.. _FAQwindows: FAQ: Microsoft Windows ====================== The following Frequency Answer Questions are specific for the Microsoft Windows operating system. #. I'm having trouble running ``pytest`` on Windows from within the ``src`` directory. It is recommended to run the ``pytest-xdist`` version which allows multi-threaded executions using ``pytest -n 8`` for 8 threads, for example. See :ref:`installOptionalPackages` for more information on installing ``pytest-xdist``. #. I have upgraded to Basilisk version 1.8.0 or newer and I'm following the revised build process. However, I'm seeing warnings in the terminal window saying I don't have the correct python packages installed when I know that I do, and error messages about ``conan`` commands. You are likely installed ``conan`` using the binary download link from the conan web site. This installs a self-contained binary, including it's own copy of Python. With 1.8.0 and higher it is recommended to avoid installing the conan binary and using ``pip install conan`` instead. This ensures that the conan, and associated support packages, are installed for the particular version of python that you want to run.