Source code for unitTestSupport

# ISC License
# Copyright (c) 2016, Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab, University of Colorado at Boulder
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

import errno
import math
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import pytest
from Basilisk.architecture import bskUtilities
from Basilisk.architecture import messaging
from Basilisk.topLevelModules import pyswice

mpl.rc("figure", facecolor="white")
mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=9)
mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=9)
mpl.rc("figure", figsize=(5.75, 2.5))
mpl.rc('axes', labelsize=10)
mpl.rc('legend', fontsize=9)
mpl.rc('figure', autolayout=True)
mpl.rc('figure', max_open_warning=30)
mpl.rc('legend', loc='lower right')

import matplotlib.colors as colors
import as cmx

from Basilisk.utilities import macros

from Basilisk import __path__

bskPath = __path__[0]

    from Basilisk.utilities import tabulate as T

    # '''
    # del(T.LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES['$'])
    # del(T.LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES['\\'])
    # del(T.LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES['_'])
    # del(T.LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES['{'])
    # del(T.LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES['}'])
    # '''

    del (T.LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES[u'$'])
    del (T.LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES[u'\\'])
    del (T.LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES[u'_'])
    del (T.LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES[u'{'])
    del (T.LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES[u'}'])
    from Basilisk.utilities.tabulate import *

