of the vizInterface instance """ if not vizFound: print('Could not find vizInterface when import attempted. Be sure to build BSK with vizInterface support.') return # clear the list of point line elements del pointLineList[:] del actuatorGuiSettingList[:] del coneInOutList[:] global firstSpacecraftName unitTestSupport.checkMethodKeyword( ['saveFile', 'opNavMode', 'rwEffectorList', 'thrEffectorList', 'thrColors', 'cssList', 'liveStream', 'broadcastStream', 'noDisplay', 'genericSensorList', 'transceiverList', 'genericStorageList', 'lightList', 'spriteList', 'modelDictionaryKeyList', 'oscOrbitColorList', 'trueOrbitColorList', 'logoTextureList', 'msmInfoList', 'ellipsoidList', 'trueOrbitColorInMsgList'], kwargs) # setup the Vizard interface module vizMessenger = vizInterface.VizInterface() vizMessenger.ModelTag = "vizMessenger" scSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, vizMessenger) # ensure the spacecraft object list is a list if not isinstance(scList, list): scList = [scList] scListLength = len(scList) firstSpacecraftName = scList[0].ModelTag # process the RW effector argument rwEffectorScList = False if 'rwEffectorList' in kwargs: rwEffectorScList = kwargs['rwEffectorList'] if not isinstance(rwEffectorScList, list): rwEffectorScList = [rwEffectorScList] if len(rwEffectorScList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: rwEffectorList should have the same length as the number of spacecraft') exit(1) thrEffectorScList = False if 'thrEffectorList' in kwargs: thrEffectorScList = kwargs['thrEffectorList'] if not isinstance(thrEffectorScList, list): thrEffectorScList = [[thrEffectorScList]] if len(thrEffectorScList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: thrEffectorList should have the same length as the number of spacecraft') exit(1) thrColorsScList = False if 'thrColors' in kwargs: thrColorsScList = kwargs['thrColors'] if len(thrColorsScList) == 4: colorCheck = True for c in thrColorsScList: if not isinstance(c, int): colorCheck = False if colorCheck: thrColorsScList = [[thrColorsScList]] if len(thrColorsScList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: thrColors should have the same length as the number of spacecraft') exit(1) cssScList = False if 'cssList' in kwargs: cssScList = kwargs['cssList'] if not isinstance(cssScList, list): cssScList = [[cssScList]] if len(cssScList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: cssList should have the same length as the number ' 'of spacecraft and contain lists of CSSs') exit(1) gsScList = False if 'genericSensorList' in kwargs: gsScList = kwargs['genericSensorList'] if not isinstance(gsScList, list): gsScList = [[gsScList]] if len(gsScList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: genericSensorList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft and contain lists of generic sensors') exit(1) elScList = False if 'ellipsoidList' in kwargs: elScList = kwargs['ellipsoidList'] if not isinstance(elScList, list): elScList = [[elScList]] if len(elScList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: ellipsoidList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft and contain lists of generic sensors') exit(1) liScList = False if 'lightList' in kwargs: liScList = kwargs['lightList'] if not isinstance(liScList, list): liScList = [[liScList]] if len(liScList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: lightList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft and contain lists of light devices') exit(1) gsdScList = False if 'genericStorageList' in kwargs: gsdScList = kwargs['genericStorageList'] if not isinstance(gsdScList, list): gsdScList = [[gsdScList]] if len(gsdScList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: genericStorageList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft and contain lists of generic sensors') exit(1) tcScList = False if 'transceiverList' in kwargs: tcScList = kwargs['transceiverList'] if not isinstance(tcScList, list): tcScList = [[tcScList]] if len(tcScList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: tcScList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft and contain lists of transceivers') exit(1) spriteScList = False if 'spriteList' in kwargs: spriteScList = kwargs['spriteList'] if not isinstance(spriteScList, list): spriteScList = [spriteScList] if len(spriteScList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: spriteScList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft and contain lists of transceivers') exit(1) modelDictionaryKeyList = False if 'modelDictionaryKeyList' in kwargs: modelDictionaryKeyList = kwargs['modelDictionaryKeyList'] if not isinstance(modelDictionaryKeyList, list): modelDictionaryKeyList = [modelDictionaryKeyList] if len(modelDictionaryKeyList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: modelDictionaryKeyList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft and contain lists of transceivers') exit(1) logoTextureList = False if 'logoTextureList' in kwargs: logoTextureList = kwargs['logoTextureList'] if not isinstance(logoTextureList, list): logoTextureList = [logoTextureList] if len(logoTextureList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: logoTextureList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft and contain lists of transceivers') exit(1) oscOrbitColorList = False if 'oscOrbitColorList' in kwargs: oscOrbitColorList = kwargs['oscOrbitColorList'] if len(oscOrbitColorList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: oscOrbitColorList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft and contain lists of transceivers') exit(1) for elem in oscOrbitColorList: if isinstance(elem, list): if len(elem) != 4: print('ERROR: vizSupport: if specifying oscOrbitColorList color via RGBA values, you ' 'must provide 4 integers values from 0 to 255 ') exit(1) for color in elem: if color < 0 or color > 255: print('ERROR: vizSupport: oscOrbitColorList color contained negative value ') exit(1) trueOrbitColorList = False if 'trueOrbitColorList' in kwargs: trueOrbitColorList = kwargs['trueOrbitColorList'] if len(trueOrbitColorList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: trueOrbitColorList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft and contain lists of transceivers') exit(1) for elem in trueOrbitColorList: if isinstance(elem, list): if len(elem) != 4: print('ERROR: vizSupport: if specifying trueOrbitColorList color via RGBA values, you ' 'must provide 4 integers values from 0 to 255 ') exit(1) for color in elem: if color < 0 or color > 255: print('ERROR: vizSupport: trueOrbitColorList color contained negative value ') exit(1) msmInfoList = False if 'msmInfoList' in kwargs: msmInfoList = kwargs['msmInfoList'] if not isinstance(msmInfoList, list): msmInfoList = [msmInfoList] if len(msmInfoList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: msmInfoList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft') exit(1) trueOrbitColorInMsgList = False if 'trueOrbitColorInMsgList' in kwargs: trueOrbitColorInMsgList = kwargs['trueOrbitColorInMsgList'] if not isinstance(trueOrbitColorInMsgList, list): trueOrbitColorInMsgList = [trueOrbitColorInMsgList] if len(trueOrbitColorInMsgList) != scListLength: print('ERROR: vizSupport: trueOrbitColorInMsgList should have the same length as the ' 'number of spacecraft') exit(1) # loop over all spacecraft to associated states and msg information planetNameList = [] planetInfoList = [] spiceMsgList = [] vizMessenger.scData.clear() c = 0 spacecraftParentName = "" for sc in scList: # create spacecraft information container scData = vizInterface.VizSpacecraftData() # link to spacecraft state message if isinstance(sc, type(spacecraft.Spacecraft())): # set spacecraft name scData.spacecraftName = sc.ModelTag spacecraftParentName = sc.ModelTag scData.scStateInMsg.subscribeTo(sc.scStateOutMsg) # link to celestial bodies information for gravBody in sc.gravField.gravBodies: # check if the celestial object has already been added if gravBody.planetName not in planetNameList: planetNameList.append(gravBody.planetName) planetInfo = vizInterface.GravBodyInfo() if gravBody.displayName == "": planetInfo.bodyName = gravBody.planetName else: planetInfo.bodyName = gravBody.displayName = planetInfo.radEquator = gravBody.radEquator planetInfo.radiusRatio = gravBody.radiusRatio planetInfo.modelDictionaryKey = gravBody.modelDictionaryKey planetInfoList.append(planetInfo) spiceMsgList.append(gravBody.planetBodyInMsg) else: # the scList object is an effector belonging to the parent spacecraft scData.parentSpacecraftName = spacecraftParentName ModelTag = sc[0] effStateOutMsg = sc[1] scData.spacecraftName = ModelTag scData.scStateInMsg.subscribeTo(effStateOutMsg) # process RW effectors if rwEffectorScList: rwList = [] if rwEffectorScList[c] is not None: # RWs have been added to this spacecraft for rwLogMsg in rwEffectorScList[c].rwOutMsgs: rwList.append(rwLogMsg.addSubscriber()) scData.rwInMsgs = messaging.RWConfigLogMsgInMsgsVector(rwList) # process THR effectors if thrEffectorScList: thrList = [] thrInfo = [] if thrEffectorScList[c] is not None: # THR clusters have been added to this spacecraft clusterCounter = 0 for thrEff in thrEffectorScList[c]: # loop over the THR effectors attached to this spacecraft thSet = vizInterface.ThrClusterMap() thSet.thrTag = thrEff.ModelTag # set the label for this cluster of THR devices if thrColorsScList: if thrColorsScList[c] is not None: thSet.color = thrColorsScList[c][clusterCounter] for thrLogMsg in thrEff.thrusterOutMsgs: # loop over the THR cluster log message thrList.append(thrLogMsg.addSubscriber()) thrInfo.append(thSet) clusterCounter += 1 scData.thrInMsgs = messaging.THROutputMsgInMsgsVector(thrList) scData.thrInfo = vizInterface.ThrClusterVector(thrInfo) # process CSS information if cssScList: cssDeviceList = [] if cssScList[c] is not None: # CSS list has been added to this spacecraft for css in cssScList[c]: cssDeviceList.append(css.cssConfigLogOutMsg.addSubscriber()) scData.cssInMsgs = messaging.CSSConfigLogMsgInMsgsVector(cssDeviceList) # process