.. _mrpPD: Module: mrpPD ============= Executive Summary ----------------- This module provides a MRP based PD attitude control module. It is similar to :ref:`mrpFeedback`, but without the RW or the integral feedback option. The feedback control is able to asymptotically track a reference attitude if there are no unknown dynamics and the attitude control torque is implemented with a thruster set. Message Connection Descriptions ------------------------------- The following table lists all the module input and output messages. The module msg variable name is set by the user from python. The msg type contains a link to the message structure definition, while the description provides information on what this message is used for. .. _ModuleIO_MRPPD: .. figure:: /../../src/fswAlgorithms/attControl/mrpPD/_Documentation/Images/moduleIOMrpPd.svg :align: center Figure 1: ``mrpPD()`` Module I/O Illustration .. table:: Module I/O Messages :widths: 25 25 100 +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Msg Variable Name | Msg Type | Description | +===============================+===============================+===============================================+ | cmdTorqueOutMsg | :ref:`CmdTorqueBodyMsgPayload`| Commanded external torque output message | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | vehConfigInMsg | :ref:`VehicleConfigMsgPayload`| Vehicle configuration input message | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | guidInMsg | :ref:`VehicleConfigMsgPayload`| Vehicle configuration input message | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ Detailed Module Description --------------------------- This attitude feedback module using the MRP feedback control related to the control in section 8.4.1 in `Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems `_: .. math:: :label: eq-mrppd-1 {\bf L}_{r} = -K \pmb\sigma - [P] \delta\pmb\omega + [I](\dot{\pmb\omega}_{r} - [\tilde{\pmb\omega}]\pmb\omega_{r}) +[\tilde{\pmb \omega}_{r}] ] [I]\pmb\omega - \bf L Note that this control solution creates an external control torque which must be produced with a cluster of thrusters. No reaction wheel information is used here. Further, the feedback control component is a simple proportional and derivative feedback formulation. As shown in `Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems `_, this control can asymptotically track a general reference trajectory given by the reference frame :math:`\cal R`. Module Assumptions and Limitations ---------------------------------- This control assumes the spacecraft is rigid and that the inertia tensor does not vary with time. User Guide ---------- The following parameters must be set for the module: - ``K``: the MRP proportional feedback gain - ``P``: the :math:`\pmb\omega` tracking error proportional feedback gain - ``knownTorquePntB_B``: (Optional) the known external torque vector :math:`{}^{B}{\bf L}`. The default value is a zero vector. ---- .. autodoxygenfile:: mrpPD.h :project: mrpPD