[docs] def isVectorEqual(result, truth, accuracy): """function to check if a 3D vector is the same as the truth values""" if foundNAN(result): return 0 if np.linalg.norm(result - truth) > accuracy: return 0 # return 0 to indicate the array's are not equal return 1 # return 1 to indicate the two array's are equal
[docs] def isArrayEqual(result, truth, dim, accuracy): """function to check if an array of values is the same as the truth values""" # the result array is of dimension dim, no time stamp # the truth array is of dimesion dim, no time stamp if dim < 1: print("Incorrect array dimension " + dim + " sent to isArrayEqual") return 0 if len(result) == 0: print("Result array was empty") return 0 if len(truth) == 0: print("Truth array was empty") return 0 if foundNAN(result): return 0 for i in range(0, dim): if math.fabs(result[i] - truth[i]) > accuracy: return 0 # return 0 to indicate the array's are not equal return 1 # return 1 to indicate the two array's are equal
[docs] def isArrayEqualRelative(result, truth, dim, accuracy): """Compare relative accuracy of two arrays""" # the result array is of dimension dim, no time stamp # the truth array is of dimesion dim, no time stamp if dim < 1: print("Incorrect array dimension " + dim + " sent to isArrayEqual") return 0 if len(result) == 0: print("Result array was empty") return 0 if len(truth) == 0: print("Truth array was empty") return 0 if foundNAN(result): return 0 for i in range(0, dim): if truth[i] == 0: if result[i] == 0: continue else: print("Truth array contains zero") return 0 if math.fabs((result[i] - truth[i]) / truth[i]) > accuracy: return 0 # return 0 to indicate the array's are not equal return 1 # return 1 to indicate the two array's are equal
[docs] def isArrayZero(result, dim, accuracy): """function to check if an array of values are zero""" # the result array is of dimension dim if dim < 1: print("Incorrect array dimension " + dim + " sent to isArrayEqual") return 0 if len(result) == 0: print("Result array was empty") return 0 if foundNAN(result): return 0 for i in range(0, dim): if (math.fabs(result[i]) > accuracy): return 0 # return 0 to indicate the array's are not equal return 1 # return 1 to indicate the two array's are equal
[docs] def compareVector(trueStates, dataStates, accuracy, msg, testFailCount, testMessages, ExpectedResult=1): """Compare two vector size and values and check absolute accuracy""" if (len(trueStates) != len(dataStates)): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" unequal data array sizes\n") else: if isVectorEqual(dataStates, trueStates, accuracy) != ExpectedResult: testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r"\n") return testFailCount, testMessages
[docs] def compareArray(trueStates, dataStates, accuracy, msg, testFailCount, testMessages): """Compare two arrays size and values and check absolute accuracy""" if len(trueStates) != len(dataStates): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" unequal data array sizes\n") elif len(trueStates) == 0 or len(dataStates) == 0: testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" data had empty arrays\n") else: for i in range(0, len(trueStates)): # check a vector values if not isArrayEqual(dataStates[i], trueStates[i], 3, accuracy): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + "\n") return testFailCount, testMessages
[docs] def compareArrayND(trueStates, dataStates, accuracy, msg, size, testFailCount, testMessages): """Compare two arrays of size N for size and values and check absolute accuracy""" if len(trueStates) != len(dataStates): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" unequal data array sizes\n") elif len(trueStates) == 0 or len(dataStates) == 0: testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" data had empty arrays\n") else: for i in range(0, len(trueStates)): # check a vector values try: data = dataStates[i].flatten() except: data = dataStates[i] try: trueValue = trueStates[i].flatten() except: trueValue = trueStates[i] if not isArrayEqual(data, trueValue, size, accuracy): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg) return testFailCount, testMessages
[docs] def compareArrayRelative(trueStates, dataStates, accuracy, msg, testFailCount, testMessages): """ Checks whether the relative distance between elements of a pullMessageLogData-derived array and a truth array is below a provided accuracy, and return an error if not. Args: trueStates: iterable of size (m,n); dataStates: iterable of size (m,n) accuracy: Relative accuracy boundary msg: testFailCount: testMessages: """ if (len(trueStates) != len(dataStates)): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" unequal data array sizes\n") elif len(trueStates) == 0 or len(dataStates) == 0: testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" data had empty arrays\n") else: for i in range(0, len(trueStates)): # check a vector values if not isArrayEqualRelative(dataStates[i], trueStates[i], 3, accuracy): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + " at t=" + str(dataStates[i, 0] * macros.NANO2SEC) + r"sec\n") return testFailCount, testMessages
[docs] def isDoubleEqual(result, truth, accuracy): """function to check if a double equals a truth value""" if foundNAN(result): return 0 if math.fabs(result - truth) > accuracy: return 0 # return 0 to indicate the doubles are not equal return 1 # return 1 to indicate the doubles are equal
