
This section refers to a deprecated way of logging variables. Refer to previous documentation pages for the updated way.

Deprecated: Setting and Recording Module VariablesΒΆ

The deprecated SimulationBaseClass method to record a module variable is:

scSim.AddVariableForLogging( variableString, recordingTime, indexStart==0, indexStop==0)

Here variableString must be composed of the module tag string, a period and the variable name. The examples above illustrate how to apply this method for a C or C++ module variable.

The recordingTime variable is the minimum time that must pass, in nano-seconds again, before the module variable is recorded.

The optional integer arguments indexStart and indexStop are defaulted to zero, resulting in a single value being recorded. As this example is also recording a 3-dimensional array dumVector, it is recorded by setting the start and end index to 0 and 2 respectively.

After executing the script, the recorded variables are retrieved in general using the SimulationBaseClass method:


Here variableString is again composed of the ModelTag and variable name as before. Note that the returned array has a first column that represents the time where the variable is recorded in nano-seconds. Executing the script you should thus see the following output: