Source code for test_gravityDynEffector

# ISC License
# Copyright (c) 2016, Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab, University of Colorado at Boulder
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

import inspect
import math
import os

import numpy as np

filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))

from Basilisk import __path__
bskPath = __path__[0]

from Basilisk.utilities import SimulationBaseClass
from Basilisk.utilities import unitTestSupport  # general support file with common unit test functions
from Basilisk.utilities import macros
from Basilisk.simulation import gravityEffector
from Basilisk.simulation import spiceInterface
from Basilisk.topLevelModules import pyswice
from Basilisk.utilities.pyswice_spk_utilities import spkRead
from Basilisk.simulation import stateArchitecture
from Basilisk.utilities import orbitalMotion as om
from Basilisk.architecture import messaging
from Basilisk.simulation.gravityEffector import loadGravFromFileToList

#script to check spherical harmonics calcs out to 20th degree
#Uses coefficient from Vallado tables D-1

def computeGravityTo20(positionVector):
    #This code follows the formulation in Vallado, page 521, second edition and uses data from UTexas CSR for
    #gravitation harmonics parameters
    #Written 201780807 by Scott Carnahan
    #AVS Lab | CU Boulder

    #positionVector - [x,y,z] coordinates list of spacecraft in [m] in earth body frame so that lat, long can be calculated

    def legendres(degree, alpha):
        P = np.zeros((degree+1,degree+1))
        P[0,0] = 1
        P[1,0] = alpha
        cosPhi = np.sqrt(1-alpha**2)
        P[1,1] = cosPhi

        for l in range(2,degree+1):
            for m in range(0,l+1):
                if m == 0 and l >= 2:
                    P[l,m] = ((2*l-1)*alpha*P[l-1,0]-(l-1)*P[l-2,0]) / l
                elif m != 0 and m < l:
                    P[l, m] = (P[l-2, m]+(2*l-1)*cosPhi*P[l-1,m-1])
                elif m == l and l != 0:
                    P[l,m] = (2*l-1)*cosPhi*P[l-1,m-1]
                    print(l,", ", m)
        return P

    maxDegree = 20
    cList = np.zeros(maxDegree+2)
    sList = np.zeros(maxDegree+2)
    muEarth = 0.
    radEarth = 0.
    [cList, sList, muEarth, radEarth]  = loadGravFromFileToList(path + '/GGM03S.txt', maxDegree+2)

    r = np.linalg.norm(positionVector)
    rHat = positionVector / r
    gHat = rHat
    grav0 = -gHat * muEarth / r**2

    rI = positionVector[0]
    rJ = positionVector[1]
    rK = positionVector[2]

    rIJ = np.sqrt(rI**2 + rJ**2)
    if rIJ != 0.:
        phi = math.atan(rK / rIJ) #latitude in radians
        phi = math.copysign(np.pi/2., rK)
    if rI != 0.:
        lambdaSat = math.atan(rJ / rI) #longitude in radians
        lambdaSat = math.copysign(np.pi/2., rJ)

    P = legendres(maxDegree+1,np.sin(phi))

    dUdr = 0.
    dUdphi = 0.
    dUdlambda = 0.

    for l in range(0, maxDegree+1):
        for m in range(0,l+1):
            if m == 0:
                k = 1
                k = 2
            num = math.factorial(l+m)
            den = math.factorial(l-m)*k*(2*l+1)
            PI = np.sqrt(float(num)/float(den))
            cList[l][m] = cList[l][m] / PI
            sList[l][m] = sList[l][m] / PI

    for l in range(2,maxDegree+1): #can only do for max degree minus 1
        for m in range(0,l+1):
            dUdr = dUdr + (((radEarth/r)**l)*(l+1)*P[l,m]) * (cList[l][m]*np.cos(m*lambdaSat)+sList[l][m]*np.sin(m*lambdaSat))
            dUdphi = dUdphi + (((radEarth/r)**l)*P[l,m+1] - m*np.tan(phi)*P[l,m]) * (cList[l][m]*np.cos(m*lambdaSat) + sList[l][m]*np.sin(m*lambdaSat))
            dUdlambda = dUdlambda + (((radEarth/r)**l)*m*P[l,m]) * (sList[l][m]*np.cos(m*lambdaSat) - cList[l][m]*np.sin(m*lambdaSat))