[docs] def isDoubleEqualRelative(result, truth, accuracy): """function to check if a double equals a truth value with relative tolerance""" if foundNAN(result): return 0 if foundNAN(truth): return 0 if foundNAN(accuracy): return 0 if truth == 0: print("truth is zero, cannot compare") return 0 if math.fabs((truth - result) / truth) > accuracy: return 0 # return 0 to indicate the doubles are not equal return 1 # return 1 to indicate the doubles are equal
[docs] def compareDoubleArrayRelative(trueStates, dataStates, accuracy, msg, testFailCount, testMessages): """Compare two arrays of doubles for size and values and check relative accuracy""" if len(trueStates) != len(dataStates): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" unequal data array sizes\n") elif len(trueStates) == 0 or len(dataStates) == 0: testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" data had empty arrays\n") else: for i in range(0, len(trueStates)): # check a vector values if not isDoubleEqualRelative(dataStates[i], trueStates[i], accuracy): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + "\n") return testFailCount, testMessages
[docs] def compareDoubleArray(trueStates, dataStates, accuracy, msg, testFailCount, testMessages): """Compare two arrays of doubles for size and values and check absolute accuracy""" if len(trueStates) != len(dataStates): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" unequal data array sizes\n") elif len(trueStates) == 0 or len(dataStates) == 0: testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" data had empty arrays\n") else: for i in range(0, len(trueStates)): # check a vector values if not isDoubleEqual(dataStates[i], trueStates[i], accuracy): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + "\n") return testFailCount, testMessages
[docs] def compareListRelative(trueStates, dataStates, accuracy, msg, testFailCount, testMessages): """Compare two row lists of values and check relative accuracy""" if len(trueStates) != len(dataStates): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" unequal data array sizes\n") elif len(trueStates) == 0 or len(dataStates) == 0: testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" data had empty arrays\n") else: if not trueStates == pytest.approx(dataStates, rel=accuracy): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + "\n") return testFailCount, testMessages
[docs] def compareList(trueStates, dataStates, accuracy, msg, testFailCount, testMessages): """Compare two row lists of values and check relative accuracy""" if len(trueStates) != len(dataStates): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" unequal data array sizes\n") elif len(trueStates) == 0 or len(dataStates) == 0: testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + r" data had empty arrays\n") else: if not trueStates == pytest.approx(dataStates, abs=accuracy): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("FAILED: " + msg + "\n") return testFailCount, testMessages
[docs] def writeTableLaTeX(tableName, tableHeaders, caption, array, path): """Take a list and return equivalent LaTeX table code""" texFileName = path + "/../_Documentation/AutoTeX/" + tableName + ".tex" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(texFileName)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(texFileName)) except OSError as exc: # Guard against race condition if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise with open(texFileName, "w") as texTable: table = tabulate(array, tableHeaders, tablefmt="latex", numalign="center" ) texTable.write(r'\begin{table}[htbp]') texTable.write(r'\caption{' + caption + '}') texTable.write(r'\label{tbl:' + tableName + '}') texTable.write(r'\centering') texTable.write(table) texTable.write(r'\end{table}') texTable.close() return
[docs] def writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, texSnippet, path): """Write a LaTeX snippet to a file""" texFileName = path + "/../_Documentation/AutoTeX/" + snippetName + ".tex" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(texFileName)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(texFileName)) except OSError as exc: # Guard against race condition if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise with open(texFileName, "w") as fileHandler: fileHandler.write(texSnippet) fileHandler.close() return
[docs] def saveScenarioFigure(figureName, plt, path, extension=".svg"): """save a python scenario result into the documentation image folder""" imgFileName = os.path.join(path, "..", "..", "docs", "source", "_images", "Scenarios", figureName + extension) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(imgFileName)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(imgFileName)) except OSError as exc: # Guard against race condition if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise plt.savefig(imgFileName, transparent=True)
[docs] def saveFigurePDF(figureName, plt, path): """Save a Figure as a PDF""" figFileName = os.path.join(path, figureName + ".pdf") if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(figFileName)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(figFileName)) except OSError as exc: # Guard against race condition if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise plt.savefig(figFileName, transparent=True, pad_inches=0.05)
