# Unit Test Script
# Module Name: ephemNavConverter
# Creation Date: October 16, 2018
import inspect
import os
from Basilisk.architecture import messaging
from Basilisk.fswAlgorithms import ephemNavConverter
from Basilisk.utilities import SimulationBaseClass, unitTestSupport, macros
from Basilisk.utilities import astroFunctions
filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))
def test_ephemNavConverter():
""" Test ephemNavConverter. """
[testResults, testMessage] = ephemNavConverterTestFunction()
assert testResults < 1, testMessage
def ephemNavConverterTestFunction():
""" Test the ephemNavConverter module. Setup a simulation """
testFailCount = 0 # zero unit test result counter
testMessages = [] # create empty array to store test log messages
unitTaskName = "unitTask" # arbitrary name (don't change)
unitProcessName = "TestProcess" # arbitrary name (don't change)
# Create a sim module as an empty container
unitTestSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass()
# Create test thread
testProcessRate = macros.sec2nano(0.5) # update process rate update time
testProc = unitTestSim.CreateNewProcess(unitProcessName)
testProc.addTask(unitTestSim.CreateNewTask(unitTaskName, testProcessRate)) # Add a new task to the process
# Construct the ephemNavConverter module
# Set the names for the input messages
ephemNav = ephemNavConverter.ephemNavConverter()
# This calls the algContain to setup the selfInit, update, and reset
ephemNav.ModelTag = "ephemNavConverter"
# Add the module to the task
unitTestSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, ephemNav)
# Create the input message.
inputEphem = messaging.EphemerisMsgPayload()
# Get the Earth's position and velocity
position, velocity = astroFunctions.Earth_RV(astroFunctions.JulianDate([2018, 10, 16]))
inputEphem.r_BdyZero_N = position
inputEphem.v_BdyZero_N = velocity
inputEphem.timeTag = 1.0 # sec
inMsg = messaging.EphemerisMsg().write(inputEphem)
dataLog = ephemNav.stateOutMsg.recorder()
unitTestSim.AddModelToTask(unitTaskName, dataLog)
# Initialize the simulation
# The result isn't going to change with more time. The module will continue to produce the same result
unitTestSim.ConfigureStopTime(testProcessRate) # seconds to stop simulation
posAcc = 1e1
velAcc = 1e-4
outputR = dataLog.r_BN_N
outputV = dataLog.v_BN_N
outputTime = dataLog.timeTag
trueR = [position, position]
trueV = [velocity, velocity]
trueTime = [inputEphem.timeTag, inputEphem.timeTag]
# At each timestep, make sure the vehicleConfig values haven't changed from the initial values
testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArrayND(trueR, outputR,
"ephemNavConverter output Position",
2, testFailCount, testMessages)
testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareArrayND(trueV, outputV,
"ephemNavConverter output Velocity",
2, testFailCount, testMessages)
testFailCount, testMessages = unitTestSupport.compareDoubleArray(trueTime, outputTime,
"ephemNavConverter output Time",
testFailCount, testMessages)
# print out success message if no error were found
snippentName = "passFail"
if testFailCount == 0:
colorText = 'ForestGreen'
print("PASSED: " + ephemNav.ModelTag)
passedText = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + "PASSED" + '}'
colorText = 'Red'
print("Failed: " + ephemNav.ModelTag)
passedText = r'\textcolor{' + colorText + '}{' + "Failed" + '}'
unitTestSupport.writeTeXSnippet(snippentName, passedText, path)
return [testFailCount, ''.join(testMessages)]
if __name__ == '__main__':