    dUdr = -muEarth * dUdr / r**2
    dUdphi = muEarth * dUdphi / r
    dUdlambda = muEarth * dUdlambda / r

    if rI != 0. and rJ != 0.:
        accelerationI = (dUdr/r - rK*dUdphi/(r**2)/((rI**2+rJ**2)**0.5))*rI - (dUdlambda/(rI**2+rJ**2))*rJ + grav0[0]
        accelerationJ = (dUdr/r - rK*dUdphi/(r**2)/((rI**2+rJ**2)**0.5))*rJ + (dUdlambda/(rI**2+rJ**2))*rI + grav0[1]
        accelerationI = dUdr/r + grav0[0]
        accelerationJ = dUdr/r + grav0[1]
    accelerationK = (dUdr/r)*rK + (((rI**2+rJ**2)**0.5)*dUdphi/(r**2)) + grav0[2]

    accelerationVector = [accelerationI, accelerationJ, accelerationK]

    return accelerationVector

# uncomment this line is this test is to be skipped in the global unit test run, adjust message as needed
# @pytest.mark.skipif(conditionstring)
# uncomment this line if this test has an expected failure, adjust message as needed
# @pytest.mark.xfail() # need to update how the RW states are defined
# provide a unique test method name, starting with test_
[docs] def test_gravityEffectorAllTest(show_plots): """Module Unit Test""" [testResults, testMessage] = independentSphericalHarmonics(show_plots) assert testResults < 1, testMessage [testResults, testMessage] = sphericalHarmonics(show_plots) assert testResults < 1, testMessage [testResults, testMessage] = singleGravityBody(show_plots) assert testResults < 1, testMessage [testResults, testMessage] = multiBodyGravity(show_plots) assert testResults < 1, testMessage
def independentSphericalHarmonics(show_plots): testCase = "independentCheck" # The __tracebackhide__ setting influences pytest showing of tracebacks: # the mrp_steering_tracking() function will not be shown unless the # --fulltrace command line option is specified. __tracebackhide__ = True testFailCount = 0 # zero unit test result counter testMessages = [] # create empty list to store test log messages spherHarm = gravityEffector.SphericalHarmonics() gravityEffector.loadGravFromFile(path + '/GGM03S.txt', spherHarm, 20) gravCheck = computeGravityTo20([15000., 10000., 6378.1363E3]) spherHarm.initializeParameters() gravOut = spherHarm.computeField([[15000.0], [10000.0], [(6378.1363) * 1.0E3]], 20, True) gravOutMag = np.linalg.norm(gravOut) gravCheckMag = np.linalg.norm(gravCheck) accuracy = 1e-12 relative = (gravCheckMag-gravOutMag)/gravCheckMag if abs(relative) > accuracy: testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("Failed independent spherical harmonics check") snippetName = testCase + 'Accuracy' snippetContent = '{:1.1e}'.format(accuracy) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. if testFailCount == 0: passFailText = 'PASSED' print("PASSED: " + testCase) colorText = 'ForestGreen' # color to write auto-documented "PASSED" message in in LATEX. snippetName = testCase + 'FailMsg' snippetContent = "" unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. else: passFailText = 'FAILED' colorText = 'Red' # color to write auto-documented "FAILED" message in in LATEX snippetName = testCase + 'FailMsg' snippetContent = passFailText for message in testMessages: snippetContent += ". " + message snippetContent += "." unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. snippetName = testCase + 'PassFail' # name of file to be written for auto-documentation which specifies if this test was passed or failed. snippetContent = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + passFailText + '}' # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. # return fail count and join into a single string all messages in the list # testMessage return [testFailCount, ''.join(testMessages)] def sphericalHarmonics(show_plots): testCase = 'sphericalHarmonics' # The __tracebackhide__ setting influences pytest showing of tracebacks: # the mrp_steering_tracking() function will not be shown unless the # --fulltrace command line option is specified. __tracebackhide__ = True testFailCount = 0 # zero unit test result