[docs] def writeFigureLaTeX(figureName, caption, plt, format, path): """Save a figure and associated TeX code snippet""" texFileName = os.path.join(path, "..", "_Documentation", "AutoTeX", figureName + ".tex") if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(texFileName)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(texFileName)) except OSError as exc: # Guard against race condition if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise with open(texFileName, "w") as texFigure: texFigure.write(r'\begin{figure}[htbp]') texFigure.write(r'\centerline{') texFigure.write(r'\includegraphics[' + format + ']{AutoTeX/' + figureName + r'}}') texFigure.write(r'\caption{' + caption + r'}') texFigure.write(r'\label{fig:' + figureName + r'}') texFigure.write(r'\end{figure}') texFigure.close() texFileName = path + "/../_Documentation/AutoTeX/" + figureName + ".pdf" plt.savefig(texFileName, transparent=True) return
[docs] def foundNAN(array): """check if an array contains NAN values""" if (np.isnan(np.sum(array))): print("Warning: found NaN value.") return 1 # return 1 to indicate a NaN value was found return 0
[docs] def getLineColor(idx, maxNum): """pick a nicer color pattern to plot 3 vector components""" values = list(range(0, maxNum + 2)) colorMap = mpl.pyplot.get_cmap('gist_earth') cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=values[-1]) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=colorMap) return scalarMap.to_rgba(values[idx + 1])
[docs] def np2EigenMatrix3d(mat): """convert 3D numpy matrix to Eigen matrix""" return [ [mat[0], mat[1], mat[2]] , [mat[3], mat[4], mat[5]] , [mat[6], mat[7], mat[8]] ]
[docs] def np2EigenVectorXd(vec): """Convert numpy to Eigen vector""" npVec = [] for item in vec: npVec.extend([[item]]) return npVec
[docs] def npList2EigenXdVector(list): """Conver a list of arrays to a list of eigen values""" eigenList = bskUtilities.Eigen3dVector() for pos in list: eigenList.push_back(pos) return eigenList
[docs] def EigenVector3d2np(eig): """convert Eigen vector3d to numpy""" return np.array([eig[0][0], eig[1][0], eig[2][0]])
[docs] def flattenList(matrix): """ returns a flattened list Args: matrix: list of list Returns: flattened list """ flat_list = [] for row in matrix: flat_list.extend(row) return flat_list
[docs] def EigenVector3d2list(eig): """convert Eigen vector3d to list""" return EigenVector3d2np(eig).tolist()
[docs] def pullVectorSetFromData(inpMat): """extract the vector data set from a data matrix where the 1st column is the time information""" outMat = np.array(inpMat).transpose() return outMat[1:].transpose()
[docs] def addTimeColumn(time, data): """Add a time column to the data set""" return np.transpose(np.vstack([[time], np.transpose(data)]))
[docs] def decimalYearToDateTime(start): """convert a decimal Year format to a regular dataTime object""" year = int(start) rem = start - year base = datetime(year, 1, 1) return base + timedelta(seconds=(base.replace(year=base.year + 1) - base).total_seconds() * rem)
[docs] def timeStringToGregorianUTCMsg(DateSpice, **kwargs): """convert a general time/date string to a gregoarian UTC msg object""" # set the data path if 'dataPath' in kwargs: dataPath = kwargs['dataPath'] if not isinstance(dataPath, str): print('ERROR: dataPath must be a string argument') exit(1) else: dataPath = bskPath + '/supportData/EphemerisData/' # default value # load spice kernel and convert the string into a UTC date/time string pyswice.furnsh_c(dataPath + 'naif0012.tls') et = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1) pyswice.str2et_c(DateSpice, et) etEpoch = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(et, 0) ep1 = pyswice.et2utc_c(etEpoch, 'C', 6, 255, "Yo") pyswice.unload_c(dataPath + 'naif0012.tls') # leap second file # convert UTC string to datetime object datetime_object = datetime.strptime(ep1, '%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S.%f') # populate the epochMsg with the gregorian UTC date/time information epochMsgStructure = messaging.EpochMsgPayload() epochMsgStructure.year = datetime_object.year epochMsgStructure.month = datetime_object.month = epochMsgStructure.hours = datetime_object.hour epochMsgStructure.minutes = datetime_object.minute epochMsgStructure.seconds = datetime_object.second + datetime_object.microsecond / 1e6 epochMsg = messaging.EpochMsg().write(epochMsgStructure) epochMsg.this.disown() return epochMsg
[docs] def columnToRowList(set): """Loop through a column list and return a row list""" ans = [] for item in set: ans.append(item[0]) return ans
[docs] def checkMethodKeyword(karglist, kwargs): """loop through list of method keyword arguments and make sure that an approved keyword is used.""" for key in kwargs: if key not in karglist: print('ERROR: you tried to use an incorrect keyword ' + key + '. Options include:') print(karglist) exit(1)
[docs] def removeTimeFromData(dataList): """pull out the time column out of a 4xN data list""" return (dataList.transpose()[1:len(dataList[0])]).transpose()
[docs] def samplingTime(simTime, baseTimeStep, numDataPoints): """ Given a simulation duration, this routine returns a sampling time that yields the closest integer match to a desired number of sampling points Args: simTime: [ns] total simulation duration baseTimeStep: [ns] baseline sampling period numDataPoints: nominal desired number of data points over the simulation duration """ deltaTime = math.floor(simTime / baseTimeStep / (numDataPoints - 1)) * baseTimeStep if deltaTime < 1: deltaTime = 1 return deltaTime