generic sensor HUD information if gsScList: gsList = [] if gsScList[c] is not None: # generic sensor(s) have been added to this spacecraft for gs in gsScList[c]: gsList.append(gs) scData.genericSensorList = vizInterface.GenericSensorVector(gsList) # process spacecraft ellipsoids if elScList: elList = [] if elScList[c] is not None: # generic sensor(s) have been added to this spacecraft for el in elScList[c]: elList.append(el) scData.ellipsoidList = vizInterface.EllipsoidVector(elList) # process spacecraft lights if liScList: liList = [] if liScList[c] is not None: # light objects(s) have been added to this spacecraft for li in liScList[c]: liList.append(li) scData.lightList = vizInterface.LightVector(liList) # process generic storage HUD information if gsdScList: gsdList = [] if gsdScList[c] is not None: # generic storage device(s) have been added to this spacecraft for gsd in gsdScList[c]: if len(gsd.color) > 1: if len(gsd.color)/4 != len(gsd.thresholds) + 1: print("ERROR: vizSupport: generic storage " + gsd.label + " threshold list does not have the correct dimension. " "It should be 1 smaller than the list of colors.") exit(1) else: if len(gsd.thresholds) > 0: print("ERROR: vizSupport: generic storage " + gsd.label + " threshold list is set, but no multiple of colors are provided.") exit(1) gsdList.append(gsd) scData.genericStorageList = vizInterface.GenericStorageVector(gsdList) # process transceiver HUD information if tcScList: tcList = [] if tcScList[c] is not None: # transceiver(s) have been added to this spacecraft for tc in tcScList[c]: tcList.append(tc) scData.transceiverList = vizInterface.TransceiverVector(tcList) # process sprite information if spriteScList: if spriteScList[c] is not None: scData.spacecraftSprite = spriteScList[c] # process modelDictionaryKey information if modelDictionaryKeyList: if modelDictionaryKeyList[c] is not None: scData.modelDictionaryKey = modelDictionaryKeyList[c] # process logoTexture information if logoTextureList: if logoTextureList[c] is not None: scData.logoTexture = logoTextureList[c] if oscOrbitColorList: if oscOrbitColorList[c] is not None: scData.oscOrbitLineColor = vizInterface.IntVector(oscOrbitColorList[c]) if trueOrbitColorList: if trueOrbitColorList[c] is not None: scData.trueTrajectoryLineColor = vizInterface.IntVector(trueOrbitColorList[c]) if trueOrbitColorInMsgList: if trueOrbitColorInMsgList[c] is not None: scData.trueTrajectoryLineColorInMsg = trueOrbitColorInMsgList[c] # process MSM information if msmInfoList: if msmInfoList[c] is not None: # MSM have been added to this spacecraft scData.msmInfo = msmInfoList[c] vizMessenger.scData.push_back(scData) c += 1 vizMessenger.gravBodyInformation = vizInterface.GravBodyInfoVector(planetInfoList) vizMessenger.spiceInMsgs = messaging.SpicePlanetStateMsgInMsgsVector(spiceMsgList) # note that the following logic can receive a single file name, or a full path + file name. # In both cases a local results are stored in a local sub-folder. vizMessenger.saveFile = False if 'saveFile' in kwargs: fileNamePath = kwargs['saveFile'] fileName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fileNamePath))[0] filePath = os.path.dirname(fileNamePath) if filePath == "": filePath = "." if not os.path.isdir(filePath + '/_VizFiles'): os.mkdir(filePath + '/_VizFiles') vizFileNamePath = filePath + '/_VizFiles/' + fileName + '_UnityViz.bin' vizMessenger.saveFile = True vizMessenger.protoFilename = vizFileNamePath print("Saving Viz file to " + vizFileNamePath) if 'liveStream' in kwargs: val = kwargs['liveStream'] if not isinstance(val, bool): print('ERROR: vizSupport: liveStream must be True or False') exit(1) vizMessenger.liveStream = val if 'broadcastStream' in kwargs: val = kwargs['broadcastStream'] if not isinstance(val, bool): print('ERROR: vizSupport: broadcastStream must be True or False') exit(1) vizMessenger.broadcastStream = val if 'noDisplay' in kwargs: val = kwargs['noDisplay'] if not isinstance(val, bool): print('ERROR: vizSupport: noDisplay must be True or False') exit(1) if val and (vizMessenger.liveStream or vizMessenger.broadcastStream): print('ERROR: vizSupport: noDisplay mode cannot be used with liveStream or broadcastStream.') exit(1) vizMessenger.noDisplay = val if 'opNavMode' in kwargs: deprecateOpNav() val = kwargs['opNavMode'] if not isinstance(val, int): print('ERROR: vizSupport: opNavMode must be 0 (off), 1 (regular opNav) or 2 (high performance opNav)') exit(1) if val < 0 or val > 2: print('ERROR: vizSupport: opNavMode must be 0 (off), 1 (regular opNav) or 2 (high performance opNav)') exit(1) if val == 1: vizMessenger.liveStream = True if val == 2: if (vizMessenger.liveStream or vizMessenger.broadcastStream): print("ERROR: vizSupport: noDisplay mode cannot be used with liveStream or broadcastStream.") else: vizMessenger.noDisplay = True return vizMessenger
@deprecated.deprecated("2025/04/17", "opNavMode has been deprecated. Use 'liveStream' or 'noDisplay' flags instead.") def deprecateOpNav(): return