.. _mappingInstrument: Module: mappingInstrument ========================= Executive Summary ----------------- This module receives a vector of accessMsgPayloads and outputs a vector of DataNodeUsageMsgPayloads for each accessible point. This module is meant to keep track of which points have been imaged, and which have not, passing the output messages to a :ref:`partitionedStorageUnit` module. Module Assumptions and Limitations ---------------------------------- This module assumes a single baudRate for all mapping points. This module provides a zero baudRate for points that are not accessible. Message Connection Descriptions ------------------------------- The following table lists all the module input and output messages. The module msg connection is set by the user from python. The msg type contains a link to the message structure definition, while the description provides information on what this message is used for. .. list-table:: Module I/O Messages :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Msg Variable Name - Msg Type - Description * - accessInMsgs - :ref:`AccessMsgPayload` - vector of ground location input access messages * - dataNodeOutMsgs - :ref:`DataNodeUsageMsgPayload` - vector of data node output messages User Guide ---------- To use this module, the user must first instantiate the module .. code-block:: python mapInstrument = mappingInstrument.mappingInstrument() mapInstrument.ModelTag = "mapInstrument" The user must then set the nodeBaudRate, in bits/second, within the module. This is a required parameter. .. code-block:: python mapInstrument.nodeBaudRate = 1 The mapping points and names should then be added to the module one at a time. The access message is the ``accessMsg`` associated with the point. The ``pointName`` is the name of the point. .. code-block:: python mapInstrument.addMappingPoint(accessMsg, pointName) Finally, logs for every mapping point can be created as follows. In this example, N = 1: .. code-block:: python dataLogs = [] for idx in range(0, N): dataLogs.append(mapInstrument.dataNodeOutMsgs[idx].recorder()) scSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, dataLogs[idx]) ---- .. autodoxygenfile:: mappingInstrument.h :project: mappingInstrument