counter testMessages = [] # create empty list to store test log messages spherHarm = gravityEffector.SphericalHarmonics() testHarm = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] spherHarm.cBar = gravityEffector.MultiArray(testHarm) vecCheckSuccess = True for i in range(len(spherHarm.cBar)): for j in range(len(spherHarm.cBar[i])): if spherHarm.cBar[i][j] != testHarm[i][j]: vecCheckSuccess = False if(vecCheckSuccess != True): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("2D vector not input appropriately to spherical harmonics") gravityEffector.loadGravFromFile(path + '/GGM03S.txt', spherHarm, 20) spherHarm.initializeParameters() gravOut = spherHarm.computeField([[0.0], [0.0], [(6378.1363)*1.0E3]], 20, True) gravMag = np.linalg.norm(np.array(gravOut)) accuracy = 0.1 gravExpected = 9.8 if gravMag > (gravExpected + accuracy) or gravMag < (gravExpected - accuracy): testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("Gravity magnitude not within allowable tolerance") snippetName = testCase + 'Accuracy' snippetContent = '{:1.1e}'.format(accuracy) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) #write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. try: spherHarm.computeField([[0.0], [0.0], [(6378.1363)*1.0E3]], 100, True) testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("Gravity ceiling not enforced correctly") except RuntimeError: pass # Great! We threw an error if testFailCount == 0: passFailText = 'PASSED' print("PASSED: " + " Spherical Harmonics") colorText = 'ForestGreen' # color to write auto-documented "PASSED" message in in LATEX. snippetName = testCase + 'FailMsg' snippetContent = "" unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. else: passFailText = 'FAILED' colorText = 'Red' # color to write auto-documented "FAILED" message in in LATEX snippetName = testCase + 'FailMsg' snippetContent = passFailText for message in testMessages: snippetContent += ". " + message snippetContent += "." unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. snippetName = testCase + 'PassFail' # name of file to be written for auto-documentation which specifies if this test was passed or failed. snippetContent = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + passFailText + '}' #write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) #write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. # return fail count and join into a single string all messages in the list # testMessage return [testFailCount, ''.join(testMessages)] def singleGravityBody(show_plots): testCase = 'singleBody' # The __tracebackhide__ setting influences pytest showing of tracebacks: # the mrp_steering_tracking() function will not be shown unless the # --fulltrace command line option is specified. __tracebackhide__ = True testFailCount = 0 # zero unit test result counter testMessages = [] # create empty list to store test log messages # Create a sim module as an empty container unitTaskName = "unitTask" # arbitrary name (don't change) unitProcessName = "TestProcess" # arbitrary name (don't change) DateSpice = "2015 February 10, 00:00:00.0 TDB" # Create a sim module as an empty container TotalSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass() DynUnitTestProc = TotalSim.CreateNewProcess(unitProcessName) # create the dynamics task and specify the integration update time DynUnitTestProc.addTask(TotalSim.CreateNewTask(unitTaskName, macros.sec2nano(0.1))) # Initialize the modules that we are using. SpiceObject = spiceInterface.SpiceInterface() SpiceObject.ModelTag = "SpiceInterfaceData" SpiceObject.SPICEDataPath = bskPath + '/supportData/EphemerisData/' SpiceObject.addPlanetNames(spiceInterface.StringVector(["earth", "mars barycenter", "sun"])) SpiceObject.UTCCalInit = DateSpice TotalSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, SpiceObject) SpiceObject.UTCCalInit = "1994 JAN 26 00:02:00.184" gravBody1 = gravityEffector.GravBodyData() gravBody1.planetName = "earth_planet_data" gravBody1.isCentralBody = False gravBody1.useSphericalHarmonicsGravityModel(path + '/GGM03S.txt', 60) gravBody1.planetBodyInMsg.subscribeTo(SpiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[0]) # Use the python spice utility to load in spacecraft SPICE ephemeris data # Note: this following SPICE data only lives in the Python environment, and is # separate from the earlier SPICE setup that was loaded to BSK. This is why # all required SPICE libraries must be included when setting up and loading # SPICE kernals in Python. pyswice.furnsh_c(bskPath + '/supportData/EphemerisData/de430.bsp') pyswice.furnsh_c(bskPath + '/supportData/EphemerisData/naif0012.tls') pyswice.furnsh_c(bskPath + '/supportData/EphemerisData/de-403-masses.tpc') pyswice.furnsh_c(bskPath + '/supportData/EphemerisData/pck00010.tpc') pyswice.furnsh_c(path + '/hst_edited.bsp') SpiceObject.UTCCalInit = "2012 MAY 1 00:02:00.184" stringCurrent = SpiceObject.UTCCalInit et = pyswice.new_doubleArray(1) dt = 1.0 pyswice.str2et_c(stringCurrent, et) etCurr = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(et, 0) normVec = [] gravErrNorm = [] SpiceObject.UTCCalInit = stringCurrent TotalSim.InitializeSimulation() gravBody1.initBody(0) newManager = stateArchitecture.DynParamManager() gravBody1.registerProperties(newManager) SpiceObject.UpdateState(0) for i in range(2*3600): stateOut = spkRead('HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE', stringCurrent, 'J2000', 'EARTH') etPrev =etCurr - 2.0 stringPrev = pyswice.et2utc_c(etPrev, 'C', 4, 1024, "Yo") statePrev = spkRead('HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE', stringPrev, 'J2000', 'EARTH') etNext =etCurr + 2.0 stringNext = pyswice.et2utc_c(etNext, 'C', 4, 1024, "Yo") stateNext = spkRead('HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE', stringNext, 'J2000', 'EARTH') gravVec = (stateNext[3:6] - statePrev[3:6])/(etNext - etPrev) normVec.append(np.linalg.norm(stateOut[0:3])) stateOut*=1000.0 SpiceObject.J2000Current = etCurr;SpiceObject.UpdateState(0) gravBody1.loadEphemeris() gravOut = gravBody1.computeGravityInertial(stateOut[0:3].reshape(3,1).tolist(), 0) gravErrNorm.append(np.linalg.norm(gravVec*1000.0 - np.array(gravOut).reshape(3))/ np.linalg.norm(gravVec*1000.0)) pyswice.str2et_c(stringCurrent, et) etCurr = pyswice.doubleArray_getitem(et, 0) etCurr += dt; stringCurrent = pyswice.et2utc_c(etCurr, 'C', 4, 1024, "Yo") accuracy = 1.0e-4 for gravErr in gravErrNorm: if gravErr > accuracy: testFailCount += 1 testMessages.append("Gravity numerical error too high for kernel comparison") break snippetName = testCase + 'Accuracy' snippetContent = '{:1.1e}'.format(accuracy) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) #write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. pyswice.unload_c(bskPath + '/supportData/EphemerisData/de430.bsp') pyswice.unload_c(bskPath + '/supportData/EphemerisData/naif0012.tls') pyswice.unload_c(bskPath + '/supportData/EphemerisData/de-403-masses.tpc') pyswice.unload_c(bskPath + '/supportData/EphemerisData/pck00010.tpc') pyswice.unload_c(path + '/hst_edited.bsp') if testFailCount == 0: passFailText = 'PASSED' print("PASSED: " + "Single-body with Spherical Harmonics") colorText = 'ForestGreen' # color to write auto-documented "PASSED" message in in LATEX snippetName = testCase + 'FailMsg' snippetContent = "" unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. else: passFailText = 'FAILED' colorText = 'Red' # color to write auto-documented "FAILED" message in in LATEX snippetName = testCase + 'FailMsg' snippetContent = passFailText for message in testMessages: snippetContent += ". " + message snippetContent += "." unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. snippetName = testCase + 'PassFail' # name of file to be written for auto-documentation which specifies if this test was passed or failed. snippetContent = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + passFailText + '}' #write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) #write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. # return fail count and join into a single string all messages in the list # testMessage return [testFailCount, ''.join(testMessages)]
[docs] def register(manager): """ populates the state engines dynParamManager with nominal values :param manager: :return: posVelSig, posVelSig """ positionName = "hubPosition" stateDim = [3, 1] posState = manager.registerState(stateDim[0], stateDim[1], positionName) posVelSig = [[0.], [0.], [0.]] posState.setState(posVelSig) velocityName = "hubVelocity" stateDim = [3, 1] velState = manager.registerState(stateDim[0], stateDim[1], velocityName) velState.setState(posVelSig) sigmaName = "hubSigma" stateDim = [3, 1] sigmaState = manager.registerState(stateDim[0], stateDim[1], sigmaName) sigmaState.setState(posVelSig) initC_B = [[0.0], [0.0], [0.0]] manager.createProperty("centerOfMassSC", initC_B) manager.createProperty("systemTime", [[0], [0.0]]) return
def multiBodyGravity(show_plots): testCase = 'multiBody' #for AutoTeX stuff # The __tracebackhide__ setting influences pytest showing of tracebacks: # the mrp_steering_tracking() function will not be shown unless the # --fulltrace command line option is specified. __tracebackhide__ = True testFailCount = 0 # zero unit test result counter testMessages = [] # create empty list to store test log messages # # # Create a sim module as an empty container unitTaskName = "unitTask" # arbitrary name (don't change) unitProcessName = "TestProcess" # arbitrary name (don't change) # DateSpice = "2015 February 10, 00:00:00.0 TDB" # # # Create a sim module as an empty container multiSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass() # DynUnitTestProc = multiSim.CreateNewProcess(unitProcessName) # # create the dynamics task and specify the integration update time DynUnitTestProc.addTask(multiSim.CreateNewTask(unitTaskName, macros.sec2nano(1000.0))) #Create dynParamManager to feed fake spacecraft data to so that the gravityEffector can access it. #This places the spacecraft at the coordinate frame origin so that planets can be placed around it. #velocity and attitude are just set to zero. #center of mass and time are set to zero. newManager = stateArchitecture.DynParamManager() register(newManager) #Create a message struct to place gravBody1 where it is wanted localPlanetEditor = messaging.SpicePlanetStateMsgPayload() localPlanetEditor.PositionVector = [om.AU/10., 0., 0.] localPlanetEditor.VelocityVector = [0., 0., 0.] localPlanetEditor.J20002Pfix = np.identity(3) #Grav Body 1 is twice the size of the other two gravBody1 = gravityEffector.GravBodyData() gravBody1.planetName = "gravBody1_planet_data" = 1000000. gravBody1.radEquator = 6500. gravBody1.isCentralBody = False gravBody1.localPlanet = localPlanetEditor #This is the gravityEffector which will actually compute the gravitational acceleration allGrav = gravityEffector.GravityEffector() allGrav.gravBodies = gravityEffector.GravBodyVector([gravBody1]) allGrav.linkInStates(newManager) allGrav.registerProperties(newManager) allGrav.Reset(0) multiSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, allGrav) posVelSig = [[0.], [0.], [0.]] allGrav.computeGravityField(posVelSig, posVelSig) #compute acceleration only considering the first body. step1 = newManager.getPropertyReference(allGrav.vehicleGravityPropName) #retrieve total gravitational acceleration in inertial frame #Create a message struct to place gravBody2&3 where they are wanted. localPlanetEditor.PositionVector = [-om.AU/10., 0., 0.] localPlanetEditor.VelocityVector = [0., 0., 0.] #grav Body 2 and 3 are coincident with each other, half the mass of gravBody1 and are in the opposite direction of gravBody1 gravBody2 = gravityEffector.GravBodyData() gravBody2.planetName = "gravBody2_planet_data" = gravBody2.radEquator = 6500. gravBody2.isCentralBody = False gravBody2.localPlanet = localPlanetEditor #This is the gravityEffector which will actually compute the gravitational acceleration newManager = stateArchitecture.DynParamManager() register(newManager) allGrav2 = gravityEffector.GravityEffector() allGrav2.gravBodies = gravityEffector.GravBodyVector([gravBody1, gravBody2]) allGrav2.linkInStates(newManager) allGrav2.registerProperties(newManager) allGrav2.Reset(0) multiSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, allGrav2) allGrav2.computeGravityField(posVelSig, posVelSig) #compute acceleration considering the first and second bodies. step2 = newManager.getPropertyReference(allGrav2.vehicleGravityPropName) #retrieve total gravitational acceleration in inertial frame # grav Body 2 and 3 are coincident with each other, half the mass of gravBody1 and are in the opposite direction of gravBody1 gravBody3 = gravityEffector.GravBodyData() gravBody3.planetName = "gravBody3_planet_data" = gravBody3.radEquator = 6500. gravBody3.isCentralBody = False gravBody3.localPlanet = localPlanetEditor #This is the gravityEffector which will actually compute the gravitational acceleration newManager = stateArchitecture.DynParamManager() register(newManager) allGrav3 = gravityEffector.GravityEffector() allGrav3.gravBodies = gravityEffector.GravBodyVector([gravBody1, gravBody2, gravBody3]) allGrav3.linkInStates(newManager) allGrav3.registerProperties(newManager) allGrav3.Reset(0) multiSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, allGrav3) allGrav3.computeGravityField(posVelSig, posVelSig) #comput acceleration considering all three bodies step3 = newManager.getPropertyReference(allGrav3.vehicleGravityPropName) #retrieve total gravitational acceleration in inertial frame step3 = [0., step3[0][0], step3[1][0], step3[2][0]] #add a first (time) column to use isArrayZero #Test results for accuracy accuracy = 1e-12 snippetName = testCase + 'Accuracy' snippetContent = '{:1.1e}'.format(accuracy) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) #write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. if not unitTestSupport.isDoubleEqualRelative(step2[0][0]/step1[0][0], 0.5, accuracy): #if the second grav body doesn't cancel exactly half of the first body's acceleration. testFailCount += 1 passFailText = "Step 2 was not half of step 1" testMessages.append(passFailText) elif not unitTestSupport.isArrayZero(step3, 3, accuracy): #if the net acceleration is not now 0. testFailCount += 1 passFailText = "Step 3 did not cause gravity to return to 0" testMessages.append(passFailText) #Record test results to LaTeX if testFailCount == 0: passFailText = 'PASSED' print("PASSED: " + " Multi-Body") colorText = 'ForestGreen' # color to write auto-documented "PASSED" message in in LATEX snippetName = testCase + 'FailMsg' snippetContent = "" unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. else: passFailText = 'FAILED' colorText = 'Red' # color to write auto-documented "FAILED" message in in LATEX snippetName = testCase + 'FailMsg' snippetContent = passFailText for message in testMessages: snippetContent += ". " + message snippetContent += "." unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) # write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. snippetName = testCase + 'PassFail' # name of file to be written for auto-documentation which specifies if this test was passed or failed. snippetContent = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + passFailText + '}' #write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippetName, snippetContent, path) #write formatted LATEX string to file to be used by auto-documentation. return [testFailCount, ''.join(testMessages)] if __name__ == "__main__": # test_gravityEffectorAllTest(False) # independentSphericalHarmonics(False) # sphericalHarmonics(False) # singleGravityBody(True) multiBodyGravity(True)